Port "Software Foundations" to LiquidHaskell
- VFA -> Perm -> Sort -> Selection -> SearchTree -> Redblack
-> Trie
-> Multiset `-> ADT -> Priqueue -> Binom
[*] VFA
[*] Perm
[*] Sort
type State = St { ptr :: STRef Int }
type ST a = State -> (a, State)
- {-@ TODO:LH #1004 thmInsertSorted :: x:a -> ys:{List a | sorted ys} -> { sorted (insert x ys) } @-}
- {-@ TODO:LH #1004 thmSortSorted :: xs:List a -> { sorted (sort xs) } @-}
- ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell#1004
Maybe the below is crap; just prove the law* for each map implementation.
data Map k v <r :: k -> v -> bool>
init :: val:v -> Map <{\ _ v -> v = val}> k v
empty :: Map k v <{\key val -> False}>
get :: key:k -> Map<r> k v -> v<r key>
put :: key:k -> val:v -> Map<r> k v ->
You get to assume these.
lawStoreEmp :: key:k
-> { sel key emp = None }
lawStoreEq :: key:k -> val:v -> s:Store k v
-> { sel key (sto key val s) = s }
lawStoreNe :: key':k -> key:{k | key /= key'} -> val:v -> s:Store k v
-> { sel key' (sto key val s) = sel key' s }
A "proof" of equivalence is a function of the below type,
that says that a dictionary m
is equivalent to the store s
type Eq m s = key:k -> { get key m = sel m s }
Suppose you have an implementation of a Map
with the following API:
empty :: Map k v
get :: k -> Map k v -> Option v
put :: k -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
To prove a given implementation of a Map
is correct, show that:
thmEmp :: Eq empty emp
thmPut :: m:Map k v -> s:{Store k v | Eq m s} -> key:k -> val:v
-> { Eq (put key val m) (sto key val s) }
{-@ measure permutation :: List a -> List a -> Bool @-}
data Permutation a where
PermNil :: { permutation Nil Nil }
PermSkip :: x:a -> l:List a -> l':List a -> { permutation l l' } ->
{ permutation (Cons x l) (Cons x l') }
PermSwap :: x:a -> y:a -> l:List A ->
{ permutation (Cons x (Cons y l)) (Cons x (Cons y l)) }
PermTrans :: l1:List a -> l2: List a -> l3:List a ->
{ permutation l1 l2 } -> {permutation l2 l3} ->
{ permutation l1 l3 }
Inductive Permutation {A : Type} : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
perm_nil : Permutation
| perm_skip : forall (x : A) (l l' : list A),
Permutation l l' ->
Permutation (x :: l) (x :: l')
| perm_swap : forall (x y : A) (l : list A),
Permutation (y :: x :: l) (x :: y :: l)
| perm_trans : forall l l' l'' : list A,
Permutation l l' ->
Permutation l' l'' ->
Permutation l l''.