The legislative status map is designed to visualize the status of the New York Health Act, a legislation in New York State that aims to provide healthcare for all New Yorkers.
The project itself has a lot of applications to other legislations across the US. For now, we are focused on the New York State Senate and on New York health act. Please feel free to fork this and apply to your own project.
We aim for this map to become embeddable and available to all those who want to use this. The purpose of which is to educate people about the status of various bills being considered by their legislators.
The project uses the following:
- We use leaflet.js
- Props to openstreetmap for being amazing
- Pure javascript / CSS / HTML is used
Checkout this project brief to get a sense of what we want to accomplish.
Click here to add a feature you want to see in this proeject.
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Please contact [email protected] to be added to the team or for more information!