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Default to single-quotes #7289

Default to single-quotes

Default to single-quotes #7289

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
shell: bash
# Build on every pull request (and new PR commit)
# Build on new pushes to trunk (E.g. Merge commits)
# Without the branch filter, each commit on a branch with a PR is triggered twice.
# See:
- trunk
- release/*
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
# Only run formatting on trunk commits
# This is because the job won't have permission to push back to
# contributor forks on contributor PRs.
if: github.ref_name == 'trunk'
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Get changed files
id: changed-files
uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v41
# globs copied from default settings for run-ormolu
files: |
separator: "\n"
- uses: haskell-actions/run-ormolu@v14
version: ""
mode: inplace
pattern: ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.all_changed_files }}
- name: apply formatting changes
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
if: ${{ always() }}
commit_message: automatically run ormolu
name: ${{ matrix.os }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# The 'always()' causes this to build even if the ormolu job is skipped.
if: ${{ always() }}
needs: ormolu
shell: bash
# Run each build to completion, regardless of if any have failed
fail-fast: false
# While iterating on this file, you can disable one or more of these to speed things up
- ubuntu-20.04
- macOS-12
- windows-2019
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# The number towards the beginning of the cache keys allow you to manually avoid using a previous cache.
# GitHub will automatically delete caches that haven't been accessed in 7 days, but there is no way to
# purge one manually.
- id: stackage-resolver
name: record stackage resolver
# looks for `resolver: nightly-yyyy-mm-dd` or `resolver: lts-xx.yy` in `stack.yaml` and splits it into
# `nightly` or `lts-xx`. the whole resolver string is put into resolver_long as a backup cache key
# ${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_short }}
# ${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}
run: |
grep resolver stack.yaml | awk '{ x="resolver_short="; if (split($2,a,"-") > 2) print x a[1]; else {split($2,b,"."); print x b[1]}}' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
grep resolver stack.yaml | awk '{print "resolver_long="$2}' >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# Cache ~/.stack, keyed by the contents of 'stack.yaml'.
- uses: actions/cache@v3
name: cache ~/.stack (unix)
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
path: ~/.stack
key: stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}-${{hashFiles('**/stack.yaml')}}-${{github.sha}}
# Fall-back to use the most recent cache for the stack.yaml, or failing that the OS
restore-keys: |
stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}-${{hashFiles('**/stack.yaml')}}-
stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}-
stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_short }}-
stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_short }}.
# Cache ~/.stack, keyed by the contents of 'stack.yaml'.
- uses: actions/cache@v3
name: cache ~/.stack (Windows)
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
path: |
key: stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}-${{hashFiles('**/stack.yaml')}}-${{github.sha}}
# Fall-back to use the most recent cache for the stack.yaml, or failing that the OS
restore-keys: |
stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}-${{hashFiles('**/stack.yaml')}}-
stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}-
stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_short }}-
stack-1_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_short }}.
# Cache each local package's ~/.stack-work for fast incremental builds in CI.
- uses: actions/cache@v3
name: cache .stack-work
path: |
# Main cache key: commit hash. This should always result in a cache miss...
# So when loading a cache we'll always fall back to the restore-keys,
# which should load the most recent cache via a prefix search on the most
# recent branch cache.
# Then it will save a new cache at this commit sha, which should be used by
# the next build on this branch.
key: stack-work-4_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_short }}-${{hashFiles('**/stack.yaml')}}-${{github.sha}}
restore-keys: |
stack-work-4_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}-${{hashFiles('**/stack.yaml')}}-
stack-work-4_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_long }}-
stack-work-4_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_short }}-
stack-work-4_${{matrix.os}}-${{ steps.stackage-resolver.outputs.resolver_short }}.
# Install stack by downloading the binary from GitHub.
# The installation process differs by OS.
- name: install stack (Linux)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
working-directory: ${{ runner.temp }}
run: |
mkdir stack && cd stack
curl -L | tar -xz
echo "$PWD/stack-"* >> $GITHUB_PATH
- name: install stack (macOS)
working-directory: ${{ runner.temp }}
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: |
mkdir stack && cd stack
curl -L | tar -xz
echo "$PWD/stack-"* >> $GITHUB_PATH
- name: install stack (windows)
