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reject merges involving namespaces with conflicted names
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  • Loading branch information
mitchellwrosen committed Sep 11, 2023
1 parent b3932c1 commit 037ddb8
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Showing 5 changed files with 167 additions and 54 deletions.
30 changes: 23 additions & 7 deletions lib/unison-util-bimultimap/src/Unison/Util/BiMultimap.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
module Unison.Util.BiMultimap where

import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Unison.Prelude

data BiMultimap a b = BiMultimap {toMultimap :: Map a (Set b), toMapR :: Map b a} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

Expand All @@ -29,8 +28,25 @@ insert a b m@(BiMultimap l r) =
Just a' -> if a' == a then m else BiMultimap (lDeleted a') rInserted
Nothing -> BiMultimap lInserted rInserted

lookup :: Ord a => a -> BiMultimap a b -> Maybe (Set b)
lookup a (BiMultimap l _) = Map.lookup a l
-- | Like @insert x y@, except the caller is responsible for ensuring that @y@ is not already related to a different
-- @x@. If it is, the resulting relation will have an internal structural violation.
unsafeInsert :: (Ord a, Ord b) => a -> b -> BiMultimap a b -> BiMultimap a b
unsafeInsert x y (BiMultimap xs ys) =
(Map.alter (Just . maybe (Set.singleton y) (Set.insert y)) x xs)
(Map.insert y x ys)

lookupR :: Ord b => b -> BiMultimap a b -> Maybe a
lookupR b (BiMultimap _ r) = Map.lookup b r
lookupDom :: Ord a => a -> BiMultimap a b -> Set b
lookupDom a (BiMultimap l _) =
fromMaybe Set.empty (Map.lookup a l)

lookupRan :: Ord b => b -> BiMultimap a b -> Maybe a
lookupRan b (BiMultimap _ r) =
Map.lookup b r

-- | Returns the domain in the relation, as a Set, in its entirety.
-- /O(a)/.
ran :: BiMultimap a b -> Set b
ran =
Map.keysSet . toMapR
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions unison-cli/package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ dependencies:
- unison-sqlite
- unison-syntax
- unison-util-base32hex
- unison-util-bimultimap
- unison-util-relation
- unliftio
- unordered-containers
Expand Down
181 changes: 136 additions & 45 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/HandleInput/Merge.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ import Unison.ShortHash qualified as ShortHash
import Unison.Sqlite (Transaction)
import Unison.Sqlite qualified as Sqlite
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name (toText)
import Unison.Util.BiMultimap (BiMultimap)
import Unison.Util.BiMultimap qualified as BiMultimap
import Unison.Util.List qualified as List
import Unison.Util.Monoid (foldMapM, intercalateMap)
import Unison.Util.Relation (Relation)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,15 +116,43 @@ handleMerge alicePath0 bobPath0 _resultPath = do
let bobCausalHash = Causal.causalHash bobCausal
maybeLcaCausalHash <- step "compute lca" $ Operations.lca aliceCausalHash bobCausalHash

-- Read the (shallow) branches out of the database
-- Read the (shallow) branches out of the database.
aliceBranch <- step "load shallow alice branch" $ Causal.value aliceCausal
bobBranch <- step "load shallow bob branch" $ Causal.value bobCausal

-- TODO assert somehow that these branches don't have any conflicted names anywhere, as we'd rather like to not
-- deal with some of the annoying complexity those cases bring, wrt. classifying things as conflicted adds/updates.
T3 aliceTypeNames0 aliceDataconNames aliceTermNames0 <- step "load alice names" $ loadBranchDefinitionNames aliceBranch
T3 bobTypeNames0 bobDataconNames bobTermNames0 <- step "load bob names" $ loadBranchDefinitionNames bobBranch

T3 aliceTypeNames aliceDataconNames aliceTermNames <- step "load alice names" $ loadBranchDefinitionNames aliceBranch
T3 bobTypeNames bobDataconNames bobTermNames <- step "load bob names" $ loadBranchDefinitionNames bobBranch
-- Assert that these branches don't have any conflicted names anywhere, as we'd rather like to not deal with some
-- of the annoying complexity those cases bring, wrt. classifying things as conflicted adds/updates.

