Default assumption: down = 0, up = 1 (aka pull up)
When button is pressed and released: topic: "button_down", "button_up" Notitce that debounce should be handled by input, before passing message to this node.
While button is pressed, and time passses, a progress message is sent, every time it passes into a new timer action. f.ex.: topic: "progress_short_press", "progress_long_press", "progress_hold", "progress_todo", "progress_quiet", "progress_reboot", "progresss_shutdown", "progress_nop"
When key is released, the last progress message is sent as an action. f.ex: topic: "action_short_press", action_quiet", "action_restart", "asction_reboot", "action_nop"
After button is released, progress messages are sent as timer intervals pass. f.ex.: topic: "letter_end", "word_end", "sentence_end", "clear_history"
Next time the button is pressed, the last up message may indicate a token (space) to insert, if history has not been cleared. f.ex.: topic: "action_no_space", action_end_of_character", "action_end_of_word", "action_end_of_sentence"
"topic": "sentence_end",
"payload": {
"dots": "... ___ ...",
"text": "sos",
"sentence": "sos",
"word": "sos",
"letter": "s"
- "Unknown context store 'objects' specified. Using default store."
- "Context ... contains circular referece that cannot be persisted"
The warnings have no effect on the functionality, but you may want to update your .node-red/settings.js to have a contextStorage like this:
"contextStorage": {
"default": { "module": "localfilesystem" },
"memory": { "module": "memory" },
"objects": { "module": "localfilesystem", "config": { "cache": true, "flushInterval": 28800 } }
Only one output line, but a lot of different messages.
I usually pass output on to a Switch, that looks at msg.topic. f.ex.
- If topic contains 'action_reboot' -> Exec sudo shutdown -r now
- If topic contains 'action_shutdown' -> Exec sudo shutdown -h now
- If topic contains 'sentence_end' -> Switch that looks at msg.payload.sentence to find different sentences that it should react to
Created by: Erik Johansen, 2021-12-12