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Merge pull request #4579 from unisonweb/cp/remove-global-names-again
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Scope all commands to current namespace (no global fallbacks for names or PPE)
  • Loading branch information
mergify[bot] authored Jan 16, 2024
2 parents f746fb7 + b208778 commit 5e6f20b
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Showing 97 changed files with 936 additions and 3,502 deletions.
28 changes: 10 additions & 18 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Codebase.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ module Unison.Codebase
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +116,6 @@ where

import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT), runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import U.Codebase.Branch qualified as V2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,23 +242,15 @@ getShallowBranchAtPath path mayBranch = do
childBranch <- V2Causal.value childCausal
getShallowBranchAtPath p (Just childBranch)

-- | Get a branch from the codebase.
getBranchForHash :: (Monad m) => Codebase m v a -> CausalHash -> m (Maybe (Branch m))
getBranchForHash codebase h =
-- Attempt to find the Branch in the current codebase cache and root up to 3 levels deep
-- If not found, attempt to find it in the Codebase (sqlite)
let nestedChildrenForDepth :: Int -> Branch m -> [Branch m]
nestedChildrenForDepth depth b =
if depth == 0
then []
else b : (Map.elems (Branch._children (Branch.head b)) >>= nestedChildrenForDepth (depth - 1))

headHashEq = (h ==) . Branch.headHash

find rb = List.find headHashEq (nestedChildrenForDepth 3 rb)
in do
rootBranch <- getRootBranch codebase
maybe (getBranchForHashImpl codebase h) (pure . Just) (find rootBranch)
-- | Get a v1 branch from the root following the given path.
getBranchAtPath ::
(MonadIO m) =>
Codebase m v a ->
Path.Absolute ->
m (Branch m)
getBranchAtPath codebase path = do
V2Causal.Causal {causalHash} <- runTransaction codebase $ getShallowCausalAtPath (Path.unabsolute path) Nothing
expectBranchForHash codebase causalHash

-- | Like 'getBranchForHash', but for when the hash is known to be in the codebase.
expectBranchForHash :: (Monad m) => Codebase m v a -> CausalHash -> m (Branch m)
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Codebase/Branch/Names.hs
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@@ -1,15 +1,26 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Branch.Names
( namesDiff,

import Unison.Codebase.Branch
import Unison.Names (Names (..))
import Unison.NamesWithHistory qualified as Names
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.Names qualified as PPE
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPED
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl.Names qualified as PPED
import Unison.Util.Relation qualified as R
import Prelude hiding (head, read, subtract)

-- | Get the pretty-printing environment for names in the provided branch.
toPrettyPrintEnvDecl :: Int -> Branch0 m -> PPED.PrettyPrintEnvDecl
toPrettyPrintEnvDecl hashLength b =
let names = toNames b
in PPED.makePPED (PPE.hqNamer hashLength names) (PPE.suffixifyByHash names)

-- | Get the names in the provided branch.
toNames :: Branch0 m -> Names
toNames b =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Codebase/SqliteCodebase.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ sqliteCodebase debugName root localOrRemote lockOption migrationStrategy action
getBranchForHashImpl = getBranchForHash,
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ import Unison.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.NameSegment (NameSegment (..))
import Unison.Names (Names (Names))
import Unison.Names qualified as Names
import Unison.Names.Scoped (ScopedNames (..))
import Unison.Parser.Ann (Ann)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,7 +517,7 @@ filterReferentsHavingTypeImpl ::
filterReferentsHavingTypeImpl doGetDeclType typRef termRefs =
Ops.filterTermsByReferentHavingType (Cv.reference1to2 typRef) (Cv.referentid1to2 <$> toList termRefs)
>>= traverse (Cv.referentid2to1 doGetDeclType)
<&> Set.fromList
<&> Set.fromList

