A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software.
- vsouza/awesome-ios - A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- Alamofire/Alamofire - Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- iina/iina - The modern video player for macOS.
- shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG - Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- kodecocodes/swift-algorithm-club - Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
- MonitorControl/MonitorControl - 🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
- airbnb/lottie-ios - An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- vapor/vapor - 💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
- ReactiveX/RxSwift - Reactive Programming in Swift
- onevcat/Kingfisher - A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
- SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON - The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift.
- HeroTransitions/Hero - Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- CodeEditApp/CodeEdit - 📝 CodeEdit App for macOS – Elevate your code editing experience. Open source, free forever.
- SnapKit/SnapKit - A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa - Cocoa framework and Obj-C dynamism bindings for ReactiveSwift.
- realm/SwiftLint - A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager - Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
- ipader/SwiftGuide - Swift Featured Projects in brain Mapping
- Moya/Moya - Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- ochococo/Design-Patterns-In-Swift - 📖 Design Patterns implemented in Swift 5.0
- Carthage/Carthage - A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
- Caldis/Mos - 一个用于在 macOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS
- jordanbaird/Ice - Powerful menu bar manager for macOS
- mxcl/PromiseKit - Promises for Swift & ObjC.
- SwifterSwift/SwifterSwift - A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- MengTo/Spring - A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.
- PerfectlySoft/Perfect - Server-side Swift. The Perfect core toolset and framework for Swift Developers. (For mobile back-end development, website and API development, and more…)
- pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture - A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
- Juanpe/SkeletonView - ☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which contents they are awaiting
- mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios - Firefox for iOS
- CosmicMind/Material - A UI/UX framework for creating beautiful applications.
- xmartlabs/Eureka - Elegant iOS form builder in Swift
- dwarvesf/hidden - An ultra-light MacOS utility that helps hide menu bar icons
- allenwong/30DaysofSwift - A self-taught project to learn Swift.
- Ramotion/animated-tab-bar - RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- AudioKit/AudioKit - Audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- ninjaprox/NVActivityIndicatorView - A collection of awesome loading animations
- Ramotion/folding-cell - 📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation made by @Ramotion
- krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift - CryptoSwift is a growing collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms implemented in Swift
- Quick/Quick - The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
- swiftlang/swift-package-manager - The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
- stephencelis/SQLite.swift - A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
- newlinedotco/FlappySwift - swift implementation of flappy bird. More at fullstackedu.com
- mac-cain13/R.swift - Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- SwiftGen/SwiftGen - The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- tristanhimmelman/ObjectMapper - Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
- IBAnimatable/IBAnimatable - Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
- insidegui/WWDC - The unofficial WWDC app for macOS
- kickstarter/ios-oss - Kickstarter for iOS. Bring new ideas to life, anywhere.
- daltoniam/Starscream - Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- toptal/gitignore.io - Create useful .gitignore files for your project
- kean/Nuke - Image loading system
- soapyigu/Swift-30-Projects - 30 mini Swift Apps for self-study
- lexrus/LTMorphingLabel - [EXPERIMENTAL] Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.
- apple/swift-nio - Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
- nicklockwood/SwiftFormat - A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
- kishikawakatsumi/KeychainAccess - Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
- ashleymills/Reachability.swift - Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
- olucurious/Awesome-ARKit - A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- sindresorhus/Gifski - 🌈 Convert videos to high-quality GIFs on your Mac
- Clipy/Clipy - Clipboard extension app for macOS.
- krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery - Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
- malcommac/SwiftDate - 🐔 Toolkit to parse, validate, manipulate, compare and display dates, time & timezones in Swift.
- Kitura/Kitura - A Swift web framework and HTTP server.
- patchthecode/JTAppleCalendar - The Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. Swift calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% Customizable
- ReSwift/ReSwift - Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux
- MochiDiffusion/MochiDiffusion - Run Stable Diffusion on Mac natively
- SwiftKickMobile/SwiftMessages - A very flexible message bar for UIKit and SwiftUI.
- robb/Cartography - A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift 📱📐
- marcosgriselli/ViewAnimator - ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
- WenchaoD/FSPagerView - FSPagerView is an elegant Screen Slide Library. It is extremely helpful for making Banner View、Product Show、Welcome/Guide Pages、Screen/ViewController Sliders.
- MrKai77/Loop - Window management made elegant.
- SwiftUIX/SwiftUIX - An exhaustive expansion of the standard SwiftUI library.
- yonaskolb/XcodeGen - A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
- XcodesOrg/XcodesApp - The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.
- Juanpe/About-SwiftUI - Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI.
- xmartlabs/XLPagerTabStrip - Android PagerTabStrip for iOS.
- groue/GRDB.swift - A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
- ChenYilong/CYLTabBarController - [EN]It is an iOS UI module library for adding animation to iOS tabbar items and icons with Lottie, and adding a bigger center UITabBar Item. [CN]【中国特色 TabBar】一行代码实现 Lottie 动画TabBar,支持中间带+号的TabBar样式,自带红点角标,支持动态刷新。【iOS13 & Dark Mode & iPhone XS MAX supported】
- qvacua/vimr - VimR — Neovim GUI for macOS in Swift
- huri000/SwiftEntryKit - SwiftEntryKit is a presentation library for iOS. It can be used to easily display overlays within your iOS apps.
- bizz84/SwiftyStoreKit - Lightweight In App Purchases Swift framework for iOS 8.0+, tvOS 9.0+ and macOS 10.10+ ⛺
- glushchenko/fsnotes - Notes manager for macOS/iOS
- coteditor/CotEditor - Lightweight Plain-Text Editor for macOS
- Dimillian/MovieSwiftUI - SwiftUI & Combine app using MovieDB API. With a custom Flux (Redux) implementation.
- BohdanOrlov/iOS-Developer-Roadmap - Roadmap to becoming an iOS developer in 2018.
- kean/Pulse - Network logger for Apple platforms
- Swinject/Swinject - Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux
- SwipeCellKit/SwipeCellKit - Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock Mail.app, implemented in Swift.
- blinksh/blink - Blink Mobile Shell for iOS (Mosh based)
- MessageKit/MessageKit - A community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController
- Swift-AI/Swift-AI - The Swift machine learning library.
- exyte/Macaw - Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
- apple/swift-algorithms - Commonly used sequence and collection algorithms for Swift
- raulriera/TextFieldEffects - Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift
- SwiftyBeaver/SwiftyBeaver - Convenient & secure logging during development & release in Swift 4 & 5
- twostraws/HackingWithSwift - The project source code for Hacking with iOS.
- nalexn/clean-architecture-swiftui - SwiftUI sample app using Clean Architecture. Examples of working with SwiftData persistence, networking, dependency injection, unit testing, and more.
- twostraws/ControlRoom - A macOS app to control the Xcode Simulator.
- bitgapp/eqMac - macOS System-wide Audio Equalizer & Volume Mixer 🎧
- siteline/swiftui-introspect - Introspect underlying UIKit/AppKit components from SwiftUI
- jonkykong/SideMenu - Simple side/slide menu control for iOS, no code necessary! Lots of customization. Add it to your project in 5 minutes or less.
- dillidon/alerts-and-pickers - Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
- tw93/MiaoYan - ⛷ Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences. ⛷ 轻灵的 Markdown 笔记本伴你写出妙言
- cgoldsby/LoginCritter - An animated avatar that responds to text field interactions
- Dimillian/IceCubesApp - A SwiftUI Mastodon client
- Ramotion/expanding-collection - ExpandingCollection is an animated material design UI card peek/pop controller. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- Yalantis/Koloda - KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- alexisakers/BulletinBoard - General-purpose contextual cards for iOS
- AppPear/ChartView - ChartView made in SwiftUI
- vikmeup/SCLAlertView-Swift - Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Swift
- philackm/ScrollableGraphView - An adaptive scrollable graph view for iOS to visualise simple discrete datasets. Written in Swift.
- peripheryapp/periphery - A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects.
- Jinxiansen/SwiftUI -
Framework Learning and Usage Guide. 🚀 - Jounce/Surge - A Swift library that uses the Accelerate framework to provide high-performance functions for matrix math, digital signal processing, and image manipulation.
- ivanvorobei/SwiftUI - Examples projects using SwiftUI released by WWDC2019. Include Layout, UI, Animations, Gestures, Draw and Data.
- JakeLin/SwiftLanguageWeather - Swift Language Weather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 4.
- Haneke/HanekeSwift - A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
- eggswift/ESTabBarController - ESTabBarController is a Swift model for customize UI, badge and adding animation to tabbar items. Support lottie!
- ephread/Instructions - Create walkthroughs and guided tours (coach marks) in a simple way, with Swift.
- marmelroy/PhoneNumberKit - A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber.
- overtake/TelegramSwift - Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0
- JohnSundell/Publish - A static site generator for Swift developers
- soapyigu/LeetCode-Swift - Solutions to LeetCode by Swift
- BradLarson/GPUImage2 - GPUImage 2 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing.
- sunshinejr/SwiftyUserDefaults - Modern Swift API for NSUserDefaults
- hyperoslo/ImagePicker - 📷 Reinventing the way ImagePicker works.
- Quick/Nimble - A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C
- longitachi/ZLPhotoBrowser - Wechat-like image picker. Support select photos, videos, gif and livePhoto. Support edit image and crop video. 微信样式的图片选择器,支持预览/相册内拍照及录视频、拖拽/滑动选择,编辑图片/视频,支持多语言国际化等功能;
- Daltron/NotificationBanner - The easiest way to display highly customizable in app notification banners in iOS
- KelvinJin/AnimatedCollectionViewLayout - A UICollectionViewLayout subclass that adds custom transitions/animations to the UICollectionView without effecting your existing code.
- alin23/Lunar - Intelligent adaptive brightness for your external monitors
- tuist/tuist - Tuist's CLI
- NMAC427/SwiftOCR - Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift
- duemunk/Async - Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch
- apple/swift-protobuf - Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
- EFPrefix/EFQRCode - A better way to operate QR Code in Swift, support iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.
- mamaral/Neon - A powerful Swift programmatic UI layout framework.
- scinfu/SwiftSoup - SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
- leits/MeetingBar - 🇺🇦 Your meetings at your fingertips in the macOS menu bar
- timdonnelly/Advance - Physics-based animations for iOS, tvOS, and macOS.
- badoo/Chatto - A lightweight framework to build chat applications, made in Swift
- devicekit/DeviceKit - DeviceKit is a value-type replacement of UIDevice.
- optonaut/ActiveLabel.swift - UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
- amosgyamfi/open-swiftui-animations - You don't need an animation library to add a simple effect to your SwiftUI app. Create it yourself with SwiftUI. This repo inspires you to add helpful and expressive SwiftUI animations like loading/progress, looping, on-off, enter, exit, fade, spin, and background animations to your next project. The repo also contains tremendous spring animations.
- SoySauceLab/CollectionKit - Reimagining UICollectionView
- yagiz/Bagel - a little native network debugging tool for iOS
- Yummypets/YPImagePicker - 📸 Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS
- RobertGummesson/BuildTimeAnalyzer-for-Xcode - Build Time Analyzer for Swift
- ArtSabintsev/Siren - Notify users when a new version of your app is available and prompt them to upgrade.
- ankurp/Dollar - A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
- roberthein/BouncyLayout - Make. It. Bounce.
- alibaba/HandyJSON - A handy swift json-object serialization/deserialization library
- DeclarativeHub/Bond - A Swift binding framework
- calimarkus/JDStatusBarNotification - Highly customizable & feature rich notifications. Interactive dismiss. Custom Views. SwiftUI. Tap-to-hold. Progress. Written in Swift, compatible for ObjC!
- uraimo/Awesome-Swift-Playgrounds - A List of Awesome Swift Playgrounds
- devxoul/Then - ✨ Super sweet syntactic sugar for Swift initializers
- cbpowell/MarqueeLabel - A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text does not fit inside the specified frame
- PaoloCuscela/Cards - Awesome iOS 11 appstore cards in swift 5.
- SwiftWebUI/SwiftWebUI - A demo implementation of SwiftUI for the Web
- Skyscanner/SkyFloatingLabelTextField - A beautiful and flexible text field control implementation of "Float Label Pattern". Written in Swift.
