Unchained Engine & Control Panel 0.25.0
All Quotation API's and Plugins work differently then before
Delivery Adapter context has changed, please test your Delivery Plugins
Payment Adapter context has changed, please test your Payment Plugins
Minor changes:
Beta quotations (@pozylon )
Sets Body Parser Limit explicitly to 5mb
Fixes setPassword regression
Fixes document generation crashed when the document plugin did not implement all needed generator functions
Adds initial password logic that can be used for guest -> user transformation
Delivery Adapters can now control if an order get's automatically sent when prerequisites are met or if the order needs to be confirmed manually
New Cart Product resolve logic. See readme for explanation.
Fixes emptyCart mutation crashes when there is no cart
Schema changes
Extended (breaking)
emptyCart can return null now
Extended (non-breaking):
confirmOrder now optionally takes orderContext and deliveryContext
Quotation gets new fields "product", "expires", isExpired and "configuration"
User gets new fields "isInitialPassword" and "quotations"
OrderDocumentTypes now have a value OTHER that can be used for arbitrary documents
Media gets new field "meta"
OrderItem gets new fields "originalProduct" and "quotation"
New mutations:
addCartQuotation(orderId, quotationId, quantity, configuration)
verifyQuotation(quotationId, quotationContext)
rejectQuotation(quotationId, quotationContex)
makeQuotationProposal(quotationId, quotationContext)
New queries:
quotations(limit, offset)
You can’t perform that action at this time.