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umpra - Umami Preprocessing API

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The Python package umpra provides a preprocessing API to prepare samples in flavour tagging for machine learning.


The umpra package is currently under construction. It can be installed from PyPI or using the latest code from this repository.

Install latest release from PyPI (not yet working!!!)

pip install umpra

The installation from PyPI only allows to install tagged releases, meaning you cannot install the latest code from this repo using the above command. If you just want to use a stable release of umpra, this is the way to go.

Install latest version from GitHub

pip install

This will install the latest version of umpra, i.e. the current version from the main branch (no matter if it is a release/tagged commit). If you plan on contributing to umpra and/or want the latest version possible, this is what you want.

Docker images (not yet implemented!!!!)

The Docker images are built on GitHub and contain the latest version from the main branch.

The container registry with all available tags can be found here.

The umpra:latest image is based on python:3.8-slim and is meant for users who want to use the latest version of umpra. For each release, there is a corresponding tagged image. You can start an interactive shell in a container with your current working directory mounted into the container by using one of the commands provided below.

On a machine with Docker installed:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/umpra_container -w /umpra_container bash

On a machine/cluster with singularity installed:

singularity shell -B $PWD docker://

Extended image for development

For development, just replace the tag of the image:

latest -> latest-dev

In addition to the minimal requirements that are required to use umpra, the umpra:latest-dev image has the requirements.txt from the umpra repo installed as well. This means that packages like pytest, black, pylint, etc. are installed as well. However, note that umpra itself is not installed in that image such that the dev-version on your machine can be used/tested.

The images are automatically updated via GitHub and pushed to this repository registry.


UMPRA - Umami preprocessing API







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