- leetcode-mafia/cheetah - Mac app for crushing remote tech interviews with AI
- CocoaDebug/CocoaDebug - iOS Debugging Tool 🚀
- milanvarady/Applite - User-friendly GUI macOS application for Homebrew Casks
- JohnEstropia/CoreStore - Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift
- argmaxinc/WhisperKit - On-device Speech Recognition for Apple Silicon
- roberthein/TinyConstraints - Nothing but sugar.
- Orderella/PopupDialog - A simple, customizable popup dialog for iOS written in Swift. Replaces UIAlertController alert style.
- Dimillian/RedditOS - The product name is Curiosity, a SwiftUI Reddit client for macOS Big Sur
- DaveWoodCom/XCGLogger - A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog() or print(), but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- SvenTiigi/WhatsNewKit - Showcase your awesome new app features 📱
- AugustDev/enchanted - Enchanted is iOS and macOS app for chatting with private self hosted language models such as Llama2, Mistral or Vicuna using Ollama.
- tombonez/noTunes - A simple macOS application that will prevent iTunes or Apple Music from launching.
- sergdort/CleanArchitectureRxSwift - Example of Clean Architecture of iOS app using RxSwift
- httpswift/swifter - Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
- apollographql/apollo-ios - 📱 A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift.
- XcodesOrg/xcodes - The best command-line tool to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.
- zixun/GodEye - Automaticly display Log,Crash,Network,ANR,Leak,CPU,RAM,FPS,NetFlow,Folder and etc with one line of code based on Swift. Just like God opened his eyes
- apple/swift-collections - Commonly used data structures for Swift
- pointfreeco/swift-snapshot-testing - 📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
- pkluz/PKHUD - A Swift based reimplementation of the Apple HUD (Volume, Ringer, Rotation,…) for iOS 8.
- louisdh/panelkit - A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.
- Yalantis/StarWars.iOS - This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
- johnste/finicky - A macOS app for customizing which browser to start
- hilen/TSWeChat - A WeChat alternative. Written in Swift 5.
- gontovnik/DGElasticPullToRefresh - Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift
- hyperoslo/Whisper - 📣 Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notifications simple. It has three different views inside
- Lax/Learn-iOS-Swift-by-Examples - 精心收集并分类整理的Swift开发学习资源,包括Apple官方提供的示例代码和文档,以及github上的项目和国内外开发者的技术博客。欢迎提交pull-request一起维护。https://t.me/SwiftCN QQ交流群 32958950 申请请注明开发经验
- wordpress-mobile/WordPress-iOS - WordPress for iOS - Official repository
- Ramotion/swift-ui-animation-components-and-libraries - Swift UI libraries, iOS components and animations by @Ramotion
- scalessec/Toast-Swift - A Swift extension that adds toast notifications to the UIView object class.
- kasketis/netfox - A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
- EmergeTools/Pow - Delightful SwiftUI effects for your app
- okmr-d/DOFavoriteButton - Cute Animated Button written in Swift.
- apple/swift-log - A Logging API for Swift
- fastred/Optimizing-Swift-Build-Times - Collection of advice on optimizing compile times of Swift projects.
- ra1028/DifferenceKit - 💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
- Rightpoint/BonMot - Beautiful, easy attributed strings in Swift
- sindresorhus/Plash - 💦 Make any website your Mac desktop wallpaper
- cruisediary/Pastel - 🎨 Gradient animation effect like Instagram
- thoughtbot/Argo - Functional JSON parsing library for Swift
- CVCalendar/CVCalendar - A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (>= 4.0).
- gee1k/uPic - 📤uPic is a native, powerful, beautiful and simple picture and file upload tool for macOS.
- Yalantis/Persei - Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- willowtreeapps/spruce-ios - Swift library for choreographing animations on the screen.
- Ramotion/circle-menu - ⭕️ CircleMenu is a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- onevcat/FengNiao - A command line tool for cleaning unused resources in Xcode.
- malcommac/SwiftLocation - ⚓️ Async/Await CLLocationManager Wrapper for Apple Platforms
- dekatotoro/SlideMenuControllerSwift - iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure swift.
- rechsteiner/Parchment - A paging view with a highly customizable menu ✨
- ChiliLabs/CHIPageControl - A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl. Mady by @ChiliLabs - https://chililabs.io
- freshOS/Stevia - 🍃 Concise Autolayout code
- pNre/ExSwift - A set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.
- quoid/userscripts - An open-source userscript manager for Safari
- apple/swift-argument-parser - Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift
- IFTTT/RazzleDazzle - A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros.
- RNCryptor/RNCryptor - CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac in Swift. -- For ObjC, see RNCryptor/RNCryptor-objc
- lukakerr/Pine - A modern, native macOS markdown editor
- swiftlang/sourcekit-lsp - Language Server Protocol implementation for Swift and C-based languages
- typelift/Swiftz - Functional programming in Swift
- mczachurski/wallpapper - 💻 Console application for creating dynamic wallpapers for macOS Mojave and newer
- Ramotion/paper-onboarding - PaperOnboarding is a material design UI slider. Swift UI library by @Ramotion
- xmartlabs/XLActionController - Fully customizable and extensible action sheet controller written in Swift
- artemnovichkov/iOS-11-by-Examples - 👨🏻💻 Examples of new iOS 11 APIs
- OAuthSwift/OAuthSwift - Swift based OAuth library for iOS
- swiftlang/swift-syntax - A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.
- devxoul/URLNavigator - ⛵️ Elegant URL Routing for Swift
- shoheiyokoyama/Gemini - Gemini is rich scroll based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift.
- mangerlahn/Latest - A small utility app for macOS that makes sure you know about all the latest updates to the apps you use.
- devMEremenko/XcodeBenchmark - XcodeBenchmark measures the compilation time of a large codebase on iMac, MacBook, and Mac Pro
- LinkedInAttic/LayoutKit - LayoutKit is a fast view layout library for iOS, macOS, and tvOS.
- krzysztofzablocki/LifetimeTracker - Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
- austinzheng/swift-2048 - 2048 for Swift
- malcommac/SwiftRichString - 👩🎨 Elegant Attributed String composition in Swift sauce
- wikimedia/wikipedia-ios - 📱The official Wikipedia iOS app.
- SilenceLove/HXPhotoPicker - 图片/视频选择器 - 支持LivePhoto、GIF图片选择、3DTouch预览、在线下载iCloud上的资源、编辑图片/视频、浏览网络图片 功能 Imitation wx photo/image picker - support for LivePhoto, GIF image selection, 3DTouch preview, Download the resources on iCloud online, browse the web image function
- saoudrizwan/Disk - Easily persist structs, images, and data on iOS
- nicoverbruggen/phpmon - Lightweight, native Mac menu bar app that helps you manage multiple PHP installations, locate config files and more. Also interacts with Laravel Valet.
- kaishin/Gifu - High-performance animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
- apple/swift-async-algorithms - Async Algorithms for Swift
- teodorpatras/EasyTipView - Fully customisable tooltip view in Swift for iOS.
- marmelroy/Localize-Swift - Swift friendly localization and i18n with in-app language switching
- sahin/mobileplayer-ios - 📱 🎥 A powerful and completely customizable media player for iOS
- IcaliaLabs/Presentr - Swift wrapper for custom ViewController presentations on iOS
- yannickl/DynamicColor - Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift and SwiftUI
- hyperoslo/Presentation - 📑 Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
- khoren93/SwiftHub - GitHub iOS client in RxSwift and MVVM-C clean architecture
- BeauNouvelle/FaceAware - An extension that gives UIImageView the ability to focus on faces within an image.
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveSwift - Streams of values over time
- AliSoftware/Reusable - A Swift mixin for reusing views easily and in a type-safe way (UITableViewCells, UICollectionViewCells, custom UIViews, ViewControllers, Storyboards…)
- Esqarrouth/EZSwiftExtensions - 😏 How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work.
- twitter/TwitterTextEditor - A standalone, flexible API that provides a full-featured rich text editor for iOS applications.
- hyperoslo/Cache - 📦 Nothing but Cache.
- icanzilb/EasyAnimation - A Swift library to take the power of UIView.animateWithDuration(_:, animations:...) to a whole new level - layers, springs, chain-able animations and mixing view and layer animations together!
- swiftbar/SwiftBar - Powerful macOS menu bar customization tool
- kmikiy/SpotMenu - Spotify and iTunes in your menu bar
- AugustRush/Stellar - A fantastic Physical animation library for swift
- ApplikeySolutions/VegaScroll -
↕️ VegaScroll is a lightweight animation flowlayout for UICollectionView completely written in Swift 4, compatible with iOS 11 and Xcode 9. - 100mango/zen - iOS, macOS, Swift, Objective-C 心得
- Ramotion/paper-switch - 🎚 RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on. iOS library by @Ramotion
- angelolloqui/SwiftKotlin - A tool to convert Swift code to Kotlin.
- matthewpalmer/Locksmith - A powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the keychain in Swift.
- Yalantis/GuillotineMenu - Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
- analogcode/Swift-Radio-Pro - Professional Radio Station App for iOS!
- GitHawkApp/GitHawk - The (second) best iOS app for GitHub.
- WeTransfer/WeScan - Document Scanning Made Easy for iOS
- uias/Tabman - ™️ A powerful paging view controller with interactive indicator bars
- eleev/ios-learning-materials - 📚 Curated list of articles, tutorials and repos that may help you dig a little bit deeper into iOS [and Apple Platforms].
- evgenyneu/keychain-swift - Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
- fancymax/12306ForMac - An unofficial 12306 Client for Mac
- swiftlang/swift-markdown - A Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.
- ts1/BLEUnlock - Lock/unlock your Mac with your iPhone, Apple Watch, or any other Bluetooth LE devices
- shogo4405/HaishinKit.swift - Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP and SRT for iOS, macOS, tvOS and visionOS.
- steve228uk/YouTube-Music - 🎵 A Mac app wrapper for music.youtube.com
- BradLarson/GPUImage3 - GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal.
- ivanvorobei/SPStorkController - Now playing controller from Apple Music, Mail & Podcasts Apple's apps.
- pujiaxin33/JXSegmentedView - A powerful and easy to use segmented view (segmentedcontrol, pagingview, pagerview, pagecontrol, categoryview) (腾讯新闻、今日头条、QQ音乐、网易云音乐、京东、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、淘宝、天猫、简书、微博等所有主流APP分类切换滚动视图)
- simonbs/Runestone - 📝 Performant plain text editor for iOS with syntax highlighting, line numbers, invisible characters and much more.
- OpenCombine/OpenCombine - Open source implementation of Apple's Combine framework for processing values over time.
- ReactorKit/ReactorKit - A library for reactive and unidirectional Swift applications
- yattee/yattee - Privacy oriented video player for iOS, tvOS and macOS
- Yalantis/Side-Menu.iOS - Animated side menu with customizable UI
- artsy/eidolon - The Artsy Auction Kiosk App.
- Aidoku/Aidoku - Free and open source manga reader for iOS and iPadOS
- PhamBaTho/BTNavigationDropdownMenu - The elegant yet functional dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath the navigation bar to display a list of defined items when a user clicks on the navigation title.
- Danie1s/Tiercel - 简单易用、功能丰富的纯 Swift 下载框架
- DamascenoRafael/reminders-menubar - Simple macOS menu bar application to view and interact with reminders. Developed with SwiftUI and using Apple Reminders as a source.
- tristanhimmelman/AlamofireObjectMapper - An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper
- suzuki-0000/SKPhotoBrowser - Simple PhotoBrowser/Viewer inspired by facebook, twitter photo browsers written by swift
- ElaWorkshop/TagListView - Simple and highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.
- gonzalezreal/swift-markdown-ui - Display and customize Markdown text in SwiftUI
- amirdew/CollectionViewPagingLayout - A simple but highly customizable UICollectionViewLayout for UICollectionView -- Simple SwiftUI views that let you make page-view effects.
- Touchwonders/Transition - Easy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
- TokamakUI/Tokamak - SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms
- naoty/Timepiece - Intuitive date handling in Swift
- jellyfin/Swiftfin - Native Jellyfin Client for iOS and tvOS
- FolioReader/FolioReaderKit - 📚 A Swift ePub reader and parser framework for iOS.
- mattneub/Programming-iOS-Book-Examples - Downloadable code examples for my books, "iOS 14 Programming Fundamentals With Swift" (bk1) and "Programming iOS 14" (bk2).
