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TrEd - Tree Editor - central release/distribution directory

Directory structure:

    admin/             - auxiliary scripts used by Makefile
    dist/              - distribution tree w/ compiled documentation (used to create distribution packages)
                         This is tree should be considered READ-ONLY, you cannot commit changes from here!
    extensions/        - TrEd extensions (svn checkout from
                         You can make changes here and commit, but note that this is also the tree
                         from which extensions are packaged.
    osx_install/       - Stuff related to releasing Mac OS X TrEd application packages.
	                     (see osx_install/doc for more information)
    tred/              - Symlink pointing to new tred_refactored/.
    tred_refactored/   - TrEd working copy (svn checkout from
                         You can make changes here and commit.
    unix_install/      - packages and installation script for TrEd dependencies
    win32_install/     - content of the windows setup (except for TrEd itself)
    win32_ppm/         - Perl module packages for ActivePerl and tools to fetch them
    win32_strawberry/  -
    HOWTO              -
    Makefile           - makefile for releasing TrEd
    README             - describes the process of releasing TrEd

Installing and Releasing TrEd
All actions are available directly from Makefile. The make utility plays the
role of universal interface for all basic operations. The scripts that perform
these operations are implemented in admin/ scripts. All scripts (thus makefile
actions as well) are configured in admin/ file.

[OLD: Please note that all operations (except install) require the user to be present
in UFAL VLAN as all operations require some level of cooperation with our server (which is being used as testing
and releasing platform). It is also strongly recommended to have SSH certificate
for password-free login to virtualbox server (user 'tred'), otherwise the
releasing (testing, ...) process will not be completely unattended. ]

Currently to be present in UFAL VLAN is not required. You only have to have access
to [email protected] (TODO: Change this restriction) to be able release
mac version of TrEd.

Makefile Operations

Top level operations: (these operations are ment to be invoked by anyone)

    install         - Install fresh TrEd to local directory <svn>/local_install.
                      The <svn> denotes directory, where the TrEd SVN checkout
					  is. This is the only target that does not require the UFAL
					  VLAN access.
    release         - Prepares complete release (TrEd installers for all
	                  platforms, documentation, web, extensions, ...) and
                    [OLD: upload it to testbed website (see releasing process for details).]
                    copy it to <svn>/local_www
	                  In fact, the release target just calls release-core and
					  release-mac targets (described below).
    test            - Connects remotely to virtualbox server and executes TrEd
                      testing on various platforms. Please note that the testing
                      process takes serious amount of time (hours). Testing
                      downloads installers and other necessary files from
					  testbed website.
    publish         - Copy TrEd release which is currently present in
                      [OLD: testbed] <svn>/local_www to
                      the TrEd's public web. It also fixes absolute URLs where
    testbed-status  - Checks and prints the status of the testbed. The testbed
                      master is booted if necessary and status of all testing
					  VMs is printed. If some of them are not OK, the testing
					  cannot be executed. It is strongly recommended to check
					  the testbed status before starting any tests.
    testbed-clear   - Remove old testing results (snapshots) from testing VMs.
                      It is strongly recommended to clear the testbed after any
                      testing if the VMs are not to be examined manually.

Other operations: (these operations are ment to be invoked by experienced users
and they are usually a part of top-level operations)

    prereq          - Check prerequisites for making a TrEd release. Several
	                  PERL modules, development libraries and tools are required.
					  This check can be also executed manualy if one wants to
					  prepeare its system for releasing.
    check-net       - Check whether the current PC can access the virtualbox
                      server (which is in UFAL VLAN).
    release-core    - Create TrEd release except for the Mac package. Windows
                      and universal unix installers are created as well as the
                      documentation, the web, and the extensions. [OLD: The releasing
                      process uploads newly created release to the testbed
					  website. The core release does not require access to the
					  virtualbox server, except for the last part, when the
					  release is being uploaded to the testbed website. If the
					  upload fails, the release is in <svn>/local_www/tred
					  directory and the upload can be re-attempted by invoking
					  sync-testbed-www target.] The release is in <svn>/local_www/tred
            after this step.
    release-mac     - Removes previous backup
                      Backups current release
                      to, upload
                      files (install_tred.bash, tred-current.tar.gz, tred-dep-unix.tar.gz)
                      from <svn>/local_www/tred to
                      then tries to svn update and then creates release and downloads
                      to <svn>/local_www/tred
              [OLD: - Takes unix installer of the TrEd (from testbed website),
                      builds an application bundle for Mac, and uploads the dmg
                      package to the testbed.]
    sync-testbed-www - see release-core

Releasing Process
The releasing process is slightly complicated. Normally, the complete release is
invoked by 'make release test publish'. The release target creates complete TrEd
release and uploads everything to the testbed website. The test target invokes
complete release testing on the testbed infrastructure. Finally, the publish
target copies the release from testbed website to the public TrEd web on UFAL.

