EKYC Client provides an interface to interact with the EKYC API of UIDAI. It creates Auth RAD after getting OTP on the basis of UID/VID on your registered mobile number and makes a request to EKYC API.
- Java 8
- Maven 3.6.1
- In application.properties
- Change the path of 'PublicAUAforStagingServices.p12' and 'AuthStaging25082025.cer' file according to your local repository folder location.
Flow starts from Main.java. The following are needed to be provided in arguments:
- Txn code of OTP
After successful verification, "y" will be printed on console, otherwise, on "n" will be printed. Refer EKYC documentation available on Hackathon portal to find detailed description of request and response structure of Auth API.
If you have any doubts around it, feel free to post those on UIDAI hackathon forum