A basic yet functional website pinger, you can use this to keep repl.it, Glitch or other similar project sites online 24/7!
const pinger = require('pinger.ts');
const pinger = require('pinger.ts');
pinger.ping("https://kie.ac", 10000)
const pinger = require('pinger.ts');
pinger.ping("https://kie.ac", 30000, true)
const pinger = require('pinger.ts');
pinger.dping(webhooktoken='V8LP8mnbnCkJqdwWZrCs7ib9xVnihhiXheAWRPHnrkZt6', webhookid='109337362537264548', url='https://kie.ac')
This method will not let you set an interval below 10000 due to Discord's rate limiting.
Pinger Group allows you to ping several domains at the same time!
const { Group } = require('pinger.ts');
let groupPinger = new Group(); //You can pass a string to name the group if you have multiple groups
['wubzy.xyz', 'kie.ac'].forEach(u => groupPinger.add(u, 5000));
//takes the same parameters as the standard pinger function
//returns an object {name: pingerGroupName, id, ping(), start(), stop(), started, interval, config: the settings passed in to group.add();}
group.addStart(); //add a pinger and start it
group.stop(id); //id is optional. if there is no id present, it will stop all pingers in the group
group.startAll(); //starts all unstarted pingers in the group
group.pingers //Map<number, pinger>
const pinger = require('pinger.ts');
pinger.webserver(3000) // Replace 3000 with the port of your choice.
const pinger = require('pinger.ts');
pinger.webserver(3000, 'Welcome to my webserver!') // Replace 'Your content here with HTML code or general text.'