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Merge pull request #4637 from unisonweb/cp/doc-formatter-fix
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Fix for doc formatter
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aryairani authored Jan 25, 2024
2 parents 2ab2ef5 + f39ebf4 commit 750e35c
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Showing 8 changed files with 355 additions and 170 deletions.
22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Syntax/DeclParser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ dataDeclaration maybeUnresolvedModifier = do
eq <- reserved "="
let -- go gives the type of the constructor, given the types of
-- the constructor arguments, e.g. Cons becomes forall a . a -> List a -> List a
go :: L.Token v -> [Type v Ann] -> (Ann, v, Type v Ann)
go :: L.Token v -> [Type v Ann] -> (Ann {- Ann spanning the constructor and its args -}, (Ann, v, Type v Ann))
go ctorName ctorArgs =
let arrow i o = Type.arrow (ann i <> ann o) i o
app f arg = (ann f <> ann arg) f arg
Expand All @@ -160,14 +160,16 @@ dataDeclaration maybeUnresolvedModifier = do
-- or just `Optional a` in the case of `None`
ctorType = foldr arrow ctorReturnType ctorArgs
ctorAnn = ann ctorName <> maybe (ann ctorName) ann (lastMay ctorArgs)
in ( ann ctorName,
Var.namespaced [L.payload name, L.payload ctorName],
Type.foralls ctorAnn typeArgVs ctorType
in ( ctorAnn,
( ann ctorName,
Var.namespaced [L.payload name, L.payload ctorName],
Type.foralls ctorAnn typeArgVs ctorType
prefixVar = TermParser.verifyRelativeVarName prefixDefinitionName
dataConstructor :: P v m (Ann, v, Type v Ann)
dataConstructor :: P v m (Ann, (Ann, v, Type v Ann))
dataConstructor = go <$> prefixVar <*> many TypeParser.valueTypeLeaf
record :: P v m ([(Ann, v, Type v Ann)], [(L.Token v, [(L.Token v, Type v Ann)])], Ann)
record :: P v m ([(Ann, (Ann, v, Type v Ann))], [(L.Token v, [(L.Token v, Type v Ann)])], Ann)
record = do
_ <- openBlockWith "{"
let field :: P v m [(L.Token v, Type v Ann)]
Expand All @@ -185,9 +187,9 @@ dataDeclaration maybeUnresolvedModifier = do
(constructors, accessors, closingAnn) <-
msum [Left <$> record, Right <$> sepBy (reserved "|") dataConstructor] <&> \case
Left (constructors, accessors, closingAnn) -> (constructors, accessors, closingAnn)
Right constructors ->
Right constructors -> do
let closingAnn :: Ann
closingAnn = NonEmpty.last (ann eq NonEmpty.:| ((\(_, _, t) -> ann t) <$> constructors))
closingAnn = NonEmpty.last (ann eq NonEmpty.:| ((\(constrSpanAnn, _) -> constrSpanAnn) <$> constructors))
in (constructors, [], closingAnn)
_ <- closeBlock
case maybeUnresolvedModifier of
Expand All @@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ dataDeclaration maybeUnresolvedModifier = do
let declSpanAnn = ann typeToken <> closingAnn
( L.payload name,
DD.mkDataDecl' modifier declSpanAnn typeArgVs constructors,
DD.mkDataDecl' modifier declSpanAnn typeArgVs (snd <$> constructors),
Just unresolvedModifier -> do
Expand All @@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ dataDeclaration maybeUnresolvedModifier = do
let declSpanAnn = ann typeToken <> ann modifier <> closingAnn
( L.payload name,
DD.mkDataDecl' (L.payload modifier) declSpanAnn typeArgVs constructors,
DD.mkDataDecl' (L.payload modifier) declSpanAnn typeArgVs (snd <$> constructors),

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Syntax/FileParser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ stanza = watchExpression <|> unexpectedAction <|> binding
binding@((_, v), _) <- TermParser.binding
pure $ case doc of
Nothing -> Binding binding
Just doc -> Bindings [((ann doc, Var.joinDot v (Var.named "doc")), doc), binding]
Just (spanAnn, doc) -> Bindings [((spanAnn, Var.joinDot v (Var.named "doc")), doc), binding]

