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Merge pull request #4653 from unisonweb/cp/debug-term
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Add `debug.term` `debug.type` for debugging
  • Loading branch information
mergify[bot] authored Feb 1, 2024
2 parents 9e4bc32 + db15634 commit 70bedd6
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Showing 9 changed files with 319 additions and 2 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/HandleInput.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.AuthLogin (authLogin)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Branch (handleBranch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.BranchRename (handleBranchRename)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.Branches (handleBranches)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DebugDefinition qualified as DebugDefinition
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DeleteBranch (handleDeleteBranch)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DeleteProject (handleDeleteProject)
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.EditNamespace (handleEditNamespace)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1141,6 +1142,8 @@ loop e = do
traceM $ show name ++ ",Type," ++ Text.unpack (Reference.toText r)
for_ (Relation.toList . Branch.deepTerms $ rootBranch0) \(r, name) ->
traceM $ show name ++ ",Term," ++ Text.unpack (Referent.toText r)
DebugTermI isVerbose hqName -> DebugDefinition.debugTerm isVerbose hqName
DebugTypeI hqName -> DebugDefinition.debugDecl hqName
DebugClearWatchI {} ->
Cli.runTransaction Codebase.clearWatches
DebugDoctorI {} -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1355,6 +1358,11 @@ inputDescription input =
DebugDoctorI {} -> wat
DebugDumpNamespaceSimpleI {} -> wat
DebugDumpNamespacesI {} -> wat
DebugTermI verbose hqName ->
if verbose
then pure ("debug.term.verbose " <> HQ.toText hqName)
else pure ("debug.term " <> HQ.toText hqName)
DebugTypeI hqName -> pure ("debug.type " <> HQ.toText hqName)
DebugNameDiffI {} -> wat
DebugNumberedArgsI {} -> wat
DebugTabCompletionI _input -> wat
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Editor.HandleInput.DebugDefinition
( debugTerm,

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Unison.Cli.Monad (Cli)
import Unison.Cli.Monad qualified as Cli
import Unison.Cli.NamesUtils qualified as Cli
import Unison.Codebase qualified as Codebase
import Unison.Codebase.Editor.Output (Output (..))
import Unison.ConstructorReference (GConstructorReference (ConstructorReference))
import Unison.DataDeclaration.ConstructorId (ConstructorId)
import Unison.HashQualified qualified as HQ
import Unison.Name (Name)
import Unison.NamesWithHistory qualified as Names
import Unison.Prelude
import Unison.Reference (TermReference, TypeReference)
import Unison.Reference qualified as Reference
import Unison.Referent qualified as Referent

debugTermReference :: Bool -> TermReference -> Cli ()
debugTermReference verbose ref = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
case ref of
Reference.DerivedId refId -> do
Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.getTerm codebase refId) >>= \case
Nothing -> Cli.respond $ TermNotFound' (Reference.toShortHash ref)
Just term -> do
Cli.respond $ DebugTerm verbose (Right term)
Reference.Builtin builtinTxt -> do
Cli.respond $ DebugTerm verbose (Left builtinTxt)

debugTypeReference :: TypeReference -> Maybe ConstructorId -> Cli ()
debugTypeReference ref mayConId = do
Cli.Env {codebase} <- ask
case ref of
Reference.DerivedId refId -> do
Cli.runTransaction (Codebase.getTypeDeclaration codebase refId) >>= \case
Nothing -> Cli.respond $ TypeNotFound' (Reference.toShortHash ref)
Just decl -> do
Cli.respond $ DebugDecl (Right decl) mayConId
Reference.Builtin builtinTxt -> do
Cli.respond $ DebugDecl (Left builtinTxt) mayConId

debugTerm :: Bool -> HQ.HashQualified Name -> Cli ()
debugTerm verbose hqName = do
names <- Cli.currentNames
let matches = Names.lookupHQTerm Names.IncludeSuffixes hqName names
for_ matches \case
Referent.Ref termReference -> debugTermReference verbose termReference
Referent.Con (ConstructorReference typeRef conId) _conTyp -> debugTypeReference typeRef (Just conId)

