docs: Fixed Typo in "Getting a Testnet Account" Section #3648
Garnix CI / check devnet-eth-runs [x86_64-linux]
Jan 28, 2025 in 1m 14s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.330889] 8c1613510afe[930]: 2025-01-22 08:33:18.033 UTC [81] STATEMENT: SELECT MIN("number") AS "min_block" FROM "blocks" WHERE "blocks"."consensus" = $1 LIMIT $2�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.335148] c9d6d69682ea[930]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.335438] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 🌀 Checking environment variables and their placeholders congruity...�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.338985] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 👍 All good!�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.341421] c9d6d69682ea[930]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.341700] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 🌀 Validating ENV variables values...�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.344507] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 👍 All good!�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.344858] c9d6d69682ea[930]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.347596] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 🌀 Generating favicons bundle...�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.352383] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 🛑 Error: MASTER_URL variable is not provided.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.352969] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 👎 Unable to generate favicons bundle.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.355737] c9d6d69682ea[930]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.356769] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 🌀 Creating client script with ENV values...�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.361213] c9d6d69682ea[930]: ✅ Done.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.362605] c9d6d69682ea[930]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.364049] c9d6d69682ea[930]: 📋 Here is the list of the features enabled for the running instance.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.366486] c9d6d69682ea[930]: To adjust their configuration, please refer to the documentation -�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.371494] c9d6d69682ea[930]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.372302] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] My account�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.375044] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Address verification in "My account"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.378753] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [v] Banner ads�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.379535] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [v] Text ads�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.379973] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-68c9b9ad11250c00f65539a94d1640b5182ee949dfd7ea65a729ed82d04c93e5-runc.pdEH5W.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.386836] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Beacon chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.393413] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Bridged tokens�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.396048] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Blockchain interaction (writing to contract, etc.)�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.398047] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Export data to CSV file�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.398926] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Data availability�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.403256] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [v] Gas tracker�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.405351] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Google analytics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.406390] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [v] GraphQL API documentation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.408673] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] GrowthBook feature flagging and A/B testing�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.413063] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Marketplace�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.414416] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] MetaSuites extension�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.416395] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Mixpanel analytics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.419578] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Name service integration�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.423856] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [v] REST API documentation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.425044] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Rollup (L2) chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.426514] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Safe address tags�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.428488] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Sentry error monitoring�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.434028] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [v] Solidity to UML diagrams�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.434997] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [v] Blockchain statistics�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.435924] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] SUAVE chain�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.437385] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Swap button�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.440421] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Transaction interpretation�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.445042] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] User operations�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.446048] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Validators list�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.448040] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [ ] Verified tokens info�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.449062] c9d6d69682ea[930]: [v] Web3 wallet integration (add token or network to the wallet)�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.452045] c9d6d69682ea[930]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.453038] c9d6d69682ea[930]: Starting Next.js application�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.454085] f904c6d1fa71[930]: �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-22|08:33:18.250] Served eth_blockNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="76.826µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.458610] f904c6d1fa71[930]: �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-22|08:33:20.311] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="169.016µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 242.463840] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/1 2.086[network] �[32minfo�[39m: running libp2p instance in worker thread�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.106401] c9d6d69682ea[930]: �[1m�[35m�[1m▲�[22m�[1m Next.js 13.5.4�[39m�[22m�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.107255] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | �[1m�[35m�[1m▲�[22m�[1m Next.js 