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kseniakh edited this page Mar 10, 2017 · 1 revision


ref_snps.vcf is an optional VCF file that contains information about small and medium local differences that do not cause alignment fragmentation. All difference locations are given in reference-based coordinates.

The following types of differences can be met in this file:

  • simple insertions
  • simple deletions
  • simple substitution
  • gap
  • inserted gaps

An example of the ref_snps.vcf file:

ref_1   501     .       AAGGC   GCCTT   .       PASS
ref_1   1506    .       ACATT   NNNNN   .       PASS
ref_1   2542    .       CAAGT   C       .       PASS
ref_1   2574    .       T       TTC     .       PASS

The ref_snps.vcf file contains the following information:

VCF fields Content Notes
CHROM Ref_seq name Reference sequence name
POS R_st In case of insertion and deletion differences, R_st is the last reference base preceding the starting position of the difference. In case of substitutions, R_st is the starting position of the difference in the reference sequence.
ID . identifier field is not used
REF ATGCN's reference base(s)
ALT ATGCN's query base(s)
QUAL . quality field is not used
FILTER "PASS" filter status