debugDecl :: HQ.HashQualified Name -> Cli ()
debugDecl hqName = do
names <- Cli.currentNames
let matches = Names.lookupHQType Names.IncludeSuffixes hqName names
for_ matches \typeRef -> debugTypeReference typeRef Nothing
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/Input.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ data Input
| DebugTypecheckedUnisonFileI
| DebugDumpNamespacesI
| DebugDumpNamespaceSimpleI
| DebugTermI (Bool {- Verbose mode -}) (HQ.HashQualified Name)
| DebugTypeI (HQ.HashQualified Name)
| DebugClearWatchI
| DebugDoctorI
| DebugNameDiffI ShortCausalHash ShortCausalHash
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/Output.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash (ShortCausalHash)
import Unison.Codebase.ShortCausalHash qualified as SCH
import Unison.Codebase.Type (GitError)
import Unison.CommandLine.InputPattern qualified as Input
import Unison.DataDeclaration qualified as DD
import Unison.DataDeclaration.ConstructorId (ConstructorId)
import Unison.HashQualified qualified as HQ
import Unison.HashQualified' qualified as HQ'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,6 +325,8 @@ data Output
| DisplayDebugCompletions [Completion.Completion]
| DebugDisplayFuzzyOptions Text [String {- arg description, options -}]
| DebugFuzzyOptionsNoResolver
| DebugTerm (Bool {- verbose mode -}) (Either (Text {- A builtin hash -}) (Term Symbol Ann))
| DebugDecl (Either (Text {- A builtin hash -}) (DD.Decl Symbol Ann)) (Maybe ConstructorId {- If 'Just' we're debugging a constructor of the given decl -})
| ClearScreen
| PulledEmptyBranch (ReadRemoteNamespace Share.RemoteProjectBranch)
| CreatedProject Bool {- randomly-generated name? -} ProjectName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -569,6 +572,8 @@ isFailure o = case o of
DisplayDebugCompletions {} -> False
DebugDisplayFuzzyOptions {} -> False
DebugFuzzyOptionsNoResolver {} -> True
DebugTerm {} -> False
DebugDecl {} -> False
DisplayDebugNameDiff {} -> False
ClearScreen -> False
PulledEmptyBranch {} -> False
Expand Down
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2275,6 +2275,45 @@ debugDumpNamespaceSimple =
"Dump the namespace to a text file"
(const $ Right Input.DebugDumpNamespaceSimpleI)

debugTerm :: InputPattern
debugTerm =
[("term", Required, exactDefinitionTermQueryArg)]
"View debugging information for a given term."
( \case
[thing] -> fmap (Input.DebugTermI False) $ parseHashQualifiedName thing
_ -> Left ( debugTerm)

debugTermVerbose :: InputPattern
debugTermVerbose =
[("term", Required, exactDefinitionTermQueryArg)]
"View verbose debugging information for a given term."
( \case
[thing] -> fmap (Input.DebugTermI True) $ parseHashQualifiedName thing
_ -> Left ( debugTermVerbose)

debugType :: InputPattern
debugType =
[("type", Required, exactDefinitionTypeQueryArg)]
"View debugging information for a given type."
( \case
[thing] -> fmap (Input.DebugTypeI) $ parseHashQualifiedName thing
_ -> Left ( debugType)

debugClearWatchCache :: InputPattern
debugClearWatchCache =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3001,6 +3040,9 @@ validInputs =
Expand Down
22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/OutputMessages.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,15 +21,18 @@ import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Set.NonEmpty (NESet)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL
import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Tuple.Extra (dupe)
import Data.Void (absurd)
import Debug.RecoverRTTI qualified as RTTI
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as Http
import Servant.Client qualified as Servant
import System.Console.ANSI qualified as ANSI
import System.Console.Haskeline.Completion qualified as Completion
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, getHomeDirectory)
import Text.Pretty.Simple (pShowNoColor, pStringNoColor)
import U.Codebase.Branch (NamespaceStats (..))
import U.Codebase.Branch.Diff (NameChanges (..))
import U.Codebase.HashTags (CausalHash (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1772,6 +1775,21 @@ notifyUser dir = \case
IntegrityCheck result -> pure $ case result of
NoIntegrityErrors -> "🎉 No issues detected 🎉"
IntegrityErrorDetected ns -> prettyPrintIntegrityErrors ns
DebugTerm verbose builtinOrTerm -> pure $ case builtinOrTerm of
Left builtin -> "Builtin term: ##" <> P.text builtin
Right trm ->
if verbose
then P.text . TL.toStrict . pStringNoColor $ RTTI.anythingToString trm
else P.shown trm
DebugDecl typ mayConId -> do
let constructorMsg = case mayConId of
Nothing -> ""
Just conId -> "Constructor #" <> P.shown conId <> " of the following type:\n"
pure $
<> case typ of
Left builtinTxt -> "Builtin type: ##" <> P.text builtinTxt
Right decl -> either (P.text . TL.toStrict . pShowNoColor) (P.text . TL.toStrict . pShowNoColor) decl
DisplayDebugNameDiff NameChanges {termNameAdds, termNameRemovals, typeNameAdds, typeNameRemovals} -> do
let referentText =
-- We don't use the constructor type in the actual output here, so there's no
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2748,7 +2766,7 @@ renderEditConflicts ppe Patch {..} = do
then "deprecated and also replaced with"
else "replaced with"
`P.hang` P.lines replacements
`P.hang` P.lines replacements
formatTermEdits ::
(Reference.TermReference, Set TermEdit.TermEdit) ->
Numbered Pretty
Expand All @@ -2763,7 +2781,7 @@ renderEditConflicts ppe Patch {..} = do
then "deprecated and also replaced with"
else "replaced with"
`P.hang` P.lines replacements
`P.hang` P.lines replacements
formatConflict ::
(Reference, Set TypeEdit.TypeEdit)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions unison-cli/unison-cli.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ library
Expand Down
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions unison-src/transcripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
.> builtins.merge

x = 30
y : Nat
y =
z = x + 2
z + 10
structural type Optional a = Some a | None
ability Ask a where
ask : a

.> add
.> debug.term.abt Nat.+
.> debug.term.abt y
.> debug.term.abt Some
.> debug.term.abt ask
.> debug.type.abt Nat
.> debug.type.abt Optional
.> debug.type.abt Ask

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