- HamzaGhazouani/HGCircularSlider - A custom reusable circular / progress slider control for iOS application.
- huggingface/swift-coreml-diffusers - Swift app demonstrating Core ML Stable Diffusion
- shaps80/Peek - All new design. Inspect your iOS application at runtime.
- nathangitter/fluid-interfaces - Natural gestures and animations inspired by Apple's WWDC18 talk "Designing Fluid Interfaces"
- larrynatalicio/15DaysofAnimationsinSwift - A project to learn animations.
- swiftlang/swift-format - Formatting technology for Swift source code
- 3lvis/Sync - JSON to Core Data and back. Swift Core Data Sync.
- richardtop/CalendarKit - 📅 Calendar for Apple platforms in Swift
- JohnSundell/Files - A nicer way to handle files & folders in Swift
- Schlaubischlump/LocationSimulator - MacOS application to spoof / fake / mock your iOS / iPadOS or iPhoneSimulator device location. WatchOS and TvOS are partially supported.
- aslanyanhaik/youtube-iOS - youtube iOS app template written in swift 5
- Ramotion/reel-search - 🔍 RAMReel is a UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- Yalantis/Segmentio - Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
- ivnsch/SwiftCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
- intuit/CardParts - A reactive, card-based UI framework built on UIKit for iOS developers.
- wxxsw/SwiftTheme - 🎨 Powerful theme/skin manager for iOS 9+ 主题/换肤, 暗色模式
- pmusolino/PMAlertController - PMAlertController is a great and customizable alert that can substitute UIAlertController
- marmelroy/Zip - Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.
- antitypical/Result - Swift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
- nghialv/MaterialKit - Material design components for iOS written in Swift
- kitasuke/PagingMenuController - Paging view controller with customizable menu in Swift
- dasdom/BreakOutToRefresh - Play BreakOut while loading - A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit
- ytakzk/Fusuma - Instagram-like photo browser and a camera feature with a few line of code in Swift.
- SebastianBoldt/Jelly - 🌊 - Jelly is a library for animated, non-interactive & interactive viewcontroller transitions and presentations with the focus on a simple and yet flexible API.
- gavinbunney/Toucan - Fabulous Image Processing in Swift
- paololeonardi/WaterfallGrid - A waterfall grid layout view for SwiftUI.
- insidegui/AssetCatalogTinkerer - An app that lets you open .car files and browse/extract their images.
- AAChartModel/AAChartKit-Swift - 📈📊📱💻🖥️An elegant modern declarative data visualization chart framework for iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Extremely powerful, supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types. 极其精美而又强大的现代化声明式数据可视化图表框架,支持柱状图、条形图、折线图、曲线图、折线填充图、曲线填充图、气泡图、扇形图、环形图、散点图、雷达图、混合图等各种类型的多达几十种的信息图图表,完全满足工作所需.
- tid-kijyun/Kanna - Kanna(鉋) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift.
- eBay/NMessenger - A fast, lightweight messenger component built on AsyncDisplaykit and written in Swift
- sparrowcode/AlertKit - Native alert from Apple Music & Feedback. Contains Done, Heart & Message and other presets.
- swiftlang/swift-foundation - The Foundation project
- WillieWangWei/SwiftUI-Tutorials - A code example and translation project of SwiftUI. / 一个 SwiftUI 的示例、翻译的教程项目。
- ltebean/Live - Demonstrates how to build a live broadcast app(Swift 3)
- securing/IOSSecuritySuite - iOS platform security & anti-tampering Swift library
- JohnSundell/Ink - A fast and flexible Markdown parser written in Swift.
- ming1016/SwiftPamphletApp - 戴铭的开发小册子,一本活的开发手册。使用 SwiftUI + SwiftData + Swift Concurrency Aysnc/Await Actor + GitHub API 开发的 macOS 应用
- jordansinger/SwiftUI-Kit - A SwiftUI system components and interactions demo app
- buresdv/Cork - A fast GUI for Homebrew written in SwiftUI
- RevenueCat/purchases-ios - In-app purchases and subscriptions made easy. Support for iOS, watchOS, tvOS, macOS, and visionOS.
- layoutBox/PinLayout - Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]
- mattdonnelly/Swifter - [DEPRECATED] 🐦 A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
- rockbruno/swiftshield - 🔒 Swift Obfuscator that protects iOS apps against reverse engineering attacks.
- krzysztofzablocki/Inject - Hot Reloading for Swift applications!
- ivoronin/TomatoBar - 🍅 World's neatest Pomodoro timer for macOS menu bar
- weichsel/ZIPFoundation - Effortless ZIP Handling in Swift
- stencilproject/Stencil - Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
- nvzqz/FileKit - Simple and expressive file management in Swift
- Yalantis/DisplaySwitcher - Custom transition between two collection view layouts
- davedelong/time - Robust and type-safe date and time calculations for Swift
- jasonjmcghee/rem - An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Mac.
- Ramotion/navigation-stack - NavigationStack is a stack-modeled UI navigation controller. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- yacir/CollectionViewSlantedLayout - A CollectionView Layout displaying a slanted cells
- loregr/LGButton - A fully customisable subclass of the native UIControl which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code.
- twostraws/Unwrap - Learn Swift interactively on your iPhone.
- yonaskolb/Mint - A package manager that installs and runs executable Swift packages
- rhummelmose/BluetoothKit - Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE
- takuoka/TKSubmitTransition - Animated UIButton of Loading Animation and Transition Animation. Inspired by https://dribbble.com/shots/1945593-Login-Home-Screen
- QuickBirdEng/XCoordinator - 🎌 Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern
- dani-gavrilov/GDPerformanceView-Swift - Shows FPS, CPU and memory usage, device model, app and iOS versions above the status bar and report FPS, CPU and memory usage via delegate.
- BendingSpoons/katana-swift - Swift Apps in a Swoosh! A modern framework for creating iOS apps, inspired by Redux.
- zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableViewSwift - A simple view for building card like interface inspired by Tinder and Potluck.
- SDWebImage/SDWebImageSwiftUI - SwiftUI Image loading and Animation framework powered by SDWebImage
- gmarm/BetterSegmentedControl - An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch.
- onevcat/APNGKit - High performance and delightful way to play with APNG format in iOS.
- nalexn/ViewInspector - Runtime introspection and unit testing of SwiftUI views
- krzysztofzablocki/Swift-Macros - A curated list of awesome Swift Macros
- NextLevel/NextLevel - ⬆️ Media Capture in Swift
- Baddaboo/ClassicKit - 💾 A collection of classic-style UI components for iOS
- bustoutsolutions/siesta - The civilized way to write REST API clients for iOS / macOS
- icanzilb/SwiftSpinner - A beautiful activity indicator and modal alert written in Swift (originally developed for my app DoodleDoodle) Using blur effects, translucency, flat and bold design - all iOS 8 latest and greatest
- evgenyneu/Cosmos - A star rating control for iOS/tvOS written in Swift
- lkzhao/ElasticTransition - A UIKit custom transition that simulates an elastic drag. Written in Swift.
- joemasilotti/UI-Testing-Cheat-Sheet - How do I test this with UI Testing?
- alexdrone/Render - UIKit a-là SwiftUI.framework [min deployment target iOS10]
- hmlongco/Resolver - Swift Ultralight Dependency Injection / Service Locator framework
- elai950/AlertToast - Create Apple-like alerts & toasts using SwiftUI
- aschuch/StatefulViewController - Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states
- MacPaw/OpenAI - Swift community driven package for OpenAI public API
- polqf/FillableLoaders - Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift
- modo-studio/SugarRecord - CoreData/Realm sweet wrapper written in Swift
- corin8823/Popover - Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.
- hanton/Fisheye - Open Source iOS 360 Degree Panorama Video Player. (HTY360Player is renamed to Fisheye)
- waynewbishop/bishop-algorithms-swift - Examples of commonly used data structures and algorithms in Swift.
- jordibruin/Swift-Charts-Examples - An overview of the different types of charts you can make with Swift Charts
- Awalz/SwiftyCam - A Snapchat Inspired iOS Camera Framework written in Swift
- Ramotion/preview-transition - PreviewTransition is a simple preview gallery UI controller with animated tranisitions. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- piemonte/Player -
▶️ Play and stream media in Swift - grpc/grpc-swift - The Swift language implementation of gRPC.
- onmyway133/DeepDiff - 🦀Amazingly incredible extraordinary lightning fast diffing in Swift
- codestergit/SweetAlert-iOS - Live animated Alert View for iOS written in Swift
- alexiscreuzot/SwiftyGif - High performance GIF engine
- jtrivedi/Wave - Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS and macOS that makes it easy to create fluid, interruptible animations that feel great.
- tuist/XcodeProj - 📝 Read, update and write your Xcode projects
- AlexLittlejohn/ALCameraViewController - A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.
- Ramotion/adaptive-tab-bar - AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift UI module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements. Swift UI component by @Ramotion
- 52inc/Pulley - A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
- pointfreeco/swift-navigation - Bringing simple and powerful navigation tools to all Swift platforms, inspired by SwiftUI.
- layoutBox/FlexLayout - FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax.
- JohnSundell/Plot - A DSL for writing type-safe HTML, XML and RSS in Swift.
- uias/Pageboy - 📖 A simple, highly informative page view controller
- keitaoouchi/MarkdownView - Markdown View for iOS.
- Tinder/StateMachine - A Kotlin and Swift DSL for finite state machine
- heckj/swiftui-notes - content for Using Combine - notes on learning Combine with UIKit and SwiftUI
- aheze/Popovers - A library to present popovers. Simple, modern, and highly customizable. Not boring!
- Ramotion/fluid-slider - 💧 A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected. Swift UI library made by @Ramotion
- malcommac/Hydra - ⚡️ Lightweight full-featured Promises, Async & Await Library in Swift
- sauliusgrigaitis/Swifton - A Ruby on Rails inspired Web Framework for Swift that runs on Linux and OS X
- BrikerMan/BMPlayer - A video player for iOS, based on AVPlayer, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, support subtitles.
- netguru/ResponseDetective - Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer. 🕵️♂️
- zalando/SwiftMonkey - A framework for doing randomised UI testing of iOS apps
- caiyue1993/IceCream - Sync Realm Database with CloudKit
- mchoe/SwiftSVG - A simple, performant, and lightweight SVG parser
- nakiostudio/EasyPeasy - Auto Layout made easy
- hmlongco/Factory - A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
- JohnSundell/Unbox - [Deprecated] The easy to use Swift JSON decoder
- yapstudios/YapAnimator - Your fast and friendly physics-based animation system.
- ReactKit/SwiftTask - Promise + progress + pause + cancel + retry for Swift.
- SwiftcordApp/Swiftcord - A fully native Discord client for macOS built 100% in Swift!
- Clean-Swift/CleanStore - A sample iOS app built using the Clean Swift architecture. Clean Swift is Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture applied to iOS and Mac projects. CleanStore demonstrates Clean Swift by implementing the create order use case described by in Uncle Bob's talks.
- sindresorhus/touch-bar-simulator - Use the Touch Bar on any Mac
- Thomvis/BrightFutures - Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises
- ochococo/OOD-Principles-In-Swift - 💎 The Principles of OOD (SOLID) based on Uncle Bob articles.
- draveness/DKChainableAnimationKit - A DSL to make animation easy on iOS with Swift.
- bannzai/Gecco - Simply highlight items for your tutorial walkthrough, written in Swift
- pvieito/PythonKit - Swift framework to interact with Python.
- demonnico/PinterestSwift - This is a Swift based demo project to show how to make the transition Pinterest liked.
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxFlow - RxFlow is a navigation framework for iOS applications based on a Reactive Flow Coordinator pattern
- daltoniam/SwiftHTTP - Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests.
- indragiek/InAppViewDebugger - A UIView debugger (like Reveal or Xcode) that can be embedded in an app for on-device view debugging
- JohnSundell/Marathon - [DEPRECATED] Marathon makes it easy to write, run and manage your Swift scripts 🏃
- wojteklu/Watchdog - Class for logging excessive blocking on the main thread
- Shubham0812/SwiftUI-Animations - A repository containing a variety of animations and Animated components created in SwiftUI that you can use in your own projects.
