uWaiPi is a Time-driven Automatic Plant Watering System.
- Time-driven automatic watering system
- Constantly displays the running information
- Schedule and duration can be customizable as per requirements
- Multiple schedules can be setup
- Capable of identifying and running any missed schedules
- Automatically turns off the backlight of the LCD display
- Email features - notification on watering the plant
- Buttons available to execute on adhoc basis or skip the next executions
- Commands can be send via emails
uWaiPi works on Raspberry Pi. It has been tested in the following versions of Raspberry Pi:
- Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
- Raspberry Pi 3
- Raspberry Pi Zero
The current version of has been developed on Raspbian Jessie. You can download the same from here.
The downloaded package contatins the list of files and directories as below:
│ install.sh
uWaiPi can be downloaded from Git. You can run the below command directly from your Raspberry Pi terminal:
wget https://github.com/ujjaldey/uWaiPi/archive/master.zip
uWaiPi is pretty simple to install and configure. Just download the package, run the installation script, and follow the on-screen instructions. That should be it! Make sure you are having the lastest stable version of the operating system. The detailed installation steps are described as below:
Once the package is downloaded, extract the package to a temporary directory:
unzip master.zip
mv uWaiPi-master*/ uWaiPiSrc
Change the permissions of the files:
chmod -R 755 uWaiPiSrc/
Go to the directory and run the installation script:
cd uWaiPiSrc/
A banner will be shown as below:
__ __ _ ____ _
_ \ \ / /_ _(_) _ \(_)
| | | \ \ /\ / / _` | | |_) | |
| |_| |\ V V / (_| | | __/| |
\__,_| \_/\_/ \__,_|_|_| |_|
Developed by Ujjal Dey, (c) 2016
Enter the path where you want to install the application. If the path does not exist, it will prompt whether you want to create it or not. Enter "Y":
Enter the installation directory [Hit <Enter> for /home/pi/uWaiPiSrc]: /home/pi/uWaiPi
Entered path does not exist. Do you want to create it? [Y/N] [Hit <Enter> for Y]: Y
Directory created: /home/pi/uWaiPi
uWaiPi will be installed in the directory: /home/pi/uWaiPi/
The dependent softwares and packages will start getting installed. It might take a while to download and install the packages:
Installing python-rpi...
Installed python-rpi
Installing python-smbus...
Installed python-smbus
Downloading and installing I2C-LCD...
Installed I2C-LCD
Downloading and installing feedparser-5.2.1...
Installed feedparser-5.2.1
Downloading and installing pycrypto-2.6.1...
Installed pycrypto-2.6.1
Next, the installation will start:
Starting installation...
Copying files...
Files copied
Configuring path...
Path configured
To enable auto-start after reboot, enter "Y", else "N":
Enable auto-start after booting [Y/N] [Hit <Enter> for Y]: y
Adding in cron...
Added in cron
Enter the details for configuring the application:
Enter the following details for setting up the parameters...
Enter your name: Ujjal Dey
Enter the frequency for logging (in seconds) [Hit <Enter> for 1800]: 900
Enter the display timeout (in seconds) [Hit <Enter> for 30]:
Enter the duration for adhoc run (in seconds) [Hit <Enter> for 20]:
Enter a free port number for listening to commands [Hit <Enter> for 9999]:
Enter the name of the log file [Hit <Enter> for execution.log]: uWaiPi.log
To enable email feature, enter "Y", else "N". In case "Y" is entered, provide the email details:
Enable email features [Y/N] [Hit <Enter> for Y]: Y
Enter the receiver email address (Comma-separated for multiple): [email protected]
Enter the number of lines of log to be included in the email [Hit <Enter> for 50]: 100
Enter the frequency of email (in seconds) [Hit <Enter> for 7200]:
Enter the trusted email address for sending commands (Comma-separated for multiple): [email protected]
The parameter file will be created. The parameters can be changed by editing the file manually:
Writing parameter file...
Parameter file /home/pi/uWaiPi/parameter.lst created. You can change the parameters later by editing the file manually.
To configure the scheduler, enter the following details. Multiple schedules can be configured:
Creating scheduler file...
Enter the timing for execution-1 (in HH24:MI format): 08:00
Enter the duration for execution-1 (in seconds): 30
Do you want to add another schedule? [Y/N] [Hit <Enter> for N]: y
Enter the timing for execution-2 (in HH24:MI format): 14:00
Enter the duration for execution-2 (in seconds): 30
Do you want to add another schedule? [Y/N] [Hit <Enter> for N]: y
Enter the timing for execution-3 (in HH24:MI format): 18:30
Enter the duration for execution-3 (in seconds): 20
Do you want to add another schedule? [Y/N] [Hit <Enter> for N]: n
The scheduler file will be created. The schedules can be changed by editing the file manually:
Writing scheduler file...
Scheduler file /home/pi/uWaiPi/schedule.lst created. You can change the schedules later by editing the file manually.
The installer will cleanup the temporary files:
Deleting files...
Files deleted
In case the email feature is enabled, the installer will ask for the SMTP user details. This email id would be used for sending/receiving the mails:
Configuring SMTP details...
Enter SMTP user id: [email protected]
Enter SMTP user password:
Enter SMTP server name [smtp.gmail.com]:
Enter SMTP port number [587]:
The SMTP file will be created:
SMTP file created
On completion the following message will be displayed:
uWaiPi installation completed. You can now delete the installation files and directory.
Thanks for choosing uWaiPi. For any support please contact: [email protected].
If you have enabled auto-start, uWaiPi will be started automatically on boot. You can also run /home/pi/uWaiPi/startup.sh to start it manually.
Now the installer will promot to restart the Raspberry Pi. Enter "Y" to reboot now, else "N":
You must restart the Raspberry Pi to apply the changes. Do you want to restart it now? [Hit <Enter> for Y]: y
If you have enabled auto-start after reboot, uWaiPi will start automatically once the Raspberry Pi is restarted. Else use the following script present in your installation path to start the application manually:
uWaiPi interfaces with the users through a LCD output display and three physical input buttons. The input buttons are having the following functionalities:
- Wakes up the display
- Runs on adhoc basis
- Skips the next executions
uWaiPi can also be controlled via email (email feature has to be enabled). A trusted email id has to be setup during the installation. Commands can be sent through the subect line of the email and should be sent to the SMTP mail id (configured during installation). The subject of the email should have the following format:
[uWaiPi] <command>
Valid commands:
- SEND_LOG - To send the recent execution logs
- RUN_NOW - To run immediately
- SKIP_NEXT - To skip the next execution
- RESTART - To restart the application
- REBOOT - To reboot Raspberry Pi
- SHUTDOWN - To shutdown Raspberry Pi
For any bugs/issue/feedback/suggestions, please contact me at my email id [email protected]. You can also visit my website for further information.
- The Raspberry Pi Guy - for the I2C library
- Denis Pleic - for further enhacements on I2C library
Copyright (c) 2016 Ujjal Dey