Please use our lastest version, we have migrated our server.
Android/ The Android project of CRISPR-X
desktop/ The desktop version of CRISPR-X
server/ The back-end of CRISPR-X, mainly calculation core written in C/C++
Bacteria War/ The game of CRISPR-X
release/ The compiled applications
doc/ The test and APIs documentation
.travis.yml Provide Travis CI automatically build and Coveralls auto-test.
Find potential CRISPR/Cas9 sgRNAs and give a genome-wide evaluation.
On Android, provide a form to submit model organism, RFC, target gene. Communicate with the server through JSON to get the result.
- add wiki page link.
- add history recording.
- beautify the UI design.
- Enhance the task push service.
- optimize some logic operation, more efficient.
- Analysis secondary structure and enzyme cutting sites.
Manually test passed.
Java program to support multiple desktop platforms. Provide the same functions as Android version.
- More friendly User Interface.
- Enable upload customized genome data.
- Analysis secondary structure and enzyme cutting sites.
Manually test passed.
A funny Android game, propagate iGEM ideas.