- onevcat/Rainbow - Delightful console output for Swift developers.
- jflinter/Dwifft - Swift Diff
- Zewo/Zewo - Lightweight library for web server applications in Swift on macOS and Linux powered by coroutines.
- uber/needle - Compile-time safe Swift dependency injection framework
- aslanyanhaik/Quick-Chat - Real time chat app written in Swift 5 using Firebase
- eggswift/pull-to-refresh - #Busy Re-Building....# An easy way to use pull to refresh and infinite scrolling in Swift. Pod 'ESPullToRefresh'
- JohnSundell/ImagineEngine - A project to create a blazingly fast Swift game engine that is a joy to use 🚀
- marmelroy/Interpolate - Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
- superhighfives/pika - An open-source colour picker app for macOS
- ole/whats-new-in-swift-4 - An Xcode playground showcasing the new features in Swift 4.0.
- swiftlang/swift-testing - A modern, expressive testing package for Swift
- okwasniewski/MiniSim - MacOS menu bar app for launching iOS and Android 🤖 emulators
- luoxiu/Schedule - Schedule timing task in Swift using a fluent API. (A friendly alternative to Timer)
- evnaz/ENSwiftSideMenu - A simple side menu for iOS written in Swift.
- remirobert/Dotzu - 📱👀 In-App iOS Debugging Tool With Enhanced Logging, Networking Info, Crash reporting And More.
- mxcl/swift-sh - Easily script with third-party Swift dependencies.
- xmartlabs/Bender - Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS! Use TensorFlow models. Metal under the hood.
- vadymmarkov/Fakery - 👽 Swift fake data generator
- square/Cleanse - Lightweight Swift Dependency Injection Framework
- zvonicek/ImageSlideshow - Swift image slideshow with circular scrolling, timer and full screen viewer
- JohnSundell/SwiftPlate - Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line
- JohnSundell/Splash - A fast, lightweight and flexible Swift syntax highlighter for blogs, tools and fun!
- twostraws/Ignite - A static site generator for Swift developers.
- polqf/TwicketSegmentedControl - Custom UISegmentedControl replacement for iOS, written in Swift
- fdzsergio/SFFocusViewLayout - UICollectionViewLayout with focused content
- MobileNativeFoundation/XCLogParser - Tool to parse Xcode and xcodebuild logs stored in the xcactivitylog format
- devxoul/Toaster - 🍞 Toast for Swift
- apple/sample-food-truck - SwiftUI sample code from WWDC22
- vhesener/Closures - Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation
- DroidsOnRoids/MPParallaxView - Apple TV Parallax effect in Swift.
- CombineCommunity/CombineExt - CombineExt provides a collection of operators, publishers and utilities for Combine, that are not provided by Apple themselves, but are common in other Reactive Frameworks and standards.
- danielsaidi/Sheeeeeeeeet - Sheeeeeeeeet is a Swift library for creating menus, custom action sheets, context menus etc.
- SFSafeSymbols/SFSafeSymbols - Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing
- luispadron/UICircularProgressRing - A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift
- simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI - SwiftUI Package for Configurable Confetti Animation 🎉
- StanfordBDHG/HealthGPT - Query your Apple Health data with natural language 💬 🩺
- Ekhoo/Device - Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- Dimillian/SwiftHN - A Hacker News reader in Swift
- brave/brave-ios - Brave iOS Browser
- Dimillian/ACHNBrowserUI - Animal Crossing New Horizon companion app in SwiftUI
- apple/swift-numerics - Advanced mathematical types and functions for Swift
- hyperoslo/BarcodeScanner - 🔎 A simple and beautiful barcode scanner.
- swiftsocket/SwiftSocket - The easy way to use sockets on Apple platforms
- SwiftDocOrg/swift-doc - A documentation generator for Swift projects
- netyouli/WHC_ConfuseSoftware - iOS代码混淆工具,Uniapp代码混淆工具,react-native代码混淆, iOS代码混淆助手,Android代码混淆助手,Uniapp代码混淆助手,过机器审核,辅助过4.3, other审核,android、ios、uniapp、u3d、cocos2dx、flutter、代码翻新(WHC_ConfuseSoftware)是一款运行在MAC OS平台的App、完美支持Objc和Swift、U3D、Flutter、Cocos2dx项目代码的自动翻新(混淆)、支持文件夹名称、文件名、修改资源文件hash值、类名、方法名、属性名、添加混淆函数方法体、添加混淆属性、自动调用生成的混淆方法、字符串混淆加密等...功能强大而稳定。
- marcosgriselli/EasyTransitions - A simple way to create custom interactive UIViewController transitions
- LeoMobileDeveloper/ios-developer-tools - Tools that every iOS developer should know.
- GitHawkApp/MessageViewController - A SlackTextViewController replacement written in Swift for the iPhone X.
- TortugaPower/BookPlayer - Player for your DRM-free audiobooks
- Brightify/Cuckoo - Boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift!
- jakarmy/swift-summary - A summary of Apple's Swift language written on Playgrounds
- johnlui/SwiftSideslipLikeQQ - 再造 “手机QQ” 侧滑菜单
- rwbutler/Connectivity - 🌐 Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-Fi networks without Internet access.
- hyperoslo/Lightbox - 🌌 A convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app
- Q-Mobile/QGrid - 🎛 QGrid: The missing SwiftUI collection view.
- Jintin/Swimat - An Xcode formatter plug-in to format your swift code.
- SimonFairbairn/SwiftyMarkdown - Converts Markdown files and strings into NSAttributedStrings with lots of customisation options.
- adamrushy/OpenAISwift - This is a wrapper library around the ChatGPT and OpenAI HTTP API
- eddiekaiger/SwiftyAttributes - A Swifty API for attributed strings
- CaliCastle/PopMenu - A fully customizable popup style menu for iOS 😎
- microsoft/FluentDarkModeKit - A library for backporting Dark Mode in iOS
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxAlamofire - RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire
- pointfreeco/swift-dependencies - A dependency management library inspired by SwiftUI's "environment."
- hkellaway/Gloss - [Deprecated] A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift ✨ Loved by many from 2015-2021
- amayne/SwiftString - A comprehensive, lightweight string extension for Swift
- huggingface/swift-coreml-transformers - Swift Core ML 3 implementations of GPT-2, DistilGPT-2, BERT, and DistilBERT for Question answering. Other Transformers coming soon!
- vanshg/MacAssistant - Google Assistant for macOS!
- emqx/CocoaMQTT - MQTT 5.0 client library for iOS and macOS written in Swift
- IdeasOnCanvas/Aiolos - A floating panel for your iOS Apps
- akosma/SwiftMoment - A time and calendar manipulation library for iOS 9+, macOS 10.11+, tvOS 9+, watchOS 2+ written in Swift 4.
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxKeyboard - Reactive Keyboard in iOS
- home-assistant/iOS - 📱 Home Assistant for Apple platforms
- leminlimez/Cowabunga - iOS 14.0-15.7.1 & 16.0-16.1.2 MacDirtyCow ToolBox
- MxABC/swiftScan - A barcode and qr code scanner( 二维码 各种码识别,生成,界面效果)
- jrendel/SwiftKeychainWrapper - A simple wrapper for the iOS Keychain to allow you to use it in a similar fashion to User Defaults. Written in Swift.
- jogendra/LoadingShimmer - An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view with just one line of code. It is useful as an unobtrusive loading indicator.
- lovoo/NSFWDetector - A NSFW (aka porn) detector with CoreML
- JohnSundell/TestDrive - Quickly try out any Swift pod or framework in a playground
- skiptools/skip - Skip transpiler for creating SwiftUI apps for iOS and Android
- kingsic/SGPagingView - A powerful and easy to use segment view 【QQ、淘宝、微博、腾讯、网易新闻、今日头条等标题滚动视图】
- kciter/Floaty - ❤️ Floating Action Button for iOS
- home-assistant/Iconic - 🎨 Auto-generated icon font library for iOS, watchOS and tvOS
- thii/FontAwesome.swift - Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects
- marty-suzuki/SAHistoryNavigationViewController - SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller. Support 3D Touch!
- maxkonovalov/MKRingProgressView - ⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch
- sindresorhus/LaunchAtLogin-Legacy - Add “Launch at Login” functionality to your macOS app in seconds
- efremidze/Magnetic - SpriteKit Floating Bubble Picker (inspired by Apple Music) 🧲
- alyssaxuu/later - Save all your Mac apps for later with one click 🖱️
- Finb/V2ex-Swift - An iOS client written in Swift for V2EX
- diwu/LeetCode-Solutions-in-Swift - LeetCode Solutions in Swift 5
- marcosgriselli/SwipeableTabBarController - UITabBarController with swipe interaction between its tabs.
- shu223/ARKit-Sampler - Code examples for ARKit.
- mhdhejazi/CoronaTracker - Coronavirus tracker app for iOS & macOS with maps & charts
- jaywcjlove/DevHub - A feature-rich offline application, is meticulously crafted to support developers in their daily tasks while ensuring the utmost security of their data
- trustwallet/trust-wallet-ios - 📱 Trust - Ethereum Wallet and Web3 DApp Browser for iOS
- tidwall/SwiftWebSocket - Fast Websockets in Swift for iOS and OSX
- exyte/ARTetris - Augmented Reality Tetris made with ARKit and SceneKit
- sobri909/LocoKit - Location, motion, and activity recording framework for iOS
- kylef/Commander - Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift
- Ramotion/gliding-collection - Gliding Collection is a smooth, flowing, customizable decision for a UICollectionView Swift Controller. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- michaelhenry/ImageViewer.swift - An easy to use Image Viewer that is inspired by Facebook
- marmelroy/FileBrowser - Finder-style iOS file browser written in Swift
- KeyboardKit/KeyboardKit - KeyboardKit is a Swift SDK that lets you create fully customizable keyboards with a few lines of code, using SwiftUI.
- mssun/passforios - Pass for iOS - an iOS client compatible with Pass command line application.
- thoughtbot/Tropos - Weather and Forecasts for Humans
- tailec/ios-architecture - A collection of iOS architectures - MVC, MVVM, MVVM+RxSwift, VIPER, RIBs and many others
- facebookarchive/facebook-swift-sdk - Integrate your iOS apps in Swift with Facebook Platform.
- makomori/Sharaku - (Not maintained)Image filtering UI library like Instagram.
- janselv/fave-button - FaveButton is an iOS cute animated like button written in Swift.
- melvitax/DateHelper - A Swift Date extension helper
- mecid/SwiftUICharts - A simple line and bar charting library that supports accessibility written using SwiftUI.
- BalestraPatrick/WhatsNew - Showcase new features after an app update similar to Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
- JohnSundell/Codextended - Extensions giving Swift's Codable API type inference super powers 🦸♂️🦹♀️
- djyde/WebShell - Bundle web apps to native OS X app
- nicklockwood/RetroRampage - Tutorial series demonstrating how to build a retro first-person shooter from scratch in Swift
- Zewo/Venice - Coroutines, structured concurrency and CSP for Swift on macOS and Linux.
- zhangao0086/DKImagePickerController - Image Picker Controller for iOS written in Swift 4 & 5.
- kylef/Mockingjay - An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift
- ohoachuck/wwdc-downloader - WWDC 2019 video downloader script written in Swift - no external dependency.
- steve228uk/MessengerKit - 💬 A UI framework for building messenger interfaces on iOS
- AvdLee/appstoreconnect-swift-sdk - The Swift SDK to work with the App Store Connect API from Apple.
- Lord-Kamina/SwiftDefaultApps - Replacement for RCDefaultApps, written in Swift.
- malcommac/Repeat - 🕦 Modern Timer in Swift, Debouncer and Throttler (alternative to NSTimer) made with GCD
- AladinWay/TransitionButton - UIButton sublass for loading and transition animation.
- Harley-xk/MaLiang - iOS painting and drawing library based on Metal. 神笔马良有一支神笔(基于 Metal 的涂鸦绘图库)
- alexrozanski/LlamaChat - Chat with your favourite LLaMA models in a native macOS app
- nvzqz/RandomKit - Random data generation in Swift
- QueryKit/QueryKit - A simple CoreData query language for Swift and Objective-C.