aliceTypeNames :: BiMultimap TypeReference Name <-
relationToInjectiveRelation (Relation.swap aliceTypeNames0) & onLeft \names ->
werror ("can't merge; conflicted type names in first namespace: " ++ show names)

bobTypeNames :: BiMultimap TypeReference Name <-
relationToInjectiveRelation (Relation.swap bobTypeNames0) & onLeft \names ->
werror ("can't merge; conflicted type names in second namespace: " ++ show names)

aliceTermNames :: BiMultimap TermReference Name <-
relationToInjectiveRelation (Relation.swap aliceTermNames0) & onLeft \names ->
werror ("can't merge; conflicted term names in first namespace: " ++ show names)

bobTermNames :: BiMultimap TermReference Name <-
relationToInjectiveRelation (Relation.swap bobTermNames0) & onLeft \names ->
werror ("can't merge; conflicted term names in second namespace: " ++ show names)

let conflictedDataconNames :: Relation3 a b c -> Set a
conflictedDataconNames =
Relation3.d1 >>> Map.filter (\r -> Relation.size r > 1) >>> Map.keysSet

let conflictedAliceDataconNames = conflictedDataconNames aliceDataconNames
when (not (Set.null conflictedAliceDataconNames)) do
werror ("can't merge; conflicted constructor names in first namespace: " ++ show conflictedAliceDataconNames)

let conflictedBobDataconNames = conflictedDataconNames bobDataconNames
when (not (Set.null conflictedBobDataconNames)) do
werror ("can't merge; conflicted constructor names in second namespace: " ++ show conflictedBobDataconNames)

case maybeLcaCausalHash of
-- TODO: go down 2-way merge code paths
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,9 +260,9 @@ handleMerge alicePath0 bobPath0 _resultPath = do
( ecDependenciesToDot
(aliceTypeNames <> bobTypeNames)
(injectiveRelationToRelation aliceTypeNames <> injectiveRelationToRelation bobTypeNames)
(aliceDataconNames <> bobDataconNames)
(aliceTermNames <> bobTermNames)
(injectiveRelationToRelation aliceTermNames <> injectiveRelationToRelation bobTermNames)
(Relation.ran typeUserUpdates)
(Relation.ran termUserUpdates)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,16 +323,26 @@ computeConstructorMapping allNames1 ref1 decl1 allNames2 ref2 decl2 = do
let numConstructors = length (Decl.constructorTypes decl1)
guard (numConstructors == length (Decl.constructorTypes decl2))

let oink1 = Relation3.lookupD2 (ReferenceDerived ref1) allNames1
let oink2 = Relation3.lookupD2 (ReferenceDerived ref2) allNames2
let constructorNames1 = Relation3.lookupD2 (ReferenceDerived ref1) allNames1
let constructorNames2 = Relation3.lookupD2 (ReferenceDerived ref2) allNames2

let constructorName1 :: ConstructorId -> Maybe Name
constructorName1 i =
Set.asSingleton (Relation.lookupRan i constructorNames1)

let constructorId2 :: Name -> Maybe ConstructorId
constructorId2 name =
Set.asSingleton (Relation.lookupDom name constructorNames2)

let constructorIdsInOrder = map (unsafeFrom @Int) [0 .. numConstructors - 1]
let constructorIdsInOrder :: [ConstructorId]
constructorIdsInOrder =
map (unsafeFrom @Int) [0 .. numConstructors - 1]

let step :: Maybe (Map ConstructorId ConstructorId) -> ConstructorId -> Maybe (Map ConstructorId ConstructorId)
step maybeAcc i = do
acc <- maybeAcc
name <- Set.asSingleton (Relation.lookupRan i oink1)
j <- Set.asSingleton (Relation.lookupDom name oink2)
name <- constructorName1 i
j <- constructorId2 name
Just (Map.insert j i acc)

