ODDPub is a text mining algorithm that parses a set of publications and detects which publications disseminated Open Data or Open Code together with the publication. It is tailored towards biomedical literature.
Nico Riedel, Miriam Kip, Evgeny Bobrov ([email protected]) - QUEST Center for Transforming Biomedical Research, Berlin Institute of Health
More information on the development and validation of the algorithm can be found in the publication https://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2020-042. The related training and validation datasets can be found under https://osf.io/yv5rx/.
The latest version of the algorithm is structured as an R package and can easily be installed with the following command:
# install.packages("devtools") # if devtools currently not installed
The algorithm searches for several categories of similar keywords in each sentence. Multiple categories have to match for a single sentence to trigger a detection. Among keyword categories are categories for specific biomedical repositories as well as their corresponding accession numbers (as regular expressions), general-purpose repositories or different file formats typically used to distribute raw data in the supplement.
Additionally, Open Code dissemination is detected using keywords categories for source code or code repositories.
The package exposes four functions that allow the following workflow:
oddpub::pdf_convert(PDF_folder, output_folder)
Converts PDFs contained in one folder to txt-files and saves them into the output folder.
PDF_text_sentences <- oddpub::pdf_load(pdf_text_folder)
Loads all text files from given folder.
open_data_results <- oddpub::open_data_search(PDF_text_sentences)
Actual Open Data detection. Returns for each file if Open Data or Open Code is detected. Additionally returns the identified Open Data/Code categories as well as the detected sentences, which can be deactivated using the additional parameter detected_sentences = FALSE
open_data_results <- oddpub::open_data_search_parallel(PDF_text_sentences)
Paralellized version of the algorithm that starts several parallel processes using the foreach and doParallel package to speed up the detection. Number of processes can be set with the parameter cluster_num
(default value: 4).
To validate the algorithm, we manually screened a sample of 792 publications that were randomly selected from PubMed. On this validation dataset, our algorithm detects Open Data publications with a sensitivity of 0.73 and specificity of 0.97.
In the following, we give an overview over the different parts of the keywords used in the algorithm
Those are the combined keyword categories that are searched in the full text. If a hit was detected in any of these combined categories, the paper is flagged as Open Data. For definitions of the individual keyword categories, see below.
Combined Keyword Category | Keywords |
Supplemental table or data | SUPPLEMENTAL_TABLE NEAR_WD(10) (FILE_FORMATS OR ALL_DATA) |
Supplementary raw/full data with specific file format | (ALL_DATA NOT NOT_DATA) NEAR_WD(10) FILE_FORMATS |
Data availability statement | DATA_AVAILABILITY NEAR_WD(30) (“doi” OR ACCESSION_NR OR REPOSITORIES) |
Additionally, the detection of Open Code statements is done with the following keywords:
Combined Keyword Category | Keywords |
Supplementary Source-code | SOURCE_CODE NEAR SUPPLEMENT |
Individual keyword categories:
Definitions | Description | Keywords |
x NEAR y | Are the two keywords (or groups of keywords) x and y in the same sentence? | |
x NEAR_WD(n) y | Second definition of NEAR. This time counts how many words are between the two keywords. If the number lies below a cutoff value (e.g. 10 words), the two input words are considered "near". This additional definition is needed for cases like "S2 Table. Raw data. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0158039.s002 (XLS)" | |
NOT y | y is not included in the same sentence | |