- kylef/PathKit - Effortless path operations in Swift
- igorkulman/iOSLocalizationEditor - Simple macOS editor app to help you manage iOS and macOS app localizations by allowing you to edit all the translations side by side
- apple/swift-openapi-generator - Generate Swift client and server code from an OpenAPI document.
- woshiccm/Pecker - CodePecker is a tool to detect unused Swift code.
- psharanda/Atributika - Convert text with HTML tags, links, hashtags, mentions into NSAttributedString. Make them clickable with UILabel drop-in replacement.
- jevonmao/PermissionsSwiftUI - A SwiftUI package to beautifully display and handle permissions.
- app-developers/top - Top App Developers - September 2022
- GEOSwift/GEOSwift - The Swift Geometry Engine.
- aheze/Setting - Compose beautiful preference panels.
- amzn/smoke-framework - A light-weight server-side service framework written in the Swift programming language.
- TBXark/TKRubberIndicator - A rubber animation pagecontrol
- SwiftValidatorCommunity/SwiftValidator - A rule-based validation library for Swift
- danielsaidi/SwiftUIKit - SwiftUIKit is a Swift SDK that adds extra functionality to Swift & SwiftUI.
- tmdvs/TDBadgedCell - TDBadgedCell is a table view cell class that adds a badge, similar to the badges in Apple's own apps
- nmdias/DefaultsKit - Simple, Strongly Typed UserDefaults for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- bryanjclark/SwiftTweaks - Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
- exyte/ConcentricOnboarding - SwiftUI library for a walkthrough or onboarding flow with tap actions
- hatashiro/kawa - A macOS input source switcher with user-defined shortcuts.
- shu223/Pulsator - Pulse animation for iOS
- material-motion/material-motion-swift - A toolkit for building responsive motion using Core Animation.
- hyperoslo/Gallery - 📹 Your next favorite image and video picker
- adamwaite/Validator - Drop in user input validation for your iOS apps.
- guinmoon/LLMFarm - llama and other large language models on iOS and MacOS offline using GGML library.
- typelift/SwiftCheck - QuickCheck for Swift
- Polidea/RxBluetoothKit - iOS & OSX Bluetooth library for RxSwift
- Cosmo/OpenSwiftUI - WIP — OpenSwiftUI is an OpenSource implementation of Apple's SwiftUI DSL.
- Kitura/BlueSocket - Socket framework for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, and Linux.
- drmohundro/SWXMLHash - Simple XML parsing in Swift
- dduan/Just - Swift HTTP for Humans
- kazuhiro4949/PagingKit - PagingKit provides customizable menu UI. It has more flexible layout and design than the other libraries.
- JoniVR/VerticalCardSwiper - A marriage between the Shazam Discover UI and Tinder, built with UICollectionView in Swift.
- pointfreeco/swift-tagged - 🏷 A wrapper type for safer, expressive code.
- Mijick/Popups - Popups, popovers, sheets, alerts, toasts, banners, (...) presentation made simple. Written with and for SwiftUI.
- hollance/CoreMLHelpers - Types and functions that make it a little easier to work with Core ML in Swift.
- Yalantis/ColorMatchTabs - This is a Review posting app that let user find interesting places near them
- BenEmdon/CenteredCollectionView - A lightweight UICollectionViewLayout that 'pages' and centers its cells 🎡 written in Swift
- emreozdil/Swift-Daily-Tips - Daily Tips from Swift World
- SwiftyJSON/Alamofire-SwiftyJSON - Alamofire extension for serialize NSData to SwiftyJSON
- imaginary-cloud/CameraManager - Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app
- LeonardoCardoso/SwiftLinkPreview - It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
- kevinzhow/PNChart-Swift - A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS(https://github.com/kevinzhow/PNChart) Swift Implementation
- BilalReffas/EmojiIntelligence - Neural Network built in Apple Playground using Swift
- FlineDev/BartyCrouch - Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.
- 3lvis/Networking - Swift HTTP Networking with stubbing and caching support
- apptekstudios/ASCollectionView - A SwiftUI collection view with support for custom layouts, preloading, and more.
- tnantoka/edhita - Fully open source text editor for iOS written in SwiftUI.
- waylybaye/XcodeCleaner-SwiftUI - Make Xcode Clean Again
- Yalantis/PixPic - PixPic, a Photo Editing App
- uraimo/SwiftyGPIO - A Swift library for hardware projects on Linux/ARM boards with support for GPIOs/SPI/I2C/PWM/UART/1Wire.
- mikaoj/BSImagePicker - A multiple image picker for iOS
- SteveBarnegren/TweenKit - Animation library for iOS in Swift
- Nike-Inc/Willow - Willow is a powerful, yet lightweight logging library written in Swift.
- younatics/YNDropDownMenu - ✨ Awesome Dropdown menu for iOS with Swift 5.0
- vandadnp/iOS-8-Swift-Programming-Cookbook - This is the GitHub repository of O'Reilly's iOS 8 Swift Programming Cookbook
- rsyncOSX/RsyncOSX_archived - A macOS GUI for rsync.
- guillermomuntaner/Burritos - A collection of Swift Property Wrappers (formerly "Property Delegates")
- ClintJang/awesome-swift-korean-lecture - 훌륭한 Swift 세션 동영상(강좌), 한글 자막있는 혹은 한국어 강의 정보 링크 모음 (Awesome Swift Korean lecture information)
- ra1028/Carbon - 🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
- DanielStormApps/Fanny - Monitor your Mac's fan speed and CPU/GPU temperature from your Notification Center.
- RxSwiftCommunity/RxSwiftExt - A collection of Rx operators & tools not found in the core RxSwift distribution
- yannickl/QRCodeReader.swift - Simple QRCode reader in Swift
- vapor/fluent - Vapor ORM (queries, models, and relations) for NoSQL and SQL databases
- ortuman/SwiftForms - A small and lightweight library written in Swift that allows you to easily create forms.
- swiftgif/SwiftGif - [UNMAINTAINED] 🌠 A small UIImage extension with gif support
- kf99916/TimelineTableViewCell - Simple timeline view implemented by UITableViewCell
- emaloney/CleanroomLogger - CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant
- twostraws/Sitrep - A source code analyzer for Swift projects.
- BoltsFramework/Bolts-Swift - Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
- JiongXing/PhotoBrowser - Elegant photo browser in Swift. 图片与视频浏览器。
- MarkEdit-app/MarkEdit - Just like TextEdit on Mac but dedicated to Markdown.
- attaswift/BTree - Fast sorted collections for Swift using in-memory B-trees
- fermoya/SwiftUIPager - Native Pager in SwiftUI
- amitburst/HackerNews - A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift.
- kofigumbs/multi - Create custom, lightweight macOS apps from websites
- ra1028/Former - Former is a fully customizable Swift library for easy creating UITableView based form.
- devxoul/RxTodo - iOS Todo Application using RxSwift and ReactorKit
- Flight-School/AnyCodable - Type-erased wrappers for Encodable, Decodable, and Codable values
- mischa-hildebrand/AlignedCollectionViewFlowLayout - A collection view layout that gives you control over the horizontal and vertical alignment of the cells.
- yysskk/SwipeMenuViewController - Swipable tab and menu View and ViewController.
- amebalabs/TRex - Copy any text on your screen, stop retyping.
- whitesmith/WSTagsField - An iOS text field that represents tags, hashtags, tokens in general.
- rajdeep/proton - Purely native and extensible rich text editor for iOS and macOS Catalyst apps
- luosheng/OpenSim - OpenSim is an open source alternative to SimPholders, written in Swift.
- Lision/WKWebViewJavascriptBridge - 🌉 A Bridge for Sending Messages between Swift and JavaScript in WKWebViews.
- TakeScoop/SwiftyRSA - RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
- attaswift/Attabench - Microbenchmarking app for Swift with nice log-log plots
- badrinathvm/StepperView - SwiftUI iOS component for Step Indications.
- efremidze/Cluster - Easy Map Annotation Clustering 📍
- Ramotion/cardslider - 🃏 Cardslider is a design UI controller that allows you to swipe through cards with pictures and accompanying descriptions.
- hollance/Forge - A neural network toolkit for Metal
- duzexu/ARuler - Mesure distance using apple ARKit
- aschuch/AwesomeCache - Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift)
- sindresorhus/DockProgress - Show progress in your app's Dock icon
- carson-katri/reddit-swiftui - A cross-platform Reddit client built in SwiftUI
- Yalantis/PullToRefresh - This component implements pure pull-to-refresh logic and you can use it for developing your own pull-to-refresh animations
- roberthein/Ease - It's magic.
- mozilla-mobile/focus-ios -
⚠️ Firefox Focus (iOS) has moved to a new repository. It is now developed and maintained as part of: https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firefox-ios - juanpablofernandez/SwiftyOnboard - A swifty iOS framework that allows developers to create beautiful onboarding experiences.
- fulldecent/FDWaveformView - Reads an audio file and displays the waveform
- JiriTrecak/Laurine - Laurine - Localization code generator written in Swift. Sweet!
- venmo/Static - Simple static table views for iOS in Swift.
- rlxone/Equinox - 🌇 🌃 Create dynamic wallpapers for macOS.
- adamcichy/SwiftySound - SwiftySound is a simple library that lets you play sounds with a single line of code.
- hummingbird-project/hummingbird - Lightweight, flexible HTTP server framework written in Swift
- wulkano/Aperture - Record the screen on macOS
- airbnb/epoxy-ios - Epoxy is a suite of declarative UI APIs for building UIKit applications in Swift
- yeahdongcn/UIColor-Hex-Swift - Convenience methods for creating color using RGBA hex string.
- DeclarativeHub/ReactiveKit - A Swift Reactive Programming Kit
- radex/SwiftyTimer - Swifty API for NSTimer
- slazyk/Observable-Swift - KVO for Swift - Value Observing and Events
- rensbreur/SwiftTUI - SwiftUI for terminal applications
- willpowell8/LocalizationKit_iOS - Realtime Dynamic localization translation delivery system for iOS and Mac OSX in Swift. Create and update texts from localization.com without needing to recompile or redeploy. Cocapod for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac)
- marcosgriselli/Sizes - View your app on different device and font sizes
- Apollonyan/Developing-iOS-11-Apps-with-Swift - Stanford 公开课,Developing iOS 11 Apps with Swift 字幕翻译
- GitHawkApp/StyledTextKit - Declarative building and fast rendering attributed string library.
- krzysztofzablocki/Difference - Simple way to identify what is different between 2 instances of any type. Must have for TDD.
- youngsoft/TangramKit - TangramKit is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Swift. It integrates the functions with Android layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can use LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,FrameLayout,TableLayout,FlowLayout,FloatLayout,LayoutSizeClass to build your App 自动布局 UIView UITableView UICollectionView
- jeantimex/ios-swift-collapsible-table-section - 📱 A simple iOS Swift project demonstrates how to implement collapsible table section.
- johnlui/AutoLayout - Auto Layout 秘境
- kaandedeoglu/KDCircularProgress - A circular progress view with gradients written in Swift
- sindresorhus/System-Color-Picker - 🎨 The macOS color picker as an app with more features
- markiv/SwiftUI-Shimmer - Shimmer is a super-light modifier that adds a shimmering effect to any SwiftUI View, for example, to show that an operation is in progress. It works well on light and dark modes, and across iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and visionOS.
- migueldeicaza/SwiftGodot - New Godot bindings for Swift
- HearthSim/HSTracker - A deck tracker and deck manager for Hearthstone on macOS
- UrbanApps/Armchair - A simple yet powerful App Review Manager for iOS and OSX in Swift
- nsomar/Swiftline - Swiftline is a set of tools to help you create command line applications.
- swiftlang/swift-docc - Documentation compiler that produces rich API reference documentation and interactive tutorials for your Swift framework or package.
- freshOS/KeyboardLayoutGuide - ⌨️ KeyboardLayoutGuide, back from when it didn't exist.
- archagon/tasty-imitation-keyboard - A custom keyboard for iOS8 that serves as a tasty imitation of the default Apple keyboard. Built using Swift and the latest Apple technologies!
- apple/swift-system - Low-level system calls and types for Swift
- younatics/YNSearch - 🔍 Awesome fully customize search view like Pinterest written in Swift 5.0 + Realm support!
- ReactKit/ReactKit - Swift Reactive Programming.