watched :: (Monad m, Var v) => P v m (UF.WatchKind, Text, Ann)
watched = P.try do
Expand Down
149 changes: 92 additions & 57 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Syntax/TermParser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Tuple.Extra qualified as TupleE
import Text.Megaparsec qualified as P
import U.Core.ABT qualified as ABT
import Unison.ABT qualified as ABT
import Unison.Builtin.Decls qualified as DD
import Unison.ConstructorReference (ConstructorReference, GConstructorReference (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ rewriteBlock = do
rewriteTermlike kw mk = do
kw <- quasikeyword kw
lhs <- term
rhs <- block "==>"
(_spanAnn, rhs) <- block "==>"
pure (mk (ann kw <> ann rhs) lhs rhs)
rewriteTerm = rewriteTermlike "term" DD.rewriteTerm
rewriteCase = rewriteTermlike "case" DD.rewriteCase
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,10 +207,10 @@ matchCase = do
[ Nothing <$ P.try (quasikeyword "otherwise"),
Just <$> infixAppOrBooleanOp
t <- block "->"
(_spanAnn, t) <- block "->"
pure (guard, t)
let unguardedBlock = label "case match" do
t <- block "->"
(_spanAnn, t) <- block "->"
pure (Nothing, t)
-- a pattern's RHS is either one or more guards, or a single unguarded block.
guardsAndBlocks <- guardedBlocks <|> (pure @[] <$> unguardedBlock)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,10 +350,10 @@ lam p = label "lambda" $ mkLam <$> P.try (some prefixDefinitionName <* reserved
mkLam vs b = Term.lam' (ann (head vs) <> ann b) (map L.payload vs) b

letBlock, handle, ifthen :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
letBlock = label "let" $ block "let"
letBlock = label "let" $ (snd <$> block "let")
handle = label "handle" do
b <- block "handle"
handler <- block "with"
(_spanAnn, b) <- block "handle"
(_spanAnn, handler) <- block "with"
pure $ Term.handle (ann b) handler b

checkCasesArities :: (Ord v, Annotated a) => NonEmpty (Int, a) -> P v m (Int, NonEmpty a)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,9 +383,9 @@ lamCase = do

ifthen = label "if" do
start <- peekAny
c <- block "if"
t <- block "then"
f <- block "else"
(_spanAnn, c) <- block "if"
(_spanAnn, t) <- block "then"
(_spanAnn, f) <- block "else"
pure $ Term.iff (ann start <> ann f) c t f

text :: (Var v) => TermP v m
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,10 +452,10 @@ termLeaf =
list term,
(snd <$> delayBlock),
doc2Block <&> \(spanAnn, trm) -> trm {ABT.annotation = ABT.annotation trm <> spanAnn}

-- Syntax for documentation v2 blocks, which are surrounded by {{ }}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,41 +491,53 @@ termLeaf =
-- variables that will be looked up in the environment like anything else. This
-- means that the documentation syntax can have its meaning changed by
-- overriding what functions the names `syntax.doc*` correspond to.
doc2Block :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
doc2Block =
doc2Block :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => P v m (Ann {- Annotation for the whole spanning block -}, Term v Ann)
doc2Block = do
P.lookAhead (openBlockWith "syntax.docUntitledSection") *> elem
elem :: TermP v m
-- For terms which aren't blocks the spanning annotation is the same as the
-- term annotation.
selfAnnotated :: Term v Ann -> (Ann, Term v Ann)
selfAnnotated t = (ann t, t)
elem :: P v m (Ann {- Annotation for the whole spanning block -}, Term v Ann)
elem =
text <|> do
t <- openBlock
(selfAnnotated <$> text) <|> do
startTok <- openBlock
let -- here, `t` will be something like `Open "syntax.docWord"`
-- so `f` will be a term var with the name "syntax.docWord".
f = f' t
f = f' startTok
f' t = Term.var (ann t) (Var.nameds (L.payload t))

-- follows are some common syntactic forms used for parsing child elements

-- regular is parsed into `f child1 child2 child3` for however many children
regular = do
cs <- P.many elem <* closeBlock
pure $ Term.apps' f cs
cs <- P.many (snd <$> elem)
endTok <- closeBlock
let trm = Term.apps' f cs
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)

-- variadic is parsed into: `f [child1, child2, ...]`
variadic = variadic' f
variadic' f = do
cs <- P.many elem <* closeBlock
pure $ Term.apps' f [Term.list (ann cs) cs]
cs <- P.many (snd <$> elem)
endTok <- closeBlock
let trm = Term.apps' f [Term.list (ann cs) cs]
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)

-- sectionLike is parsed into: `f tm [child1, child2, ...]`
sectionLike = do
arg1 <- elem
cs <- P.many elem <* closeBlock
pure $ Term.apps' f [arg1, Term.list (ann cs) cs]
arg1 <- (snd <$> elem)
cs <- P.many (snd <$> elem)
endTok <- closeBlock
let trm = Term.apps' f [arg1, Term.list (ann cs) cs]
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)

evalLike wrap = do
tm <- term <* closeBlock
pure $ Term.apps' f [wrap tm]
tm <- term
endTok <- closeBlock
let trm = Term.apps' f [wrap tm]
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)