working-directory: ${{ runner.temp }}
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
run: |
mkdir stack && cd stack
curl -L | tar -xz
echo "$PWD/stack-"* >> $GITHUB_PATH
# One of the transcripts fails if the user's git name hasn't been set.
- name: set git user info
run: |
git config --global "GitHub Actions"
git config --global "[email protected]"
- name: remove ~/.stack/setup-exe-cache on macOS
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: rm -rf ~/.stack/setup-exe-cache
- name: install stack-clean-old (to scan or clean up old stackage caches)
run: |
if ! stack exec -- which stack-clean-old; then
stack install stack-clean-old
- name: check initial stackage cache size
run: |
echo global .stack
stack exec -- stack-clean-old list -G || true
echo project .stack-work
stack exec -- stack-clean-old list -P || true
# Build deps, then build local code. Splitting it into two steps just allows us to see how much time each step
# takes.
- name: build dependencies
# Run up to 5 times in a row before giving up.
# It's very unlikely that our build-dependencies step will fail on most builds,
# so if it fails its almost certainly due to a race condition on the Windows
# file-system API that stack runs into. Since any successful packages are
# cached within a single build, it should get further along on each re-start
# and should hopefully finish!
run: |
stack --version
if [[ ${{matrix.os}} = "windows-"* ]]; then
for (( i = 0; i < $tries; i++ )); do
stack --no-terminal build --fast --only-dependencies && break;
- name: build
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --no-run-tests --test
# Run each test suite (tests and transcripts)
- name: check disk space before
if: ${{ always() }}
run: df -h
- name: unison-cli test
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --test unison-cli
- name: check disk space after
if: ${{ always() }}
run: df -h
- name: unison-core tests
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --test unison-core
- name: unison-parser-typechecker tests
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --test unison-parser-typechecker
- name: unison-sqlite tests
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --test unison-sqlite
- name: unison-syntax tests
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --test unison-syntax
- name: unison-util-bytes tests
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --test unison-util-bytes
- name: unison-util-cache tests
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --test unison-util-cache
- name: unison-util-relation tests
run: stack --no-terminal build --fast --test unison-util-relation
- name: round-trip-tests
run: |
stack --no-terminal exec unison transcript unison-src/transcripts-round-trip/
git add unison-src/transcripts-round-trip/
# Fail if any transcripts cause git diffs.
git diff --cached --ignore-cr-at-eol --exit-code
stack --no-terminal exec unison transcript unison-src/transcripts-manual/
git add unison-src/transcripts-manual/
# Fail if any transcripts cause git diffs.
git diff --cached --ignore-cr-at-eol --exit-code
- name: transcripts
run: |
stack --no-terminal exec transcripts
# Add all changes to the index for when we diff.
git add --all
# Fail if any transcripts cause git diffs.
git diff --cached --ignore-cr-at-eol --exit-code
- name: cli-integration-tests
run: stack --no-terminal exec cli-integration-tests
- name: Cache Racket dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v2
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-racket-8.7
- uses: Bogdanp/[email protected]
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
architecture: 'x64'
distribution: 'full'
variant: 'CS'
version: '8.7' # match with cache key above
- run: raco pkg install --auto --skip-installed --batch x509-lib
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
- uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@latest
# read this if a package isn't installing correctly
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
packages: libb2-dev
version: 1.0 # cache key version afaik
- uses: actions/cache@v3
name: cache codebase (unix)
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
path: ~/.cache/unisonlanguage/base.unison
key: base.unison_${{hashFiles('**/unison-src/builtin-tests/','**/unison-cli/src/Unison/JitInfo.hs')}}-${{github.sha}}
restore-keys: base.unison_${{hashFiles('**/unison-src/builtin-tests/','**/unison-cli/src/Unison/JitInfo.hs')}}-
- name: set up `base` codebase
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: |
- name: jit tests
# if: false # temporarily disabled
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: |
cat ./unison-src/builtin-tests/
CHANGE=$(git diff unison-src/builtin-tests/
if [ -n "$CHANGE" ]; then
echo "The jit-tests output has changed"
exit 1
- name: interpreter tests
# if: false # temporarily disabled
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: |
cat ./unison-src/builtin-tests/
CHANGE=$(git diff unison-src/builtin-tests/
if [ -n "$CHANGE" ]; then
echo "The interpreter-tests output has changed"
exit 1
- name: verify stack ghci startup
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
run: echo | stack ghci
- name: check final stackage cache size
run: |
echo global .stack
stack exec -- stack-clean-old list -G || true
echo project .stack-work
stack exec -- stack-clean-old list -P || true