- playbook-ui/playbook-ios - 📘A library for isolated developing UI components and automatically taking snapshots of them.
- nmdias/FeedKit - An RSS, Atom and JSON Feed parser written in Swift
- exyte/ScalingHeaderScrollView - A scroll view with a sticky header which shrinks as you scroll. Written with SwiftUI.
- ApplikeySolutions/PandoraPlayer -
🅿️ PandoraPlayer is a lightweight music player for iOS, based on AudioKit and completely written in Swift. - NathanFlurry/VisualProgrammingLanguage - Visual programming language written in Swift that assembles to executable Swift code. WWDC '18 scholarship submission.
- saoudrizwan/CardSlider - Tinder cards with a twist
- nathantannar4/InputBarAccessoryView - A simple and easily customizable InputAccessoryView for making powerful input bars with autocomplete and attachments
- SwiftKitz/Appz - 📱 Launch external apps, and deeplink, with ease using Swift!
- mattmassicotte/ConcurrencyRecipes - Practical solutions to problems with Swift Concurrency
- marmelroy/Format - A Swift Formatter Kit
- didierbrun/DBPathRecognizer - Gesture recognizer tool [Swift / iOS]
- lyft/mapper - A JSON deserialization library for Swift
- kakaopensource/KakaJSON - Fast conversion between JSON and model in Swift.
- ptsochantaris/trailer - Managing Pull Requests and Issues For GitHub & GitHub Enterprise
- yannickl/DynamicButton - Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift
- segecey/SwiftIconFont - Icons fonts for iOS (Font Awesome 5, Iconic, Ionicon, Octicon, Themify, MapIcon, MaterialIcon, Foundation 3, Elegant Icon, Captain Icon)
- mkoehnke/WKZombie - WKZombie is a Swift framework for iOS/OSX to navigate within websites and collect data without the need of User Interface or API, also known as Headless browser. It can be used to run automated tests / snapshots and manipulate websites using Javascript.
- krzyzanowskim/Natalie - Natalie - Storyboard Code Generator (for Swift)
- AuroraEditor/AuroraEditor - Aurora Editor is a IDE built by the community, for the community, and written in Swift for the best native performance and feel for macOS.
- AvdLee/CombineSwiftPlayground - A Swift playground explaining the concepts of the new Combine framework
- ArtSabintsev/FontBlaster - Programmatically load custom fonts into your iOS, macOS and tvOS app.
- p2/OAuth2 - OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.
- teodorpatras/SideMenuController - A side menu controller written in Swift for iOS
- marmelroy/TVButton - Recreating the cool parallax icons from Apple TV as iOS UIButtons (in Swift).
- mattt/Euler - Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation
- swiftlang/swift-corelibs-xctest - The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support
- swift-server/swift-aws-lambda-runtime - Swift implementation of AWS Lambda Runtime
- rockbruno/SwiftInfo - 📊 Extract and analyze the evolution of an iOS app's code.
- nicktoumpelis/HiBeacons - An iBeacons example app for iOS 10, with Apple Watch (watchOS 3.0) support, written in Swift 3.
- apasccon/SearchTextField - UITextField subclass with autocompletion suggestions list
- kentya6/KYCircularProgress - Flexible progress bar written in Swift.
- jogendra/example-ios-apps - A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift. An amazing list for people who are beginners and learning ios development and for ios developers who need any example app or feature.
- nsomar/Guaka - The smartest and most beautiful (POSIX compliant) Command line framework for Swift 🤖
- jdisho/Papr - 🌁 An Unsplash app for iOS
- efremidze/VisualEffectView - Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) 📱
- candostdagdeviren/CDAlertView - Highly customizable alertview and alert/notification/success/error/alarm popup written in Swift
- pointfreeco/swift-overture - 🎼 A library for function composition.
- lukakerr/NSWindowStyles - A showcase of the many different styles of windows possible with NSWindow on macOS
- stasel/WebRTC-iOS - A simple native WebRTC demo iOS app using swift
- Lickability/PinpointKit - Send better feedback
- hpique/SwiftSingleton - An exploration of the Singleton pattern in Swift
- 146BC/StyleKit - A powerful & easy to use styling framework written in Swift
- SkrewEverything/Swift-Keylogger - Keylogger for mac written in Swift using HID
- wxxsw/SwiftUI-WeChat - 🇨🇳 Learn how to make WeChat with SwiftUI. 微信 7.0 🟢
- dmytro-anokhin/url-image - AsyncImage before iOS 15. Lightweight, pure SwiftUI Image view, that displays an image downloaded from URL, with auxiliary views and local cache.
- compnerd/swift-win32 - A Windows application framework for Swift
- onmyway133/RoughSwift - 🎃 Create hand-drawn, sketchy, comic shape in Swift
- onevcat/Hedwig - Send email to any SMTP server like a boss, in Swift and cross-platform
- spotify/XCMetrics - XCMetrics is the easiest way to collect Xcode build metrics and improve developer productivity.
- instacart/Nantes - Swift TTTAttributedLabel replacement
- pointfreeco/pointfreeco - 🎬 The source for www.pointfree.co, a video series on functional programming and the Swift programming language.
- krzyzanowskim/STTextView - Performant and reusable text view component (TextKit 2), with line numbers and more. UITextView / NSTextView replacement.
- benjaminmayo/merchantkit - A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS.
- cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus - A publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS
- aheze/SwipeActions - Add customizable swipe actions to any view.
- FabrizioBrancati/Queuer - Queuer is a queue manager, built on top of OperationQueue and Dispatch (aka GCD).
- steamclock/bluejay - A simple Swift framework for building reliable Bluetooth LE apps.
- joogps/SlideOverCard - A SwiftUI card view, made great for setup interactions.
- wickwirew/Runtime - A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties.
- ApplikeySolutions/GravitySlider - 🔄 GravitySlider is a beautiful alternative to the standard UICollectionView flow layout.
- devxoul/SwiftyImage - 🎨 Generate image resources in Swift
- apple/swift-atomics - Low-level atomic operations for Swift
- cezheng/Fuzi - A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support
- PureSwift/Cacao - Pure Swift Cross-platform UIKit (Cocoa Touch) implementation (Supports Linux)
- JensRavens/Interstellar - Simple and lightweight Functional Reactive Coding in Swift for the rest of us
- jatoben/CommandLine - A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces
- joshaber/Few.swift - Views as functions of their state.
- yannickl/Splitflap - A simple split-flap display for your Swift applications
- neoneye/SwiftyFORM - iOS framework for creating forms
- KennethTsang/GrowingTextView - An UITextView in Swift. Support auto growing, placeholder and length limit.
- johnpatrickmorgan/wtfautolayout - The source code for Why The Failure, Auto Layout?
- mikelikesdesign/SwiftUI-experiments - Examples with SwiftUI that showcase various interactions, animations and more
- lucaszischka/BottomSheet - A sliding Sheet from the bottom of the Screen with 3 States build with SwiftUI.
- dmrschmidt/DSWaveformImage - Generate waveform images from audio files on iOS, macOS & visionOS in Swift. Native SwiftUI & UIKit views.
- ruslanskorb/RSKGrowingTextView - A light-weight UITextView subclass that automatically grows and shrinks.
- dreymonde/Time - 🕰 Type-safe time calculations in Swift
- kingslay/KSPlayer - A video player for iOS、macOS、tvOS、visionOS , based on AVPlayer and FFmpeg, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, SwiftUI, support subtitles.
- hyperoslo/Sugar - ☕ Something sweet that goes great with your Cocoa
- totocaster/Typist - Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.
- OpenSwiftUIProject/OpenSwiftUI - [WIP] Open source implementation of Apple's SwiftUI.
- danger/swift -
⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review - cats-oss/Sica - 🦌 Simple Interface Core Animation. Run type-safe animation sequencially or parallelly
- gpbl/SwiftChart - Line and area chart library for iOS
- marciok/Mu - It's a Swift playground explaining how to create a tiny programming language named Mu
- kciter/GlitchLabel - G..lit...c...hing UILa..bel fo..r iO...S 📺
- Toni77777/awesome-swiftui-libraries - 🚀 Awesome SwiftUI Libraries
- sevtin/KSChart - k线图/kline/kchart,已经集成MA/EMA/MACD/KDJ/BOLL/RSI/WR/AVG等指标,新增指标及其方便。适用于股票/区块链交易所等种类App。Swift5编写,CPU/内存占用率极低,60FPS稳定运行。示例集成websocket,并接入币安数据(需VPN)。
- glthello/LTScrollView - ScrollView嵌套ScrolloView(UITableView 、UICollectionView)解决方案, 支持OC / Swift(持续更新中...)实现原理:http://blog.csdn.net/glt_code/article/details/78576628
- ml-explore/mlx-swift-examples - Examples using MLX Swift
- MakeAWishFoundation/SwiftyMocky - Framework for automatic mock generation. Adds a set of handy methods, simplifying testing. One of the best and most complete solutions, including generics support and much more.
- Anviking/Decodable - [Probably deprecated] Swift 2/3 JSON unmarshalling done (more) right
- spicyShrimp/U17 - 精仿有妖气漫画(Swift5)
- kareman/SwiftShell - A Swift framework for shell scripting.
- toineheuvelmans/Metron - Geometry, simplified.
- romansorochak/ParallaxHeader - Simple way to add parallax header to UIScrollView/UITableView written in Swift.
- RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.iOS - Legacy mobile Rocket.Chat client in Swift for iOS
- NoTests/RxFeedback.swift - The universal system operator and architecture for RxSwift
- CombineCommunity/RxCombine - Bi-directional type bridging between RxSwift and Apple's Combine framework
- SuprHackerSteve/Crescendo - Crescendo is a swift based, real time event viewer for macOS. It utilizes Apple's Endpoint Security Framework.
- skywinder/GaugeKit - Kit for building custom gauges + easy reproducible Apple's style ring gauges.
- KevinGong2013/ChineseIDCardOCR - [Deprecated] 🇨🇳中国二代身份证光学识别
- lo-cafe/winston - A beautiful and native Reddit client for iOS
- pvzig/SlackKit - Build Slack apps, in Swift
- tadija/AEXML - Swift minion for simple and lightweight XML parsing
- delba/JASON - Fast JSON parsing for Swift
- cpisciotta/xcbeautify - A little beautifier tool for xcodebuild
- bryx-inc/BRYXBanner - A lightweight dropdown notification for iOS 7+, in Swift.
- suzuki-0000/CountdownLabel - Simple countdown UILabel with morphing animation, and some useful function.
- instant-solutions/ISTimeline - Simple timeline view written in Swift 3
- FabrizioBrancati/BFKit-Swift - BFKit-Swift is a collection of useful classes, structs and extensions to develop Apps faster.
- vincent-pradeilles/swift-tips - A collection useful tips for the Swift language
- mac-gallagher/MultiProgressView - 📊 An animatable view that depicts multiple progresses over time. Modeled after UIProgressView
- aheze/OpenFind - An app to find text in real life.
- migueldeicaza/SwiftTerm - Xterm/VT100 Terminal emulator in Swift
- freshOS/Then - 🎬 Tame async code with battle-tested promises
- wangjwchn/AImage - An animated gif & apng engine for iOS in Swift. Have a great performance on memory and cpu usage.
- traderepublic/Cilicon - 🛠️ Self-Hosted ephemeral macOS CI on Apple Silicon
- johnno1962/Refactorator - Xcode Plugin that Refactors Swift & Objective-C
- zenangst/Blueprints - 🌀 Blueprints - A framework that is meant to make your life easier when working with collection view flow layouts.
- steipete/InterposeKit - A modern library to swizzle elegantly in Swift.
- Silence-GitHub/BBMetalImage - A high performance Swift library for GPU-accelerated image/video processing based on Metal.
- maustinstar/shiny - Shiny uses your gyroscope to simulate lighting and motion effects on colors. Works on almost every SwiftUI View.
- ivanvorobei/SPLarkController - Custom transition between controllers. Settings controller for your iOS app.
- smileyborg/TableViewCellWithAutoLayoutiOS8 - Sample project demonstrating self-sizing table view cells in iOS 8 using Swift and Objective-C.
- exyte/Chat - A SwiftUI Chat UI framework with fully customizable message cells and a built-in media picker
- GitHawkApp/ContextMenu - An iOS context menu UI inspired by Things 3.
