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Be a bit more intelligent about retaining TDNR context
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dolio committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent 583df95 commit 2778dcc
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Showing 3 changed files with 54 additions and 13 deletions.
53 changes: 41 additions & 12 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Typechecker/Context.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -639,6 +639,16 @@ modifyContext f = do
appendContext :: (Var v, Ord loc) => [Element v loc] -> M v loc ()
appendContext = traverse_ extendContext

markRetained :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Set v -> M v loc ()
markRetained keep = setContext . marks =<< getContext
marks (Context eis) = Context (fmap mark eis)
mark (Existential B.Blank v, i)
| v `Set.member` keep = (Var (TypeVar.Existential B.Retain v), i)
mark (Solved B.Blank v t, i)
| v `Set.member` keep = (Solved B.Retain v t, i)
mark p = p

extendContext :: (Var v) => Element v loc -> M v loc ()
extendContext e =
isReserved (varOf e) >>= \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1191,7 +1201,7 @@ synthesizeWanted tm@(Term.Request' r) =
fmap (wantRequest tm) . ungeneralize . Type.purifyArrows
=<< getEffectConstructorType r
synthesizeWanted (Term.Let1Top' top binding e) = do
(tbinding, wb) <- synthesizeBinding binding
(tbinding, wb) <- synthesizeBinding top binding
v' <- ABT.freshen e freshenVar
when (Var.isAction (ABT.variable e)) $
-- enforce that actions in a block have type ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1375,27 +1385,46 @@ synthesizeWanted _e = compilerCrash PatternMatchFailure
synthesizeBinding ::
(Var v) =>
(Ord loc) =>
Bool ->
Term v loc ->
M v loc (Type v loc, Wanted v loc)
synthesizeBinding binding = do
markThenCallWithRetract Var.inferOther \retract -> do
synthesizeBinding top binding = do
markThenCallWithRetract Var.inferOther \retract -> adjustNotes do
(tb, wb) <- synthesize binding
if not (null wb)
then (,wb) <$> applyM tb
then fmap (\t -> ((t, wb), id)) (applyM tb)
else if top then do
ctx <- retract
pure ((generalizeExistentials ctx tb, []), substituteSolved ctx)
else do
ctx <- retract
let erecs = [ v | Existential B.Recorded{} v <- ctx ]
-- Note: this is conservative about what we avoid
-- generalizing. Right now only TDNR causes variables to be
-- retained. It might be possible to make this happen for any
-- `Recorded` to do more inference for unknown variable errors
-- (or whatever the other cases are for), at the expense of
-- less generalization in the process of reporting those.
let retain (B.Recorded B.Resolve{}) = True
retain B.Retain = True
retain _ = False

erecs = [ v | Existential b v <- ctx, retain b ]
srecs =
[ v
| Solved B.Recorded {} _ sa <- ctx
| Solved b _ sa <- ctx
, retain b
, TypeVar.Existential _ v <-
Set.toList . ABT.freeVars . applyCtx ctx $ Type.getPolytype sa ]
keep = Set.fromList (erecs ++ srecs)
p (Existential _ v) = v `Set.member` keep
p _ = False
(repush, discard) = partition p ctx
p (Existential _ v)
| v `Set.member` keep =
Left . Var $ TypeVar.Existential B.Retain v
p e = Right e
(repush, discard) = partitionEithers $ fmap p ctx
appendContext repush
pure $ (generalizeExistentials discard tb, [])
markRetained keep
let tf = generalizeExistentials discard (applyCtx ctx tb)
pure ((tf, []), substituteSolved ctx)

getDataConstructorsAtType :: forall v loc. (Ord loc, Var v) => Type v loc -> M v loc (EnumeratedConstructors (TypeVar v loc) v loc)
getDataConstructorsAtType t0 = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2393,8 +2422,8 @@ checkWanted want (Term.Lam' body) (Type.Arrow'' i es o) = do
body <- pure $ ABT.bindInheritAnnotation body (Term.var () x)
checkWithAbilities es body o
pure want
checkWanted want (Term.Let1' binding m) t = do
(tbinding, wbinding) <- synthesizeBinding binding
checkWanted want (Term.Let1Top' top binding m) t = do
(tbinding, wbinding) <- synthesizeBinding top binding
want <- coalesceWanted wbinding want
v <- ABT.freshen m freshenVar
markThenRetractWanted v $ do
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion unison-core/src/Unison/Blank.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,5 +24,16 @@ data Recorded loc
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Generic)

data Blank loc = Blank | Recorded (Recorded loc)
-- - Blank is just a dummy annotation.
-- - Recorded indicates that we want to remember the variable's solution
-- for some kind of
data Blank loc
= Blank
-- ^ just a dummy annotation
| Recorded (Recorded loc)
-- ^ indicates that we want to remember the variable's solution for
-- some reason
| Retain
-- ^ indicates that we want to prefer keeping the variable in the
-- context to better refine the above recorded solutions
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Generic)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions unison-hashing-v2/src/Unison/Hashing/V2/Term.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ instance (Var v) => Hashable1 (TermF v a p) where
B.Recorded (B.Resolve _ s) ->
[tag 2, Hashable.Text (Text.pack s)]
B.Recorded (B.MissingResultPlaceholder _) -> [tag 3]
B.Retain -> [tag 4]
TermRef (ReferenceBuiltin name) -> [tag 2, accumulateToken name]
TermApp a a2 -> [tag 3, hashed (hash a), hashed (hash a2)]
TermAnn a t -> [tag 4, hashed (hash a), hashed (ABT.hash t)]
Expand Down

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