The space in which to register events which MaNa staff organises, contributes, or participates in. Please register individual events as issues and link them as items in the [Events GitHub Project](
Please use the "Event" Template when creating an event issue.
Labels allow us to more readily track what events are all about and how MaNa is involved. To this end, there are three categories of labels which need to be assigned to each event issue when it itself is registered to the event project. Multiple labels of one label group can be assigned at the same time.
So far, the list of event types and their corresponding labels are:
- Conferences ...
[ET] Conference
- Workshops ...
[ET] Workshop
- Meetings ...
[ET] Meeting
More can be added as necessary.
The involvement label specifies how MaNa staff is involved. Currently, these labels are order in ascending (lowest to highest from top to bottom) hierarchy as follows:
[ET] Consideration
... an event which MaNa staff is considering involvement in[ET] Attendance
... an event which MaNa staff is attending but not contributing to[ET] Contribution
... an event which MaNa staff is attending and contributing to[ET] Organisation
... an event which MaNa staff is organising or hosting
To encourage event follow-through, please assign relevant MaNa staff to event issues they are or should be involved with.