- lgaches/BeaconEmitter - Turn your Mac as an iBeacon
- AliSoftware/Dip - Simple Swift Dependency container. Use protocols to resolve your dependencies and avoid singletons / sharedInstances!
- cocoatoucher/AIFlatSwitch - Nicely animated flat design switch alternative to UISwitch
- C4Labs/C4iOS - C4 is an open-source creative coding framework that harnesses the power of native iOS programming with a simplified API that gets you working with media right away. Build artworks, design interfaces and explore new possibilities working with media and interaction.
- recruit-mtl/Graphs - Light weight charts view generater for iOS. Written in Swift.
- Luur/SwiftEchoes-Tips - Swift tips and tricks
- swiftcsv/SwiftCSV - CSV parser for Swift
- SvenTiigi/ValidatedPropertyKit - Easily validate your Properties with Property Wrappers 👮
- DroidsOnRoids/RxSwiftExamples - Examples and resources for RxSwift.
- yannickl/FlowingMenu - Interactive view transition to display menus with flowing and bouncing effects in Swift
- sasojadrovski/SJFluidSegmentedControl - A segmented control with custom appearance and interactive animations. Written in Swift 3.0.
- kaishin/ImageScout - A Swift implementation of fastimage. Supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
- soffes/Countdown - Mac screensaver for counting down to a date
- igorkulman/ChangeMenuBarColor - Simple utility to change macOS Big Sur and Monterey menu bar color by appending a solid color or gradient rectangle to a wallpaper image
- BalestraPatrick/ParticlesLoadingView - A customizable SpriteKit particles animation on the border of a view.
- shaps80/SwiftUIBackports - A collection of SwiftUI backports for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
- KyoheiG3/DynamicBlurView - DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.
- danielsaidi/RichTextKit - RichTextKit is a Swift SDK that helps you use rich text in Swift and SwiftUI.
- WeTransfer/Diagnostics - Allow users to easily share Diagnostics with your support team to improve the flow of fixing bugs.
- omaralbeik/Drops - A µFramework for showing alerts like the one used when copying from pasteboard or connecting Apple pencil
- mileswd/mac2imgur - ⬆ A simple Mac app designed to make uploading images and screenshots to Imgur quick and effortless.
- wangshengjia/LeeGo - Declarative, configurable & highly reusable UI development as making Lego bricks.
- evermeer/EVReflection - Reflection based (Dictionary, CKRecord, NSManagedObject, Realm, JSON and XML) object mapping with extensions for Alamofire and Moya with RxSwift or ReactiveSwift
- onmyway133/Snowflake - ❄️ SVG in Swift
- jrasmusson/swift-arcade - Collection of demos from the Swift Arcade YouTube channel
- spacenation/swiftui-grid - 🚀 SwiftUI Grid layout with custom styles
- johnvuko/JTMaterialTransition - An iOS transition for controllers based on material design.
- CodandoApple/aprenda-swift - Uma lista de conteúdos para você aprender Swift
- vvkeep/JSONConverter - 🔥 🔥 🔥 Powerful and beautiful JSON-to-model MacOS app, supports multiple development languages and popular third-party libraries, flexible custom configuration options to meet a variety of individual needs
- ParkGwangBeom/Windless - Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view.
- mergesort/Boutique - ✨ A magical persistence library (and so much more) for state-driven iOS and Mac apps ✨
- redcanaryco/mac-monitor - Red Canary Mac Monitor is an advanced, stand-alone system monitoring tool tailor-made for macOS security research. Beginning with Endpoint Security (ES), it collects and enriches system events, displaying them graphically, with an expansive feature set designed to reduce noise.
- mxcl/Path.swift - Delightful, robust, cross-platform and chainable file-pathing functions.
- fruitcoder/ReplaceAnimation - Pull-to-refresh animation in UICollectionView with a sticky header flow layout, written in Swift 🔶
- insanoid/SwiftyJSONAccelerator - macOS app to generate Swift 5 code for models from JSON (with Codeable)
- google-gemini/generative-ai-swift - The official Swift library for the Google Gemini API
- atljeremy/JFMinimalNotifications - An iOS UIView for presenting a minimalistic notification that doesn't block the UI and is highly configurable.
- soffes/HotKey - Simple global shortcuts in macOS
- guoyingtao/Mantis - An iOS Image cropping library, which mimics the Photo App written in Swift.
- ArtSabintsev/Zephyr - Effortlessly synchronize UserDefaults over iCloud.
- maustinstar/swiftui-drawer - A SwiftUI bottom-up controller, like in the Maps app. Drag to expand or minimize.
- matteopuc/swiftui-navigation-stack - An alternative SwiftUI NavigationView implementing classic stack-based navigation giving also some more control on animations and programmatic navigation.
- GraphQLSwift/GraphQL - The Swift GraphQL implementation for macOS and Linux
- FlexMonkey/Blurable - Apply a Gaussian Blur to any UIView with Swift Protocol Extensions
- alexeyxo/protobuf-swift - Google ProtocolBuffers for Apple Swift
- hollance/YOLO-CoreML-MPSNNGraph - Tiny YOLO for iOS implemented using CoreML but also using the new MPS graph API.
- dreymonde/AppFolder - 🗂 Never use NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains again
- krisk/fuse-swift - A lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies
- wokalski/Diff.swift - The fastest Diff and patch library in Swift. Includes UICollectionView/UITableView utils.
- younatics/Highlighter - 🖍 Highlight whatever you want!
- raivo-otp/ios-application - A native, lightweight and secure one-time-password (OTP) client built for iOS; Raivo OTP!
- danthorpe/Money - Swift value types for working with money & currency
- pointfreeco/swift-case-paths - 🧰 Case paths extends the key path hierarchy to enum cases.
- bloomberg/xcdiff - A tool which helps you diff xcodeproj files.
- rundfunk47/stinsen - Coordinators in SwiftUI. Simple, powerful and elegant.
- objcio/functional-swift - Issue repository for the Functional Swift book
- kartik-venugopal/aural-player - An audio file player for macOS, inspired by Winamp.
- izqui/Taylor - A lightweight library for writing HTTP web servers with Swift
- aheze/Prism - A lightweight 3D renderer for SwiftUI.
- google/swift-benchmark - A swift library to benchmark code snippets.
- frzi/swiftui-router - Path-based routing in SwiftUI
- TBXark/TKSwitcherCollection - An animation switch collection
- Flight-School/Money - A precise, type-safe representation of a monetary amount in a given currency
- soffes/RateLimit - Simple utility for only executing code every so often.
- edopelawi/CascadingTableDelegate - A no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource in Swift.
- vandadnp/swift-weekly - Weekly Swift Language Gems, Tips and Tricks
- apple/swift-http-types - Version-independent HTTP currency types for Swift
- ReactKit/SwiftState - Elegant state machine for Swift.
- pencilresearch/OpenScanner - Fast, reliable, and free document scanner app for iPhone
- elliottminns/blackfire - A minimal, fast and unopinionated web framework for Swift
- lb2281075105/LBXMLYFM-Swift - Swift5项目仿写喜马拉雅App,采用MVC+MVVM设计模式,Moya+SwiftyJSON+HandyJSON网络框架和数据解析。数据来源抓包及部分本地json文件
- prateek147/DVIA-v2 - Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA) is an iOS application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to provide a platform to mobile security enthusiasts/professionals or students to test their iOS penetration testing skills in a legal environment. This project is developed and maintained by @prateekg147. The vulnerabilities and solutions covered in this app are tested up to iOS 11. The current version is writen in Swift and has the following vulnerabilities.
- ekazaev/route-composer - Protocol oriented, Cocoa UI abstractions based library that helps to handle view controllers composition, navigation and deep linking tasks in the iOS application. Can be used as the universal replacement for the Coordinator pattern.
- ekazaev/ChatLayout - ChatLayout is an alternative solution to MessageKit. It uses custom UICollectionViewLayout to provide you full control over the presentation as well as all the tools available in UICollectionView. It supports dynamic cells and supplementary view sizes.
- phynet/iOS-URL-Schemes - iOS URL list schemes: This is a github solution from my gist of iOS list for urls schemes https://gist.github.com/phynet/471089a51b8f940f0fb4 a list of different URL Schemes for iOS (Swift 3 and Objc)
- dokun1/Lumina - A camera designed in Swift for easily integrating CoreML models - as well as image streaming, QR/Barcode detection, and many other features
- Ramotion/elongation-preview - ElongationPreview is an elegant UI push-pop style view controller. iOS library made by @Ramotion
- ProcedureKit/ProcedureKit - Advanced Operations in Swift
- igorkulman/iOSSampleApp - Sample iOS app demonstrating Coordinators, Dependency Injection, MVVM, Binding
- jaywcjlove/copybook-generator - "Copybook Generator" is a powerful copybook generation tool designed to meet the writing practice needs of different users.
- raphaelhanneken/iconizer - Create Xcode asset catalogs swift and painless. Generate images for macOS and iOS app icons, launch images and image sets.
- gltwy/LTScrollView - ScrollView嵌套ScrolloView(UITableView 、UICollectionView)解决方案, 支持OC / Swift(持续更新中...)实现原理:http://blog.csdn.net/glt_code/article/details/78576628
- fxm90/GradientLoadingBar - ⌛️A customizable animated gradient loading bar.
- heestand-xyz/PixelKit - Live Graphics in Swift & Metal
- bevy/photo-editor - Photo editor with a lot of cool features
- anupamchugh/iowncode - A curated collection of iOS, ML, AR resources sprinkled with some UI additions
- waynewbishop/SwiftStructures - Examples of commonly used data structures and algorithms in Swift.
- Mijick/PopupView - Popups presentation made simple (SwiftUI)
- soto-project/soto - Swift SDK for AWS that works on Linux, macOS and iOS
- watson-developer-cloud/swift-sdk - 📱 The Watson Swift SDK enables developers to quickly add Watson Cognitive Computing services to their Swift applications.
- freshOS/Networking - ⚡️ Concise networking code leveraging async-await, Decodable & Generics.
- louisdh/savannakit - A high-performance, protocol oriented, framework for creating native IDEs for iOS and macOS, written in Swift
- sindresorhus/Actions - ⚙️ Supercharge your shortcuts
- apple/swift-foundation - The Foundation project
- evgenyneu/Dodo - A message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- CosmicMind/Graph - Graph is a semantic database that is used to create data-driven applications.
- pointfreeco/swiftui-navigation - Bringing simple and powerful navigation tools to all Swift platforms, inspired by SwiftUI.
- apple/swift-testing - A modern, expressive testing package for Swift
- rsyncOSX/RsyncOSX - A macOS GUI for rsync.
- apple/swift-corelibs-xctest - The XCTest Project, A Swift core library for providing unit test support
- jcavar/refresher - DEPRECATED: Pull to refresh in Swift
- ole/whats-new-in-swift-4-2 - An Xcode playground demonstrating the new features in in Swift 4.2.
- jpsim/PeerKit - An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps
- gilesvangruisen/Swift-YouTube-Player - Swift library for embedding and controlling YouTube videos in your iOS applications via WKWebView!
- apple/swift-corelibs-foundation - The Foundation Project, providing core utilities, internationalization, and OS independence
- apple/swift-markdown - A Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.
- apple/swift-docc - Documentation compiler that produces rich API reference documentation and interactive tutorials for your Swift framework or package.
- jonathantribouharet/JTMaterialTransition - An iOS transition for controllers based on material design.
- Awesome-Server-Side-Swift/TheList - A list of Awesome Server Side Swift 3 projects
- apple/swift-package-manager - The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
- apple/sourcekit-lsp - Language Server Protocol implementation for Swift and C-based languages
- apple/swift-syntax - A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.
- apple/swift-format - Formatting technology for Swift source code
- softhausHQ/CircleBar - A fun, easy-to-use tab bar navigation controller for iOS.
- morizotter/TouchVisualizer - Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!
- JohnSundell/ShellOut - Easily run shell commands from a Swift script or command line tool
- davedelong/DDMathParser - String → Number
- sindresorhus/LaunchAtLogin - Add “Launch at Login” functionality to your macOS app in seconds
- KyoheiG3/GridView - Reusable GridView with excellent performance and customization that can be time table, spreadsheet, paging and more.