13.5.4�[39m�[22m�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.110051] c9d6d69682ea[930]: - Local: http://c9d6d69682ea:3000�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.110667] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | - Local: http://c9d6d69682ea:3000�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.111980] c9d6d69682ea[930]: - Network:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.112520] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | - Network:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.115240] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 |�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.117240] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-blockscout-frontend-1 | �[32m�[1m✓�[22m�[39m Ready in 1594ms�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.121040] c9d6d69682ea[930]:�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 243.123076] c9d6d69682ea[930]: �[32m�[1m✓�[22m�[39m Ready in 1594ms�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 244.851046] dhcpcd[714]: veth89337f6: no IPv6 Routers available�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 244.860306] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-8c1613510afee05f2b19869b117b009aebae557ab2114f95b2e3c39a8b66dd74-runc.ncODxr.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 245.144412] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-73a5367d6dcca0e0b0876ca251f7b89ab85c8f9a7bf728c7fa82a62f99168fab-runc.ZAyQfK.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 246.086397] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/2 3.212[network] �[32minfo�[39m: libp2p worker started peer=16Uiu2HAmD7RvxsQrEFWHAhcG9krzHY1pyeTCcBJU8dX1DTfhtkkL�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 246.087639] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/2 3.212[network] �[32minfo�[39m: libp2p worker started peer=16Uiu2HAmD7RvxsQrEFWHAhcG9krzHY1pyeTCcBJU8dX1DTfhtkkL�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 246.366852] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-f904c6d1fa7120fcb6b027ee1b82b367a4f26ddaed44f6851839d1393d1c7755-runc.w0pM6n.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 246.473913] f904c6d1fa71[930]: �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-22|08:33:25.607] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="178.235µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 246.475165] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-geth-1 | �[36mDEBUG�[0m[01-22|08:33:25.607] Served eth_getBlockByNumber �[36mconn�[0m= �[36mreqid�[0m=1 �[36mduration�[0m="178.235µs"�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 247.612453] systemd[1]: run-docker-runtime\x2drunc-moby-68c9b9ad11250c00f65539a94d1640b5182ee949dfd7ea65a729ed82d04c93e5-runc.F80jIg.mount: Deactivated successfully.�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 249.226236] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 0.359[network] �[31merror�[39m: PeerDiscovery: discv5 has no boot enr�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 249.227364] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.359[network] �[31merror�[39m: PeerDiscovery: discv5 has no boot enr�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 249.277598] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 0.411[network] �[32minfo�[39m: PeerId 16Uiu2HAmD7RvxsQrEFWHAhcG9krzHY1pyeTCcBJU8dX1DTfhtkkL, Multiaddrs /ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 249.278721] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.411[network] �[32minfo�[39m: PeerId 16Uiu2HAmD7RvxsQrEFWHAhcG9krzHY1pyeTCcBJU8dX1DTfhtkkL, Multiaddrs /ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 249.588374] dhcpcd[714]: veth87d7a10: no IPv6 Routers available�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 249.648236] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 0.382[network] �[32minfo�[39m: discv5 worker started peerId=16Uiu2HAmD7RvxsQrEFWHAhcG9krzHY1pyeTCcBJU8dX1DTfhtkkL, initialENR=enr:-IO4QFuwlH5wwy_oZVKxL02M9DQMYzJCqc3QYJAtREQMy0SQcsZeRhcKzWuGZnseqp6Q9dhEGsWOyQD81HuQSuCJOAcBgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaEDBsYGbQOJ5mMf6iUSKZVKBs8SaIReXwgeVmLyLzfRuZWDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA, bindAddr4=/ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 249.650398] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 0.382[network] �[32minfo�[39m: discv5 worker started peerId=16Uiu2HAmD7RvxsQrEFWHAhcG9krzHY1pyeTCcBJU8dX1DTfhtkkL, initialENR=enr:-IO4QFuwlH5wwy_oZVKxL02M9DQMYzJCqc3QYJAtREQMy0SQcsZeRhcKzWuGZnseqp6Q9dhEGsWOyQD81HuQSuCJOAcBgmlkgnY0iXNlY3AyNTZrMaEDBsYGbQOJ5mMf6iUSKZVKBs8SaIReXwgeVmLyLzfRuZWDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA, bindAddr4=/ip4/�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.642190] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 1.769[rest] �[32minfo�[39m: Started REST API server address=�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.643235] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 1.769[rest] �[32minfo�[39m: Started REST API server address=�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.657220] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 1.789[rest] �[33mwarn�[39m: REST API server is exposed, ensure untrusted traffic cannot reach this API�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.658230] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 1.789[rest] �[33mwarn�[39m: REST API server is exposed, ensure untrusted traffic cannot reach this API�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.668105] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 1.799[] �[32minfo�[39m: Synced - slot: 3 - head: (slot -3) 0x7249…8673 - exec-block: valid(0 0xadaa…) - finalized: 0x0000…0000:0 - peers: 0�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.669364] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 1.799[] �[32minfo�[39m: Synced - slot: 3 - head: (slot -3) 0x7249…8673 - exec-block: valid(0 0xadaa…) - finalized: 0x0000…0000:0 - peers: 0�[0m
(finished: waiting for Synced - slot: [1-9][0-9]* to appear on console, in 27.48 seconds)
(finished: run the VM test script, in 251.27 seconds)
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.723680] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 1.856[] �[32minfo�[39m: Lodestar network=dev, version=v1.15.1/1857a49, commit=1857a49404f2ad965025333f0f6b3422d4c1943f�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.725288] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 1.856[] �[32minfo�[39m: Lodestar network=dev, version=v1.15.1/1857a49, commit=1857a49404f2ad965025333f0f6b3422d4c1943f�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.730590] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 1.862[] �[32minfo�[39m: Connecting to LevelDB database path=/root/.local/share/lodestar/dev/validator-db�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.736629] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 1.862[] �[32minfo�[39m: Connecting to LevelDB database path=/root/.local/share/lodestar/dev/validator-db�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.745914] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 1.875[] �[32minfo�[39m: 128 local keystores�[0m
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.762403] 68c9b9ad1125[930]: Eph 0/3 1.875[] �[32minfo�[39m: 128 local keystores�[0m
test script finished in 251.34s
kill machine (pid 6)
�[2mdevnetEth # [ 250.768435] arion-devnet-eth-start[3602]: devnet-eth-lodestar-1 | Eph 0/3 1.880[] �[32minfo�[39m: 0xa99a76ed7796f7be22d5b7e85deeb7c5677e88e511e0b337618f8c4eb61349b4bf2d153f649f7b53359fe8b94a38e44cqemu-kvm: terminating on signal 15 from pid 4 (/nix/store/6qk2ybm2yx2dxmx9h4dikr1shjhhbpfr-python3-3.10.11/bin/python3.10)�[0m
(finished: cleanup, in 0.59 seconds)
kill vlan (pid 5)