The testbed website is located on server at
/var/www/tred/testbed. A lighttp server is running on virtualbox and a tunel is
set from to virtualbox:80, so the testbed is also
accessible from outside.


The releasing process has following steps
1) Prerequisites are checked (make prereq). This step verifies that everything
   is installed on the target machine (Perl, CPAN modules, development libraries,
   and some specific tools like NSIS or 7zip).
2) The dist/ dir is updated (make update-dist-dir). The update makes fresh SVN
   export and updates changelog and version number in it. Then the documentation
   is compiled from DocBook and POD). It also updates extensions directory in
   the SVN checkout.
   The dist/ update is almost atomic. The new dist is built in a new directory
   and it is swaped with the old one by two mv operations.
3) Update and prepare the dependency packages -- CPAN modules and libraries
   (make build-dep-package) for the unix install script and the windows
4) Prepare and pack TrEd extensions (make pack-extensions)
5) Assemble everything (installers, documentation, extensions, ...) together
   into local_web directorty (make prepare-tred-web-release).
6) Upload the contents of local_www to the testbed website. It is strongly
   recommended that the user has SSH certificate uploaded to virtualbox, so it
   will not require password. The checkout in master-VM has its certificate set.
7) The release-mac target is invoked. It connects to via SSH
   as kopp user (TODO fix). Removes previous backup
  Backups current release
  to, upload files (install_tred.bash,
  tred-current.tar.gz, tred-dep-unix.tar.gz) from <svn>/local_www/tred
  to then tries to svn update and then
  creates release and downloads
  to <svn>/local_www/tred
   The release-mac target is invoked. It connects to virtualbox via SSH as tred
   user and invokes ~/ script. This script connects to Mac Mini
   (again via SSH as tred user) and invokes /Users/tred/ script
   there. This two-way dispatching is necessary, as the user may not need to
   know how to reach our Mac Mini.
   The building script checks the status of tred-devel-osx10.7_64 VM, which is
   designated for creating TrEd application bundle for Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) and
   10.8 (Mountain Lion). If the VM is ok, it is started and two scripts
   ( and are invoked. These scripts are present in
   osx_install/scripts directory. Details about mac releasing process are
   also described in separate documentation in osx_install dir. The upload
   script uploads the dmg package also to the testbed website.


Currently testing does not work as mac mini and testbend is not running and they
are not about to run.

The make test target connects to virtualbox via SSH and invokes the
script in /home/tred as 'tred' user. The script makes sure the testbed-master
VM is up and running, connects there by SSH (using certificate verification) and
executes the /home/tred/testbed/ script. This script uses SSH to
manage (start/stop, etc.) testing VMs both on virtualbox server (in Virtual Box)
and on Mac Mini (in VMware Fusion).

These VMs are started one by one, and the puppeteer tool is used to access them.
The puppeteer uploads testing scenario and invokes inspector tool, that executes
the scenario. Scenarios are tailored for each platform. In general, the scenario
downloads necessary installation files from testbed website, installs TrEd, and
briefly tests it (whether the TrEd starts and loads a sample file). When the
testing of TrEd concludes, the VM is turned off and the testing script continues
with next VM. The results (installed TrEd, install log etc.) are kept in the
master VM and summary log is displayed at the end of the testing.

The testing takes some time as the server does not have enough hardware
resources and only one another VM (except for the master) can be up at a time.
One installation and testing cycle takes approx. 30 minutes (depending on the
OS). However, the testing should not be skipped before the TrEd is published.


Release is taken from <svn>/local_www/tred and in is tesed whether all parts
of release are present there and
The make publish target connects to virtualbox via SSH and invokes the
/home/tred/ script as 'tred' user. The publish script check that
a release is present on testbed website (which is also on virtualbox server) and
uses rsync to copy the release to server at /home/www/html/tred.
It also fixes absolute URLs in install_tred.bash and the documentation. User
is supposed to have an account at, which has sufficient rights
to write in the tred directory. The script will prompt for login and password.