-- It all looks good so far; let's see if the data constructors' names match.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,35 +514,8 @@ loadBranchDefinitionNames =
(Relation Name TermReference)
go reversePrefix branch = do
let types :: Relation Name TypeReference
types =
Relation.fromMultimap (Map.fromList (map f (Map.toList (Branch.types branch))))
f (segment, xs) =
(Name.fromReverseSegments (segment :| reversePrefix), Map.keysSet xs)

let datacons :: Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId
terms :: Relation Name TermReference
T2 datacons terms =
Branch.terms branch
& Map.toList
& foldl' f (T2 Relation3.empty Relation.empty)
f ::
T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference) ->
(NameSegment, Map Referent metadata) ->
T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference)
f acc (segment, refs) =
foldl' (g (Name.fromReverseSegments (segment :| reversePrefix))) acc (Map.keys refs)

g ::
Name ->
T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference) ->
Referent ->
T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference)
g name (T2 accDatacons accTerms) = \case
Referent.Ref ref -> T2 accDatacons (Relation.insert name ref accTerms)
Referent.Con ref cid -> T2 (Relation3.insert name ref cid accDatacons) accTerms
let types = branchTypeNames reversePrefix branch
T2 datacons terms = branchTermNames reversePrefix branch

childrenNames <-
Branch.children branch
Expand All @@ -513,6 +526,33 @@ loadBranchDefinitionNames =

pure (T3 types datacons terms <> childrenNames)

branchTypeNames :: [NameSegment] -> Branch m -> Relation Name TypeReference
branchTypeNames reversePrefix =
Branch.types >>> Map.toList >>> map f >>> Map.fromList >>> Relation.fromMultimap
f (segment, xs) =
(Name.fromReverseSegments (segment :| reversePrefix), Map.keysSet xs)

branchTermNames :: [NameSegment] -> Branch m -> T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference)
branchTermNames reversePrefix =
Branch.terms >>> Map.toList >>> foldl' f (T2 Relation3.empty Relation.empty)
f ::
T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference) ->
(NameSegment, Map Referent metadata) ->
T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference)
f acc (segment, refs) =
foldl' (g (Name.fromReverseSegments (segment :| reversePrefix))) acc (Map.keys refs)

g ::
Name ->
T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference) ->
Referent ->
T2 (Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId) (Relation Name TermReference)
g name (T2 accDatacons accTerms) = \case
Referent.Ref ref -> T2 accDatacons (Relation.insert name ref accTerms)
Referent.Con ref cid -> T2 (Relation3.insert name ref cid accDatacons) accTerms

data DependencyDiff
= AddDependency !CausalHash
| DeleteDependency !CausalHash
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,6 +663,57 @@ termPatternDependencies = \case
Term.PUnbound {} -> Set.empty
Term.PVar {} -> Set.empty

-- | Try to view a relation as an injective relation.
-- If the relation is not injective, returns the set of elements of the range that were each related to more than
-- element in the domain.
-- TODO move this helper to some other module
relationToInjectiveRelation :: forall a b. (Ord a, Ord b) => Relation a b -> Either (Set b) (BiMultimap a b)
relationToInjectiveRelation relation =
& Map.toList
& foldr f (Just (T2 BiMultimap.empty Set.empty))
& \case
Nothing -> Left (duplicates (Map.elems domain))
Just (T2 rel _range) -> Right rel
domain :: Map a (Set b)
domain =
Relation.domain relation

-- Accumulator: the injective relation, and its range. Its range is kept separately because it can't be derived
-- from the relation in O(1)
f ::
(a, Set b) ->
Maybe (T2 (BiMultimap a b) (Set b)) ->
Maybe (T2 (BiMultimap a b) (Set b))
f (x, ys) = \case
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (T2 rel0 range0) ->
if Set.disjoint ys range0
let rel1 = foldl' (\rel1 name -> BiMultimap.unsafeInsert x name rel1) rel0 ys
range1 = Set.union ys range0
in Just $! T2 rel1 range1
else Nothing

