Changes in this log refer only to changes that make it to the 'main' branch and are nested under deploy/cttso-ica-to-pieriandx-cdk.
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Debug authentication issues (#229)
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Excel interprets a few portal run ids as numbers i.e 2021121980805e78
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
Add ctTSO 1.2 portal run id to the LIMS sheet (#216)
- Resolves #222
Move to pieriandx infrastructure secret (#221)
- Resolves #220
Add place to check if a sample has gone through pieriandx (
- Resolves #213
Update links (#217)
- Resolves #214
Update manual launch optional parameters
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Ensure gspread is less than version 6.0.0 (#208)
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Use global var for NTC Subject ID (#202)
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Update disease name to disease label (#188)
- Resolves #183
- Coerce is_identified to boolean (#187)
- Resolves #184
- Use comma after needs_redcap column (#186)
- Resolves #185
- Use non-latest docker tag. (#191)
- Resolves #190
- Fix deidentified samples where wrong keys used for study id and participant id (#194)
- Resolves #193
- Fix deidentified samples where NAT instead of NaT null value was used (#198)
- Resolves #197
- Don't submit NTC samples (#195)
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
Refactored validation lambda so that checks are not done before columns are renamed (#168)
- Resolves #166
Don't delete pending cases from cttso lims (#169)
- Resolves #161
Added snomed term to submission df (#170)
- Resolves #165
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Dont resubmit deleted samples - also remove deleted samples from the lims sheet (#151)
- Resolves #146
- Use loc over iloc for pandas selection (#154)
- Resolves #153
- Replace mrn with external_subject_id for list of required fields (#159)
- Resolves #158
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
Move to project owner / project name mapping logic (#141)
Add deleted sheet (#140)
- All cases assigned to user ToBe Deleted, are moved to a separate sheet
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Updated submission columns
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Improved diagram for automation pathway
- Make sure RedCap Sample Type is used if RedCap Entry is not null
- Ensure Lambda Pathways are as expected on the diagram
- GLIMS ProjectName is set to Validation or Control
- OR
- Sample NOT in RedCap
- GLIMS Workflow is set to 'Research'
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Fixed issue where collection of pieriandx submission time resulted in error when pieriandx case id was null (#112)
- Resolves #111
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Gh Actions 'Check Changelog' was not using the correct attributes (#96)
- Resolves #94
- Check comparing portal workflow run end date and pieriandx submission date should be done in EST time (#104)
- Update the pieriandx_submission_time column using processing_df (#103)
- Resolves #102
- Use subject id, library id and portal run id to submission time from lims df (#106)
- Resolves #107
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
Lambda utils miscell python file was importing the wrong get_logger function (#82)
- Resolves (#81)
Use Job ARN over Job Name for batch submission from lambda (#91)
- Resolves #90
Create disable rule policy document as a separate entity (#93)
- Resolves #92
Create SSM Get parameter policy as separate entity (#95)
- Resolves #92
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Fix Type Hinting for EventClient Type (#71)
- Fixes #68
- Don't use RequestResponse event type when manually deploying lambdas (#64)
- Fixes #63
- Get Incomplete Job Df from Gsuite doesn't collect pending jobs at times (#66
- Fixes #61
Added GH Actions check to ensure this changelog file has been updated before deployment (#73)
- Fixes #70
Added EventBridge kill switch if processing_df contains items included in the update_df (shouldn't happen) (#67)
- Fixes #62
Check if new password can successfully generate pieriandx session token before successfully exiting script (#57)
- Fixes #56
- Migrated from AWS 2.39.1 to 2.80.0 (#74)
Prevent NTCs from being uploaded to PierianDx (#52)
- Fixes #49
Add new PierianDx Submission Time Column to LIMS Sheet (#47)
- Fixes #47
Handle submission edge case of SBJ01666 (#50)
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Bugfix for redcap_is_complete column in ctTSO LIMS lambda (#23)
- Fixes (#22)
- Fix issue if cttso lims is empty (from reset)
- Fixed by #26
- Panel type needed axis=columns keyword argument
- Fixed by #27
- submission function needs to consider panel type as an option (#32)
- Fixed by #37
- Use Workflow column name over ProjectName in GLIMS to determine column type (#24)
- Fix Research Sample not completing in validation pipeline edge case (#38)
- Fixed by #43
- Fix unhelpful merged row logging error (#39)
- Fixed by #42
- Removed debug line in portal helpers code (#40)
- Fixed by #44
- Fixed issue where ctTSO lims was not always collecting the latest job or report (#41)
- Fixed by #45
- Allow for 20 lambda submissions per cycle (#28)
- Update lambda layers requirements file with updated boto3 and botocore to allow for new sso config syntax (#25) and (#36)
- Fixes #34
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Updated panel from VALIDATION, PATIENTCARE names to MAIN, SUBPANEL respectively (#19)
- This change better reflects the flexibility between panel and sample types.
- Some clinical samples or research samples may need to go through the main panel
- We may also wish to test the subpanel with validation samples
- Added glims_is_research column to cttso lims (if glims matches 'research' in the ProjectName column)
- If glims_is_research is True then a sapmle is processed through the MAIN panel (even if it's set as a clinical sample in RedCap)
- Added panel type column to cttso lims (scraped from pieriandx)
- Added panel_type option to clinical and research payload parameters
- Default payload for clinical is "SUBPANEL"
- Default payload for validation is "MAIN"\
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Reduce number of items returned by portal from 1000 to 100 to prevent internal server errors.
- Version control gspread to prevent pip install failure for lambdas
- Reduce number of submissions to pieriandx to reduce timeouts
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
- Lambdas are woken up before payloads are submitted, documentation added to deployment ReadMe
- Set max availble vCPUs to 3 and specify 2 cpus per batch run instance
Author: Alexis Lucattini Email: [email protected]
Created a suite of lambdas to improve automatic processing of pieriandx data from ICA
- Launch validation workflow - takes data from portal and defaults and creates case in PierianDx
- Create a Google SpreadSheet using APIs from redcap, portal, pieriandx and GLIMS inputs.
- This can also find available launch payloads and launches them accordingly
Created a token lambda that creates a new pieriandx authentication token every five minutes
Restructured the pipeline stack to include new lambda and removed some stages outside of the wave due to dependency chains
Set tags to have key 'Stack' rather than prefix-Stack
Updated user to create cases in PierianDx from [email protected] to [email protected]
Fixed issue for users wanting to launch redcap payloads manually
Updated to cdk 2.39.1