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Club Website Creation

The website is built with Hugo.

Creating a site for your club

  1. Go to the content folder and create a folder for your club.

  2. A sample club has been given, so copy all the files in that sample club to the newly created folder.

  3. In every change the type: club_name/ to one type:your_Club_name/

  4. Go back to the root directory

  5. Now go to layouts folder,

  6. Cooy the sample folder given.

  7. Rename it to be your club name.

  8. Cd into the content folder and copy the sample club_name folder.

  9. Rename it to the desired name. The path reach your clubs website now is localhost:xxxx/clubs/club_name. (xxx is your port number on the local machine. Typcially it is 1313 for this.)

  10. grep -r club_name in the content directory and change every instance of it in your folder to that of your folder name

  11. Go back to the root.

  12. cd into data and copy the sample club_name folder.

  13. Rename it to the same folder name you gaver earlier for content

  14. grep -r club_name in the data directory and change every instance of it in your folder to that of your folder name

  15. team.yml contains the memebers of the club, modify it accordingly.

  16. activities.yml contains the list of major events your club does and gets listed in the homepage of your club.

  17. event.yml shows a list of events conducted and gets displayed as a gallery, on the events page.

  18. Modify the title and type in event.yml to reflect the events in activities.yml.

  19. Go back to root.

  20. cd into layouts and copy the sample club_name folder and paste it in the same directory while replacing club_name with your club name.

  21. grep -r club_name in the content directory and change every instance of it in your folder to that of your folder name

  22. Go to config/_default/config.toml

  23. Copy the menu.club_name section and paste it again.

  24. In the pasted section replace the club_name with your club

  25. Go to layouts and cd into your club directory, and grep -r "header".

  26. Replace every instance of club_name with that of your club name.

Deploying the site on the local machine

  1. We use, Hugo a static site generater to generate the website.

  2. Install Hugo

  3. Install the theme, instructions available here.

  4. Make sure to install the theme into the right dir, git clone themes/kross-hugo-portfolio-template/

  5. Run hugo server to run the server on your local machine. Execute this command in the root directory of the project.

  6. If you have drafts, then run hugo server -D to view them. Do not keep drafts, and set the value to False when you're done as they do not get deployed on the site.

  7. Make sure to have the latest version Hugo installed.

Adding Content

  1. Run hugo new in the /content/your-club-name/archive.
  2. All the content posts are written in Markdown, and you can look into the Hugo Documentation for more details.
  3. Modify the event.yl file in the /data/your-club-name/, and add a picture for that event.
  4. Make a new entry directly below the old ones, and give it a picture, and link it to the event-post created in the archive section done earlier. You can do a hardlink if you want(site is deployed on, but preferably make it a relative link, with the link being {{< ref "/your-club-name/archive/my-post" >}}.
  5. Add the relavant type for it.
  6. If you want to add more than one picture make a seperate entry in `activities,yml

Modifying homepage

  1. Go to layouts/your_club/index.html and modify the files over there
  2. Go to data\your_club\homepage.yml and modify the Hugo variables from there.
  3. Make sure to go to layouts/partials/club_name/header.html and change the home path to your club name from club_name The names and the rest are pretty self-explanatory. In case you don't like it, you are free to rewrite index.html however you like as a normal html file.
  4. Make sure to have the latest version Hugo installed. I'm currently running v0.59.1.

Adding events to your club

  1. Take a look at data.

Issues or Doubts

Raise a GitHub issue, and I'll get back to you within a day.


Code for IIIT Clubs website






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