- fahidattique55/FAPanels - FAPanels - Swift
- owlmafia/SwiftCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
- kirualex/SwiftyGif - High performance GIF engine
- Khan/SwiftTweaks - Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
- marmelroy/ObjectiveKit - Swift-friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions.
- crossroadlabs/Express - Swift Express is a simple, yet unopinionated web application server written in Swift
- DevToys-app/DevToysMac - DevToys For mac
- johnlui/Pitaya - 🏇 A Swift HTTP / HTTPS networking library just incidentally execute on machines
- railsware/Sleipnir - BDD-style framework for Swift
- ObuchiYuki/DevToysMac - DevToys For mac
- godly-devotion/MochiDiffusion - Run Stable Diffusion on Mac natively
- LowKostKustomz/StatusAlert - Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts. It is well suited for notifying user without interrupting user flow in iOS-like way.
- jkpang/PPBadgeView - iOS Custom Badge, Support UIView, UITabBarItem, UIBarButtonItem ,Support Objective-C/Swift; iOS自定义Badge组件, 支持UIView, UITabBarItem, UIBarButtonItem, 支持Objective-C/Swift
- johnlui/SwiftNotice - GUI library for displaying various popups (HUD), written in pure Swift.
- PhilippeBoisney/AlertOnboarding - A simple and attractive AlertView to onboard your users in your amazing world.
- jakeheis/SwiftCLI - A powerful framework for developing CLIs in Swift
- QuickBirdEng/FlippingNotch - FlippingNotch 🤙 - Dribble inspired animation https://dribbble.com/shots/4089014-Pull-To-Refresh-iPhone-X
- AndreyPanov/ApplicationCoordinator - Coordinators Essential tutorial
- nickoneill/Pantry - The missing light persistence layer for Swift
- belozierov/SwiftCoroutine - Swift coroutines for iOS, macOS and Linux.
- ivanschuetz/SwiftCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
- thoughtbot/Runes - Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift
- hyperoslo/Compass - 🌍 Compass helps you setup a central navigation system for your application
- CosmicMind/Algorithm - Algorithm is a library of tools that is used to create intelligent applications.
- delba/Log - An extensible logging framework for Swift
- videolan/vlc-ios - VLC for iOS/iPadOS and tvOS official mirror
- SvenTiigi/SwiftKit - Start your next Open-Source Swift Framework 📦
- honghaoz/Ji - Ji (戟) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift
- filletofish/CardsLayout - ⭐ Custom card-designed CollectionView layout
- nettlep/magic - Scanner for decks of cards with bar codes printed on card edges
- mapbox/mapbox-navigation-ios - Turn-by-turn navigation logic and UI in Swift on iOS
- line/line-sdk-ios-swift - Provides a modern way of implementing LINE APIs.
- kawoou/FlexibleImage - A simple way to play with the image!
- exyte/ReadabilityKit - Preview extractor for news, articles and full-texts in Swift
- movingparts-io/Pow - Delightful SwiftUI effects for your app
- inamiy/SwiftRewriter - 📝 Swift code formatter using SwiftSyntax.
- hayashi311/Color-Picker-for-iOS - Colorful: iOS color picker built with Swift.
- Nirma/UIFontComplete - Font management (System & Custom) for iOS and tvOS
- farice/ARShooter - A demo Augmented Reality shooter made with ARKit in Swift (iOS 11)
- fullstackio/FlappySwift - swift implementation of flappy bird. More at fullstackedu.com
- wireapp/wire-ios - 📱 Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
- yenom/BitcoinKit - Bitcoin protocol toolkit for Swift
- joshaber/SwiftBox - Flexbox in Swift, using Facebook's css-layout.
- jogendra/BadgeHub - A way to quickly add a notification badge icon to any view. Make any view of a full-fledged animated notification center.
- saidsikira/Overdrive - ⚡️ Fast async task based Swift framework with focus on type safety, concurrency and multi threading
- relatedcode/Messenger - Open source alternative communication platform.
- siteline/SwiftUI-Introspect - Introspect underlying UIKit/AppKit components from SwiftUI
- relatedcode/ProgressHUD - ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS.
- mcmatan/ImageOpenTransition - Beautiful and precise transitions between ViewControllers images written in Swift.
- ParkGwangBeom/TransitionableTab - TransitionableTab makes it easy to animate when switching between tab.
- nabilfreeman/ios-universal-webview-boilerplate - Universal Swift-based boilerplate for a web app.
- JakeLin/SaveTheDot - A game developed using UIViewPropertyAnimator
- MoZhouqi/KMPlaceholderTextView - A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift.
- ikesyo/Himotoki - A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift
- amosavian/FileProvider - FileManager replacement for Local, iCloud and Remote (WebDAV/FTP/Dropbox/OneDrive) files -- Swift
- ipraba/EPSignature - Signature component for iOS in Swift
- ivanvorobei/SPAlert - Native alert from Apple Music & Feedback. Contains Done, Heart & Message and other presets. Support SwiftUI.
- olddonkey/ShadowImageView - A apple music cover picture shadow style image library
- tensorflow/swift-apis - Swift for TensorFlow Deep Learning Library
- mattrubin/Authenticator - Two-Factor Authentication Client for iOS
- Gradients/Gradients - 🌔 A curated collection of splendid 180+ gradients made in swift
- ranesr/SwiftIcons - 🎢Swift Library for Font Icons - ★ this library
- isair/JSONHelper - ✌ Convert anything into anything in one operation; JSON data into class instances, hex strings into UIColor/NSColor, y/n strings to booleans, arrays and dictionaries of these; anything you can make sense of!
- nettlep/learn-swift - Learn Apple's Swift programming language interactively through these playgrounds.
- RobotsAndPencils/XcodesApp - The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.
- RobotsAndPencils/xcodes - The best command-line tool to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.
- jVirus/ios-learning-materials - 📚Curated list of articles, web-resources, tutorials and code repositories that may help you dig a little bit deeper into iOS [and Apple Platforms].
- Alecrim/AlecrimCoreData - Core Data made simple.
- jindulys/ChainPageCollectionView - A custom View with fancy collectionView animation
- divkit/divkit - DivKit is an open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework. SDUI is a an emerging technique that leverage the server to build the user interfaces of their mobile app
- draveness/NightNight - Elegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects
- Esqarrouth/QorumLogs - 📕 Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs
- KevinCoble/AIToolbox - A toolbox of AI modules written in Swift: Graphs/Trees, Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, PCA, K-Means, Genetic Algorithms
- soffes/Clock.saver - Simple clock screensaver written in Swift
- zagahr/Conferences.digital - 👨💻Watch the latest and greatest conference videos on your Mac
- loganwright/Genome - A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 3.0 (Supports Linux)
- efremidze/Shiny - Iridescent Effect View (inspired by Apple Pay Cash) ✨
- HelloElephant/Parade - Parallax Scroll-Jacking Effects Engine for iOS / tvOS
- square/Paralayout - Paralayout is a set of simple, useful, and straightforward utilities that enable pixel-perfect layout in iOS. Your designers will love you.
- devlucky/Kakapo - 🐤Dynamically Mock server behaviors and responses in Swift
- dalu93/Each - Elegant ⏱ interface for Swift apps
- avito-tech/Paparazzo - Custom iOS camera and photo picker with editing capabilities
- goktugyil/EZSwiftExtensions - 😏 How Swift standard types and classes were supposed to work.
- goktugyil/QorumLogs - 📕 Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs
- eBay/HeadGazeLib - A library to empower iOS app control through head gaze without a finger touch
- FutureKit/FutureKit - A Swift based Future/Promises Library for IOS and OS X.
- gonzalezreal/MarkdownUI - Render Markdown text in SwiftUI
- ethanhuang13/knil - Universal Links testing made easy
- yannickl/AwaitKit - The ES8 Async/Await control flow for Swift
- kylef/JSONWebToken.swift - Swift implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT).
- MartinRGB/MTSwift-Learning - Begin to learn swift,try to make some simple project here(DEPRECATED)
- Vaberer/Font-Awesome-Swift - Font Awesome swift library for iOS.
- majd/ipatool - Command-line tool that allows searching and downloading app packages (known as ipa files) from the iOS App Store
- serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps - 🚀 Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. https://t.me/s/opensourcemacosapps
- raywenderlich/swift-algorithm-club - Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
- KwaiAppTeam/SwiftPamphletApp - 戴铭的开发小册子,一本活的开发手册。使用 SwiftUI + Combine + Swift Concurrency Aysnc/Await Actor + GitHub API 开发的 macOS 应用
- DianQK/Flix - iOS reusable form library in Swift.
- saeipi/KSChart - k线图/kline/kchart,已经集成MA/EMA/MACD/KDJ/BOLL/RSI/WR/AVG等指标,新增指标及其方便。适用于股票/区块链交易所等种类App。Swift5编写,CPU/内存占用率极低,60FPS稳定运行。示例集成websocket,并接入币安数据(需VPN)。
- shoheiyokoyama/Koyomi - Simple customizable calendar component in Swift 📆
- GabrielAlva/Swift-Prompts - A Swift library to design custom prompts with a great scope of options to choose from.
- JohnSundell/Wrap - [DEPRECATED] The easy to use Swift JSON encoder
- louisdh/source-editor - A native source editor for iOS and macOS, written in Swift
- owensd/json-swift - A basic library for working with JSON in Swift.
- eventtus/photo-editor - Photo editor with a lot of cool features
- nicklockwood/Expression - A cross-platform Swift library for evaluating mathematical expressions at runtime
- aschuch/QRCode - A QRCode generator written in Swift.
- dasautoooo/Parma - A SwiftUI view for displaying Markdown with customizable appearances.
- Bouke/SwiftInitializerGenerator - Xcode Source Code Extension to Generate Swift Initializers
- dkhamsing/open-source-ios-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- matteocrippa/awesome-swift - A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- sparrowcode/SwiftUI - Examples projects using SwiftUI released by WWDC2019. Include Layout, UI, Animations, Gestures, Draw and Data.
- quickbirdstudios/XCoordinator - 🎌 Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern
- Flinesoft/BartyCrouch - Localization/I18n: Incrementally update/translate your Strings files from .swift, .h, .m(m), .storyboard or .xib files.
- 0x73/SwiftIconFont - Icons fonts for iOS (Font Awesome 5, Iconic, Ionicon, Octicon, Themify, MapIcon, MaterialIcon, Foundation 3, Elegant Icon, Captain Icon)
- quickbirdstudios/FlippingNotch - FlippingNotch 🤙 - Dribble inspired animation https://dribbble.com/shots/4089014-Pull-To-Refresh-iPhone-X
- swift-server/http -
⚠️ Historical HTTP API - please use https://github.com/swift-server/async-http-client instead - jimmyjose-dev/LocationManager - CLLocationManager wrapper in Swift, performs location update, geocoding and reverse geocoding using Apple and Google service
- inamiy/RxAutomaton - 🤖 RxSwift + State Machine, inspired by Redux and Elm.
- gkye/ComplimentaryGradientView - Create complementary gradients generated from dominant and prominent colors in supplied image. Inspired by Grade.js
- ayanonagon/Parsimmon - Parsimmon is a wee linguistics toolkit for iOS written in Swift.
- giulio92/GLTableCollectionView - Netflix and App Store like UITableView with UICollectionView, written in pure Swift 4.2
- handsomecode/InteractiveSideMenu - iOS Interactive Side Menu written in Swift.
- twostraws/whats-new-in-swift-5-0 - An Xcode playground that demonstrates the new features introduced in Swift 5.0.
- shima11/FlexiblePageControl - A flexible UIPageControl like Instagram.
- saoudrizwan/DynamicJSON - Access JSON properties dynamically like JavaScript using Swift 4.2's new @dynamicMemberLookup feature
- FortechRomania/ios-mvp-clean-architecture - Demo iOS application built to highlight MVP (Model View Presenter) and Clean Architecture concepts
- ijoshsmith/json2swift - A macOS command line tool that generates excellent Swift data models based on JSON data.
- llvm-swift/LLVMSwift - A Swift wrapper for the LLVM C API (version 11.0)
- Cosmo/Clippy - 📎💬🎉 Clippy from Microsoft Office is back and runs on macOS! Written in Swift.
- utahiosmac/Marshal - Marshaling the typeless wild west of [String: Any]