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Document some more LHNameResolution.hs and adjust function names
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facundominguez committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent 0e9b29c commit 6247cee
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 16 deletions.
76 changes: 60 additions & 16 deletions liquidhaskell-boot/src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/LHNameResolution.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,42 @@
-- | This module provides a GHC 'Plugin' that allows LiquidHaskell to be hooked directly into GHC's
-- compilation pipeline, facilitating its usage and adoption.
-- | This module provides functions to resolve names in specs.
-- There are two major namespaces in LH:
-- 1) The names of Haskell entities
-- 2) The names of logic entities
-- At the moment LH resolves names to Haskell entities, while resolving logic
-- entities remains work in progress.
-- Haskell entities include all functions that LH might reflect, or types that
-- might be referred in refinment types, type aliases or other annotations.
-- Logic entities include the names of reflected functions, inlined functions,
-- uninterpreted functions, predefined functions, local bindings, reflected data
-- constructors and parameters of Haskell functions in specs of other local
-- bindings.
-- The resolution pipeline goes as follows.
-- * First the module specs are parsed into a 'BareSpecParsed'.
-- Here all names are unresolved.
-- * Next the names of Haskell entities are resolved by 'resolveLHNames'.
-- For now, this pass doesn't change the type of the names.
-- * Next the names of logic entities are resolved. This pass produces
-- a 'BareSpecLHName', where 'Symbol's are replaced with 'LHName'. At
-- the moment most LHNames are just wrappers over the symbols. As name
-- resolution is implemented for logic names, the wrappers will be
-- replaced with the actual result of name resolution.
-- 'BareSpecLHName' has a bijection to 'BareSpec' via a 'LogicNameEnv'
-- which allows to convert 'LHName' to an unambiguous form of 'Symbol'
-- and back. The bijection is implemented with the functions 'toBareSpecLHName'
-- and 'fromBareSpecLHName'. This allows to use liquid-fixpoint functions
-- unmodified as they will continue to operate on (now unambiguous) Symbols.
-- At the same time, the 'BareSpecLHName' form is kept to serialize and to
-- resolve names of modules that import the specs.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,10 +126,12 @@ resolveLHNames cfg thisModule localVars impMods globalRdrEnv lmap bareSpec0 depe
makeInScopeExprEnv impMods thisModule bareSpec0 dependencies
(bs, (es, ns)) =
flip runState mempty $ do
-- A generic traversal that resolves names of Haskell entities
sp1 <- mapMLocLHNames (\l -> (<$ l) <$> resolveLHName l) $
fixExpressionArgsOfTypeAliases taliases bareSpec0
-- Now we do a second traversal to resolve logic names
fromBareSpecLHName <$>
resolveExprNames cfg inScopeEnv globalRdrEnv unhandledNames lmap localVars sp1
resolveLogicNames cfg inScopeEnv globalRdrEnv unhandledNames lmap localVars sp1
logicNameEnv' =
foldr (uncurry insertSEnv) logicNameEnv [ (logicNameToSymbol n, n) | n <- ns]
in if null es then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +223,9 @@ resolveLHNames cfg thisModule localVars impMods globalRdrEnv lmap bareSpec0 depe
Just (c, _) -> Char.isUpper c || c == ':'
Nothing -> False

-- | Resolving logic names can produce errors and new names to add to the
-- environment. New names might be produced when encountering data constructors
-- or functions from the logic map.
type RenameOutput = ([Error], [LHName])

addError :: Error -> State RenameOutput ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,7 +471,7 @@ collectLiftedSpecLogicNames sp =
, map (makeLocalLHName . LH.dropModuleNames . eqName) $ HS.toList $ liftedAxeqs sp

:: Config
-> InScopeExprEnv
-> GHC.GlobalRdrEnv
Expand All @@ -438,23 +480,25 @@ resolveExprNames
-> LocalVars
-> BareSpecParsed
-> State RenameOutput BareSpecLHName
resolveExprNames cfg env globalRdrEnv unhandledNames lmap localVars sp =
resolveLogicNames cfg env globalRdrEnv unhandledNames lmap0 localVars sp =
(bscope cfg)
(map localVarToSymbol . maybe [] lvdLclEnv . (GHC.lookupNameEnv (lvNames localVars) <=< getLHGHCName))
(emapBareTypeVM (bscope cfg) resolveName)
(emapBareTypeVM (bscope cfg) resolveLogicName)
localVarToSymbol = F.symbol . GHC.occNameString . GHC.nameOccName . GHC.varName

resolveName :: [Symbol] -> LocSymbol -> State RenameOutput LHName
resolveName ss ls
resolveLogicName :: [Symbol] -> LocSymbol -> State RenameOutput LHName
resolveLogicName ss ls
| elem s ss = return $ makeLocalLHName s
| otherwise =
case lookupInScopeExprEnv env s of
Left alts ->
case resolveDataConName ls `mplus` resolveVarName ls of
-- If names are not in the environment, they must be data constructors,
-- or they must be in the logicmap.
case resolveDataConName ls `mplus` resolveVarName lmap0 ls of
Just m -> m
Nothing -> do
unless (HS.member s unhandledNames) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,10 +560,10 @@ resolveExprNames cfg env globalRdrEnv unhandledNames lmap localVars sp =
return $ makeLocalLHName $ val s

resolveVarName s
resolveVarName _ s
| val s == "GHC.Internal.Base.." = Just $ do
return $ makeLocalLHName $ val s
resolveVarName s =
resolveVarName lmap s =
case GHC.lookupGRE globalRdrEnv (mkLookupGRE (LHVarName LHAnyModuleNameF) (val s)) of
[e] -> do
let n = GHC.greName e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,14 +597,14 @@ toBareSpecLHName cfg env sp0 = runIdentity $ go sp0
(bscope cfg)
(const [])
(emapBareTypeVM (bscope cfg) resolveName)
(emapBareTypeVM (bscope cfg) symbolToLHName)

unhandledNames = HS.fromList $ map fst $ expSigs sp0

resolveName :: [Symbol] -> Symbol -> Identity LHName
resolveName ss s
symbolToLHName :: [Symbol] -> Symbol -> Identity LHName
symbolToLHName ss s
| elem s ss = return $ makeLocalLHName s
| otherwise =
case lookupSEnv s env of
Expand Down

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