-- | View an injective relation as a relation.
-- TODO move this helper to some other module
injectiveRelationToRelation :: forall a b. (Ord a, Ord b) => BiMultimap a b -> Relation a b
injectiveRelationToRelation relation =
Relation.fromMultimap (BiMultimap.toMultimap relation)

-- | Return the set of elements that appear in at least two of the given sets.
duplicates :: forall a. Ord a => [Set a] -> Set a
duplicates =
foldl' f (T2 Set.empty Set.empty) >>> (\(T2 _ xs) -> xs)
f :: T2 (Set a) (Set a) -> Set a -> T2 (Set a) (Set a)
f (T2 everything dupes) xs =
T2 (Set.union xs everything) (Set.union (Set.intersection xs everything) dupes)

-- Debug show/print utils

Expand All @@ -647,9 +738,9 @@ showShortHash =
ShortHash.toText . ShortHash.shortenTo 4

ecDependenciesToDot ::
Relation Name TypeReference ->
Relation TypeReference Name ->
Relation3 Name TypeReference ConstructorId ->
Relation Name TermReference ->
Relation TermReference Name ->
Set TypeReference ->
Set Referent ->
Bimap Merge.EC (Merge.Node Referent TypeReference) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -710,11 +801,11 @@ ecDependenciesToDot typeNames constructorNames termNames typeUserUpdates termUse
fromMaybe "" . Set.lookupMin $
case ref of
Referent.Con typeRef conId -> Relation3.lookupD23 typeRef conId constructorNames
Referent.Ref termRef -> Relation.lookupRan termRef termNames
Referent.Ref termRef -> Relation.lookupDom termRef termNames
in refToRow (Name.toText name <> showReferent ref) (Set.member ref termUserUpdates)
Merge.NodeTys tys ->
tys & foldMap \ref ->
let name = fromMaybe "" (Set.lookupMin (Relation.lookupRan ref typeNames))
let name = fromMaybe "" (Set.lookupMin (Relation.lookupDom ref typeNames))
in refToRow (Name.toText name <> showReference ref) (Set.member ref typeUserUpdates)

refToRow :: Text -> Bool -> Text.Builder
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions unison-cli/unison-cli.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ library
, unison-sqlite
, unison-syntax
, unison-util-base32hex
, unison-util-bimultimap
, unison-util-relation
, unliftio
, unordered-containers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,6 +373,7 @@ executable cli-integration-tests
, unison-sqlite
, unison-syntax
, unison-util-base32hex
, unison-util-bimultimap
, unison-util-relation
, unliftio
, unordered-containers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -508,6 +510,7 @@ executable transcripts
, unison-sqlite
, unison-syntax
, unison-util-base32hex
, unison-util-bimultimap
, unison-util-relation
, unliftio
, unordered-containers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -650,6 +653,7 @@ executable unison
, unison-sqlite
, unison-syntax
, unison-util-base32hex
, unison-util-bimultimap
, unison-util-relation
, unliftio
, unordered-containers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -795,6 +799,7 @@ test-suite cli-tests
, unison-sqlite
, unison-syntax
, unison-util-base32hex
, unison-util-bimultimap
, unison-util-relation
, unliftio
, unordered-containers
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions unison-merge/src/Unison/Merge.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -520,10 +520,10 @@ makeCoreEcDependencies getTypeConstructorTerms getTypeDependencies getTermDepend
Map ref y ->
Set ref ->
m (Set EC)
go getDependencyEcs conflictedAdds updatesLhs userUpdatesLhs userUpdatesRhs tys = do
go getDependencyEcs conflictedAdds updatesLhs userUpdatesLhs userUpdatesRhs refs = do
let dependenciesIn :: Map ref z -> m (Set EC)
dependenciesIn =
(`Set.intersectKeys` tys) >>> foldMapM getDependencyEcs
(`Set.intersectKeys` refs) >>> foldMapM getDependencyEcs
lcaDeps <- dependenciesIn updatesLhs
conflictedAddsDeps <- dependenciesIn conflictedAdds
userUpdatesLhsDeps <- dependenciesIn userUpdatesLhs
Expand Down

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