-- | The number of base32 characters needed to distinguish any two references in the codebase.
hashLength :: Transaction Int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -588,30 +587,23 @@ namesAtPath ::
BranchHash ->
-- Include names from the project which contains this path.
Path ->
Transaction ScopedNames
Transaction Names
namesAtPath bh path = do
let namesRoot = PathSegments . coerce . Path.toList $ path
namesPerspective@Ops.NamesPerspective {relativePerspective} <- Ops.namesPerspectiveForRootAndPath bh namesRoot
let relativePath = Path.fromList $ coerce relativePerspective
NamesInPerspective {termNamesInPerspective, typeNamesInPerspective} <- Ops.allNamesInPerspective namesPerspective
let termsInPath = convertTerms termNamesInPerspective
let typesInPath = convertTypes typeNamesInPerspective
let rootTerms = Rel.fromList termsInPath
let rootTypes = Rel.fromList typesInPath
let absoluteRootNames = Names.makeAbsolute $ Names {terms = rootTerms, types = rootTypes}
let relativeScopedNames =
case relativePath of
Path.Empty -> (Names.makeRelative $ absoluteRootNames)
Path.Empty -> (Names {terms = Rel.fromList termsInPath, types = Rel.fromList typesInPath})
p ->
let reversedPathSegments = reverse . Path.toList $ p
relativeTerms = mapMaybe (stripPathPrefix reversedPathSegments) termsInPath
relativeTypes = mapMaybe (stripPathPrefix reversedPathSegments) typesInPath
in (Names {terms = Rel.fromList relativeTerms, types = Rel.fromList relativeTypes})
pure $
{ relativeScopedNames,
pure $ relativeScopedNames
convertTypes names =
names <&> \(S.NamedRef {reversedSegments, ref}) ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Codebase/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ data Codebase m v a = Codebase
Text -> -- Reason for the change, will be recorded in the reflog
Branch m ->
m (),
getBranchForHashImpl :: CausalHash -> m (Maybe (Branch m)),
getBranchForHash :: CausalHash -> m (Maybe (Branch m)),
-- | Put a branch into the codebase, which includes its children, its patches, and the branch itself, if they don't
-- already exist.
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/PrettyPrintEnvDecl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ biasTo targets PrettyPrintEnvDecl {unsuffixifiedPPE, suffixifiedPPE} =
empty :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl
empty = PrettyPrintEnvDecl PPE.empty PPE.empty

-- | Will use names from the fallback pped if no names were found in the primary.
-- @addFallback primary fallback@
addFallback :: PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> PrettyPrintEnvDecl -> PrettyPrintEnvDecl
addFallback (PrettyPrintEnvDecl unsuff1 suff1) (PrettyPrintEnvDecl unsuff2 suff2) =
PrettyPrintEnvDecl (unsuff1 `PPE.addFallback` unsuff2) (suff1 `PPE.addFallback` suff2)
15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/UnisonFile/Names.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,20 +9,21 @@ import Unison.DataDeclaration (DataDeclaration, EffectDeclaration (..))
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as DD
import Unison.DataDeclaration.Names qualified as DD.Names
import Unison.Hashing.V2.Convert qualified as Hashing
import Unison.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.Names (Names (..))
import Unison.Names.ResolutionResult qualified as Names
import Unison.NamesWithHistory qualified as Names
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Reference qualified as Reference
import Unison.Referent qualified as Referent
import Unison.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.Syntax.Name qualified as Name
import Unison.Term qualified as Term
import Unison.UnisonFile qualified as UF
import Unison.UnisonFile.Env (Env (..))
import Unison.UnisonFile.Error (Error (DupDataAndAbility, UnknownType))
import Unison.UnisonFile.Type (TypecheckedUnisonFile (TypecheckedUnisonFileId), UnisonFile (UnisonFileId))
import Unison.Util.Relation qualified as Relation
import Unison.Util.List qualified as List
import Unison.Util.Relation qualified as Relation
import Unison.Var (Var)
import Unison.Var qualified as Var
import Unison.WatchKind qualified as WK
Expand All @@ -33,6 +34,9 @@ toNames uf = datas <> effects
datas = foldMap (DD.Names.dataDeclToNames' Name.unsafeFromVar) (Map.toList (UF.dataDeclarationsId uf))
effects = foldMap (DD.Names.effectDeclToNames' Name.unsafeFromVar) (Map.toList (UF.effectDeclarationsId uf))