-- converts `tm` to `'tm`
Expand All @@ -533,8 +546,7 @@ doc2Block =
-- code which renders documents. (We want the doc display to get
-- the unevaluated expression `1 + 1` and not `2`)
addDelay tm = Term.delay (ann tm) tm

case L.payload t of
case L.payload startTok of
"syntax.docJoin" -> variadic
"syntax.docUntitledSection" -> variadic
"syntax.docColumn" -> variadic
Expand All @@ -545,33 +557,45 @@ doc2Block =
"syntax.docBulletedList" -> variadic
"syntax.docSourceAnnotations" -> variadic
"syntax.docSourceElement" -> do
link <- elem
anns <- P.optional $ reserved "@" *> elem
closeBlock $> Term.apps' f [link, fromMaybe (Term.list (ann link) mempty) anns]
link <- (snd <$> elem)
anns <- P.optional $ reserved "@" *> (snd <$> elem)
endTok <- closeBlock
let trm = Term.apps' f [link, fromMaybe (Term.list (ann link) mempty) anns]
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)
"syntax.docNumberedList" -> do
nitems@((n, _) : _) <- P.some nitem <* closeBlock
nitems@((n, _) : _) <- P.some nitem
endTok <- closeBlock
let items = snd <$> nitems
pure $ Term.apps' f [n, Term.list (ann items) items]
let trm = Term.apps' f [n, Term.list (ann items) items]
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)
nitem = do
n <- number
t <- openBlockWith "syntax.docColumn"
let f = f' ("syntax.docColumn" <$ t)
child <- variadic' f
(_spanAnn, child) <- variadic' f
pure (n, child)
"syntax.docSection" -> sectionLike
-- @source{ type Blah, foo, type Bar }
"syntax.docEmbedTermLink" -> do
tm <- addDelay <$> (hashQualifiedPrefixTerm <|> hashQualifiedInfixTerm)
closeBlock $> Term.apps' f [tm]
endTok <- closeBlock
let trm = Term.apps' f [tm]
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)
"syntax.docEmbedSignatureLink" -> do
tm <- addDelay <$> (hashQualifiedPrefixTerm <|> hashQualifiedInfixTerm)
closeBlock $> Term.apps' f [tm]
endTok <- closeBlock
let trm = Term.apps' f [tm]
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)
"syntax.docEmbedTypeLink" -> do
r <- typeLink'
closeBlock $> Term.apps' f [Term.typeLink (ann r) (L.payload r)]
"syntax.docExample" ->
(term <* closeBlock) <&> \case
endTok <- closeBlock
let trm = Term.apps' f [Term.typeLink (ann r) (L.payload r)]
pure (ann startTok <> ann endTok, trm)
"syntax.docExample" -> do
trm <- term
endTok <- closeBlock
pure . (ann startTok <> ann endTok,) $ case trm of
tm@(Term.Apps' _ xs) ->
let fvs = List.Extra.nubOrd $ concatMap (toList . Term.freeVars) xs
n = Term.nat (ann tm) (fromIntegral (length fvs))
Expand All @@ -581,11 +605,11 @@ doc2Block =
"syntax.docTransclude" -> evalLike id
"syntax.docEvalInline" -> evalLike addDelay
"syntax.docExampleBlock" -> do
tm <- block'' False True "syntax.docExampleBlock" (pure (void t)) closeBlock
pure $ Term.apps' f [Term.nat (ann tm) 0, addDelay tm]
(spanAnn, tm) <- block'' False True "syntax.docExampleBlock" (pure (void startTok)) closeBlock
pure $ (spanAnn, Term.apps' f [Term.nat (ann tm) 0, addDelay tm])
"syntax.docEval" -> do
tm <- block' False "syntax.docEval" (pure (void t)) closeBlock
pure $ Term.apps' f [addDelay tm]
(spanAnn, tm) <- block' False "syntax.docEval" (pure (void startTok)) closeBlock
pure $ (spanAnn, Term.apps' f [addDelay tm])
_ -> regular

docBlock :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -958,10 +982,10 @@ delayQuote = P.label "quote" do
e <- termLeaf
pure $ DD.delayTerm (ann start <> ann e) e

delayBlock :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
delayBlock :: (Monad m, Var v) => P v m (Ann {- Ann spanning the whole block -}, Term v Ann)
delayBlock = P.label "do" do
b <- block "do"
pure $ DD.delayTerm (ann b) b
(spanAnn, b) <- block "do"
pure $ (spanAnn, DD.delayTerm (ann b) b)