AVAILABLE | Abbreviation for a set of words that frequently occur to denote that the data have been made available in some way | ("included" OR "deposited" OR "released" OR "is provided" OR "are provided" OR "contained in" OR "available" OR "reproduce" OR "accessible" OR "can be accessed" OR "submitted" OR "can be downloaded" OR "reported in" OR "uploaded" OR "are public on") |
WAS_AVAILABLE | Set of words that indicate that data is not made available in the paper, but instead that data from a different source was used | ("was provided" OR "were provided" OR "was contained in" OR "were contained in" OR "was available" OR "were available" OR "was accessible" OR "were accessible" OR "deposited by" OR "were reproduced") |
NOT_AVAILABLE | Set of negated availability phrases | ("not included" OR "not deposited" OR "not released" OR "not provided" OR "not contained in" OR "not available" OR "not accessible" OR "not submitted") |
UPON_REQUEST | Phrase describing that data are only available upon request | ("upon request" OR "on request" OR "upon reasonable request") |
ALL_DATA | Set of words describing all data or raw data | ("all data" OR "all array data" OR "raw data" OR "full data set" OR "full dataset" OR "crystallographic data" OR "subject-level data") |
NOT_DATA | Set of negations of the data phrases | ("not all data" OR "not all array data" OR "no raw data" OR "no full data set" OR "no full dataset") |
FIELD_SPECIFIC_REPO | Set of names and abbreviations of field-specific repositories | ("GEO" OR "Gene Expression Omnibus" OR "European Nucleotide Archive" OR "National Center for Biotechnology Information" OR "European Molecular Biology Laboratory" OR "EMBL-EBI" OR "BioProject" OR "Sequence Read Archive" OR "SRA" OR "ENA" OR "MassIVE" OR "ProteomeXchange" OR "Proteome Exchange" OR "ProteomeExchange" OR "MetaboLights" OR "Array-Express" OR "ArrayExpress" OR "Array Express" OR "PRIDE" OR "DNA Data Bank of Japan" OR "DDBJ" OR "Genbank" OR "Protein Databank" OR "Protein Data Bank" OR "PDB" OR "Metagenomics Rapid Annotation using Subsystem Technology" OR "MG-RAST" OR "metabolights" OR "OpenAgrar" OR "Open Agrar" OR "Electron microscopy data bank" OR "emdb" OR "Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre" OR "CCDC" OR "Treebase" OR "dbSNP" OR "dbGaP" OR "IntAct" OR "ClinVar" OR "European Variation Archive" OR "dbVar" OR "Mgnify" OR "NCBI Trace Archive" OR "NCBI Assembly" OR "UniProtKB" OR "Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank" OR "PCDDB" OR "Crystallography Open Database" OR "Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank" OR "CXIDB" OR "Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank" OR "BMRB" OR "Worldwide Protein Data Bank" OR "wwPDB" OR "Structural Biology Data Grid" OR "NeuroMorpho" OR "G-Node" OR "Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Collaboratory" OR "NITRC" OR "EBRAINS" OR "GenomeRNAi" OR "Database of Interacting Proteins" OR "IntAct" OR "Japanese Genotype-phenotype Archive" OR "Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets" OR "PubChem" OR "Genomic Expression Archive" OR "PeptideAtlas" OR "Environmental Data Initiative" OR "LTER Network Information System Data Portal" OR "Global Biodiversity Information Facility" OR "GBIF" OR "Integrated Taxonomic Information System" OR "ITIS" OR "Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity" OR "Morphobank" OR "Kinetic Models of Biological Systems" OR "KiMoSys" OR "The Network Data Exchange" OR "NDEx" OR "FlowRepository" OR "ImmPort" OR "Image Data Resource" OR "Cancer Imaging Archive" OR "SICAS Medical Image Repository" OR "Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank" OR "CXIDB" OR "Cell Image Library" OR "Eukaryotic Pathogen Database Resources" OR "EuPathDB" OR "Influenza Research Database" OR "Mouse Genome Informatics" OR "Rat Genome Database" OR "VectorBase" OR "Xenbase" OR "Zebrafish Model Organism Database" OR "ZFIN" OR "HIV Data Archive Program" OR "NAHDAP" OR "National Database for Autism Research" OR "NDAR" OR "PhysioNet" OR "National Database for Clinical Trials related to Mental Illness" OR "NDCT" OR "Research Domain Criteria Database" OR "RdoCdb" OR "Synapse" OR "UK Data Service" OR "caNanoLab" OR "ChEMBL" OR "IoChem-BD" OR "Computational Chemistry Datasets" OR "STRENDA" OR "European Genome–phenome Archive" OR "European Genome phenome Archive" OR "accession number" OR "accession code" OR "accession numbers" OR "accession codes") |