addNamesFromUnisonFile :: (Var v) => UnisonFile v a -> Names -> Names
addNamesFromUnisonFile unisonFile names = Names.shadowing (toNames unisonFile) names

typecheckedToNames :: (Var v) => TypecheckedUnisonFile v a -> Names
typecheckedToNames uf = Names (terms <> ctors) types
Expand All @@ -57,6 +61,9 @@ typecheckedToNames uf = Names (terms <> ctors) types
. UF.hashConstructors
$ uf

addNamesFromTypeCheckedUnisonFile :: (Var v) => TypecheckedUnisonFile v a -> Names -> Names
addNamesFromTypeCheckedUnisonFile unisonFile names = Names.shadowing (typecheckedToNames unisonFile) names

typecheckedUnisonFile0 :: (Ord v) => TypecheckedUnisonFile v a
typecheckedUnisonFile0 = TypecheckedUnisonFileId Map.empty Map.empty mempty mempty mempty

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,15 +107,15 @@ bindNames names (UnisonFileId d e ts ws) = do
-- It's used below in `environmentFor` and also during the term resolution
-- process.
variableCanonicalizer :: forall v . Var v => [v] -> Map v v
variableCanonicalizer :: forall v. Var v => [v] -> Map v v
variableCanonicalizer vs =
done $ List.multimap do
v <- vs
let n = Name.unsafeFromVar v
suffix <- Name.suffixes n
pure (Var.named (Name.toText suffix), v)
done xs = Map.fromList [ (k, v) | (k, nubOrd -> [v]) <- Map.toList xs ] <> Map.fromList [(v,v) | v <- vs]
done xs = Map.fromList [(k, v) | (k, nubOrd -> [v]) <- Map.toList xs] <> Map.fromList [(v, v) | v <- vs]

-- This function computes hashes for data and effect declarations, and
-- also returns a function for resolving strings to (Reference, ConstructorId)
Expand Down
17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/Cli/MonadUtils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ module Unison.Cli.MonadUtils
-- * Latest touched Unison file
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,7 +258,8 @@ modifyRootBranch f = do
getCurrentBranch :: Cli (Branch IO)
getCurrentBranch = do
path <- getCurrentPath
getBranchAt path
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
liftIO $ Codebase.getBranchAtPath codebase path

-- | Get the current branch0.
getCurrentBranch0 :: Cli (Branch0 IO)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -573,12 +574,14 @@ getTermFromLatestParsedFile (HQ.NameOnly n) = do
_ -> Nothing
getTermFromLatestParsedFile _ = pure Nothing

getNamesFromLatestParsedFile :: Cli Names
getNamesFromLatestParsedFile = do
uf <- getLatestParsedFile
pure $ case uf of
-- | Gets the names from the latest typechecked unison file, or latest parsed file if it
-- didn't typecheck.
getNamesFromLatestFile :: Cli Names
getNamesFromLatestFile = do
use #latestTypecheckedFile <&> \case
Just (Right tf) -> UFN.typecheckedToNames tf
Just (Left uf) -> UFN.toNames uf
Nothing -> mempty
Just uf -> UFN.toNames uf

-- | Get the latest typechecked unison file, or return early if there isn't one.
expectLatestTypecheckedFile :: Cli (TypecheckedUnisonFile Symbol Ann)
Expand Down
64 changes: 7 additions & 57 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/Cli/NamesUtils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,65 +1,15 @@
-- | Utilities that have to do with constructing names objects.
module Unison.Cli.NamesUtils
( basicParseNames,
( currentNames,

import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path)
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils (getCurrentBranch0)
import Unison.Codebase.Branch.Names qualified as Branch
import Unison.Names (Names)
import Unison.NamesWithHistory qualified as Names
import Unison.Server.Backend qualified as Backend
import Unison.UnisonFile (TypecheckedUnisonFile)
import Unison.UnisonFile.Names qualified as UF
import Unison.Var (Var)

basicParseNames :: Cli Names
basicParseNames =
fst <$> basicNames' Backend.Within

basicPrettyPrintNamesA :: Cli Names
basicPrettyPrintNamesA = snd <$> basicNames' Backend.AllNames