bang :: (Monad m, Var v) => TermP v m
bang = P.label "bang" do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1035,7 +1059,7 @@ destructuringBind = do
let boundVars' = snd <$> boundVars
P.lookAhead (openBlockWith "=")
pure (p, boundVars')
scrute <- block "=" -- Dwight K. Scrute ("The People's Scrutinee")
(_spanAnn, scrute) <- block "=" -- Dwight K. Scrute ("The People's Scrutinee")
let guard = Nothing
let absChain vs t = foldr (\v t -> ABT.abs' (ann t) v t) t vs
thecase t = Term.MatchCase p (fmap (absChain boundVars) guard) $ absChain boundVars t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1073,9 +1097,11 @@ binding = label "binding" do
Nothing -> do
-- we haven't seen a type annotation, so lookahead to '=' before commit
(lhsLoc, name, args) <- P.try (lhs <* P.lookAhead (openBlockWith "="))
body <- block "="
(_bodySpanAnn, body) <- block "="
verifyRelativeName' (fmap Name.unsafeFromVar name)
let binding = mkBinding lhsLoc args body
-- We don't actually use the span annotation from the block (yet) because it
-- may contain a bunch of white-space and comments following a top-level-definition.
let spanAnn = ann lhsLoc <> ann binding
pure $ ((spanAnn, (L.payload name)), binding)
Just (nameT, typ) -> do
Expand All @@ -1084,8 +1110,10 @@ binding = label "binding" do
when (L.payload name /= L.payload nameT) $
customFailure $
SignatureNeedsAccompanyingBody nameT
body <- block "="
(_bodySpanAnn, body) <- block "="
let binding = mkBinding lhsLoc args body
-- We don't actually use the span annotation from the block (yet) because it
-- may contain a bunch of white-space and comments following a top-level-definition.
let spanAnn = ann nameT <> ann binding
pure $ ((spanAnn, L.payload name), Term.ann (ann nameT <> ann binding) binding typ)
Expand All @@ -1097,7 +1125,7 @@ binding = label "binding" do
customFailure :: (P.MonadParsec e s m) => e -> m a
customFailure = P.customFailure

block :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => String -> TermP v m
block :: forall m v. (Monad m, Var v) => String -> P v m (Ann, Term v Ann)
block s = block' False s (openBlockWith s) closeBlock

-- example: use + ++ x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1167,25 +1195,32 @@ substImports ns imports =
Names.hasTypeNamed Names.IncludeSuffixes (Name.unsafeFromVar full) ns

block' :: (Monad m, Var v) => IsTop -> String -> P v m (L.Token ()) -> P v m (L.Token ()) -> TermP v m
block' ::
(Monad m, Var v) =>
IsTop ->
String ->
P v m (L.Token ()) ->
P v m (L.Token ()) ->
P v m (Ann {- ann which spans the whole block -}, Term v Ann)
block' isTop = block'' isTop False

block'' ::
forall m v b.
(Monad m, Var v) =>
forall m v end.
(Monad m, Var v, Annotated end) =>
IsTop ->
Bool -> -- `True` means insert `()` at end of block if it ends with a statement
String ->
P v m (L.Token ()) ->
P v m b ->
TermP v m
P v m end ->
P v m (Ann {- ann which spans the whole block -}, Term v Ann)
block'' isTop implicitUnitAtEnd s openBlock closeBlock = do
open <- openBlock
(names, imports) <- imports
_ <- optional semi
statements <- local (\e -> e {names = names}) $ sepBy semi statement
_ <- closeBlock
substImports names imports <$> go open statements
end <- closeBlock
body <- substImports names imports <$> go open statements
pure (ann open <> ann end, body)
statement = asum [Binding <$> binding, DestructuringBind <$> destructuringBind, Action <$> blockTerm]
go :: L.Token () -> [BlockElement v] -> P v m (Term v Ann)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion unison-cli/src/Unison/Codebase/Editor/HandleInput.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ loop e = do
Cli.InvalidSourceNameError -> lift $ Cli.returnEarly $ Output.InvalidSourceName filePath
Cli.LoadError -> lift $ Cli.returnEarly $ Output.SourceLoadFailed filePath
Cli.LoadSuccess contents -> pure contents
let updatedSource = Format.applyFormatUpdates updates source
let updatedSource = Format.applyTextReplacements updates source
liftIO $ writeSource (Text.pack filePath) updatedSource
DebugDumpNamespacesI -> do
let seen h = State.gets (Set.member h)
Expand Down

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