ACCESSION_NR | Set of regular expressions that represent the accession number formats of different (biomedicine-related) repositories | ("G(SE|SM|DS|PL)[[:digit:]]{2,}" OR "PRJ(E|D|N|EB|DB|NB)[:digit:]+" OR "SAM(E|D|N)[A-Z]?[:digit:]+" OR "[A-Z]{1}[:digit:]{4}" OR "[A-Z]{2}[:digit:]{6}" OR "[A-Z]{3}[:digit:]{5}" OR "[A-Z]{4,6}[:digit:]{3,}" OR "GCA_[:digit:]{9}\.[:digit:]+" OR "SR(P|R|X|S|Z)[[:digit:]]{3,}" OR "(E|P)-[A-Z]{4}-[:digit:]{1,}" OR "[:digit:]{1}[A-Z]{1}[[:alnum:]]{2}" OR "MTBLS[[:digit:]]{2,}" OR "10.17590" OR "10.5073" OR "10.25493" OR "10.6073" OR "10.15468" OR "10.5063" OR "[[:digit:]]{6}" OR "[A-Z]{2,3}_[:digit:]{5,}" OR "[A-Z]{2,3}-[:digit:]{4,}" OR "[A-Z]{2}[:digit:]{5}-[A-Z]{1}" OR "DIP:[:digit:]{3}" OR "FR-FCM-[[:alnum:]]{4}" OR "ICPSR [:digit:]{4}" OR "SN [:digit:]{4}") |
REPOSITORIES | Set of names of general-purpose repositories | ("figshare" OR "dryad" OR "zenodo" OR "dataverse" OR "DataverseNL" OR "osf" OR "open science framework" OR "mendeley data" OR "GIGADB" OR "GigaScience database" OR "OpenNeuro") |
FILE_FORMATS | Set of file formats | ("csv" OR "zip" OR "xls" OR "xlsx" OR "sav" OR "cif" OR "fasta") |
GITHUB | Github for data has to be treated differently, as we need additional information that data and not only code was shared on Github | (“github”) |
DATA | Data keywords only used for the Github category | ("data" OR "dataset" OR "datasets") |
ALL_DATA | Set of words describing all data or raw data | ("all data" OR "all array data" OR "raw data" OR "full data set" OR "full dataset" OR "crystallographic data" OR "subject-level data") |
NOT_DATA | Set of negations of the data phrases | ("not all data" OR "not all array data" OR "no raw data" OR "no full data set" OR "no full dataset") |
DATA_AVAILABILITY | Set of headings for data availability section | ("Data sharing" OR "Data Availability Statement" OR "Data Availability" OR "Data deposition" OR "Deposited Data" OR "Data Archiving" OR "Availability of data and materials" OR "Availability of data" OR "Data Accessibility" OR "Accessibility of data") |
x OUTER y | makes all possible pairwise combinations of strings x and y | |
x OUTER_SYM y | symmetrical outer product with both orderings of vectors | |
SUPPLEMENTAL_TABLE_NAME | Set of keywords denoting supplemental tables or files | ("supplementary table" OR "supplementary tables" OR "supplemental table" OR "supplemental tables" OR "table", "tables" OR "additional file" OR "file", "files") |
SUPPLEMENTAL_TABLE_NUMBER | Possible numbers of supplemental tables or files | ("S[[:digit:]]", "[[:digit:]]", "[A-Z]{2}[[:digit:]]") |
SUPPLEMENTAL_DATASET | Numbered supplemental dataset | ("supplementary data [[:digit:]]{1,2}" OR "supplementary dataset [[:digit:]]{1,2}" OR "supplementary data set [[:digit:]]{1,2}" OR "supplemental data [[:digit:]]{1,2}" OR "supplemental dataset [[:digit:]]{1,2}" OR "supplemental data set [[:digit:]]{1,2}") |
DATASET_NAME | Names for datasets | ("data" OR "dataset" OR "datasets" OR "data set" OR "data sets") |
DATASET_NUMBER | Number for dataset | ("S[[:digit:]]{1,2}") |
DATA_JOURNAL_DOIS | Set of Open Data Journal DOIs for which the publication DOI is checked (from filename, not part of actual keyword search) | ("10.1038/s41597-019-", "10.3390/data", "10.1016/j.dib") |
SUPPLEMENT | Set of expression describing the supplement of an article | ("supporting information" OR "supplement" OR "supplementary data") |
SOURCE_CODE | Set of expressions describing source code | ("source code" OR "analysis script" OR "github" OR "SAS script" OR "SPSS script" OR "R script" OR "R code" OR "python script" OR "python code" OR "matlab script" OR "matlab code") |
ODDPub is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.