-- implementation detail of basicParseNames and basicPrettyPrintNames
basicNames' :: (Path -> Backend.NameScoping) -> Cli (Names, Names)
basicNames' nameScoping = do
root' <- Cli.getRootBranch
currentPath' <- Cli.getCurrentPath
let (parse, pretty, _local) = Backend.namesForBranch root' (nameScoping $ Path.unabsolute currentPath')
pure (parse, pretty)

-- | Produce a `Names` needed to display all the hashes used in the given file.
displayNames ::
(Var v) =>
TypecheckedUnisonFile v a ->
Cli Names
displayNames unisonFile =
-- voodoo
(UF.typecheckedToNames unisonFile)

getBasicPrettyPrintNames :: Cli Names
getBasicPrettyPrintNames = do
rootBranch <- Cli.getRootBranch
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
pure (Backend.prettyNamesForBranch rootBranch (Backend.AllNames (Path.unabsolute currentPath)))

makePrintNamesFromLabeled' :: Cli Names
makePrintNamesFromLabeled' =

makeShadowedPrintNamesFromHQ :: Names -> Cli Names
makeShadowedPrintNamesFromHQ shadowing = do
basicNames <- basicPrettyPrintNamesA
pure $ Names.shadowing shadowing basicNames

makeShadowedPrintNamesFromLabeled :: Names -> Cli Names
makeShadowedPrintNamesFromLabeled shadowing =
Names.shadowing shadowing <$> makePrintNamesFromLabeled'
-- | Produce a 'Names' object which contains names for the current branch.
currentNames :: Cli Names
currentNames = do
Branch.toNames <$> getCurrentBranch0
27 changes: 13 additions & 14 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/Cli/PrettyPrintUtils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,32 @@
-- | Utilities that have to do with constructing pretty-print environments, given stateful information in the Cli monad
-- state/environment, such as the current path.
module Unison.Cli.PrettyPrintUtils
( prettyPrintEnvDecl,
( prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames,

import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.MonadUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.NamesUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Path (Path)
import Unison.Codebase.Path qualified as Path
import Unison.Names (Names)
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnv.Names qualified as PPE
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl (PrettyPrintEnvDecl)
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl qualified as PPE hiding (biasTo)
import Unison.PrettyPrintEnvDecl.Names qualified as PPED
import Unison.Server.Backend qualified as Backend

prettyPrintEnvDecl :: Names -> Cli PrettyPrintEnvDecl
prettyPrintEnvDecl ns =
-- | Builds a pretty print env decl from a names object.
prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames :: Names -> Cli PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl
prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames ns =
Cli.runTransaction Codebase.hashLength <&> \hashLen ->
PPED.makePPED (PPE.hqNamer hashLen ns) (PPE.suffixifyByHash ns)

-- | Get a pretty print env decl for the current names at the current path.
currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl :: (Path -> Backend.NameScoping) -> Cli PrettyPrintEnvDecl
currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl scoping = do
root' <- Cli.getRootBranch
currentPath <- Cli.getCurrentPath
hqLen <- Cli.runTransaction Codebase.hashLength
pure $ Backend.getCurrentPrettyNames hqLen (scoping (Path.unabsolute currentPath)) root'
-- Prefer using 'prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames' when you've already got
-- a 'Names' value around, since using 'currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl' rebuilds the underlying
-- names object.
currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl :: Cli PPE.PrettyPrintEnvDecl
currentPrettyPrintEnvDecl = do
Cli.currentNames >>= prettyPrintEnvDeclFromNames

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