released this
18 Jan 07:51
Bug Fixes
commands: update rev command description and examples #257 (73178c7 )
compiler: return null instead of error message for missing file (c225e03 )
compiler: throw exception for missing file (8e756d7 )
DatabaseInsCommand: add error handling and notify on failure (4495873 )
diff: remove unused imports in DiffLangSketch (19878e6 )
i18n: update sketch composer mode label (167db9c )
run: handle exceptions in AutoDevRunAction and cleanup code #257 (eb7bf0a )
sketch: remove DevinsError check in SketchToolWindow (51f8994 )
test: update assertion message in JavaScriptVersionProviderTest (f8f0d82 )
toolExamples: correct instruction for handling existing files (52a0b89 )
ui: set preferred size for buttons in SingleFileDiffView (b0e756f )
diff: add run and repair diff actions (26e4c76 )
project: add ProjectFileUtil for file project checks #275 (a17ab78 )
shell: enhance shell cmd exec, refactor service, update examples (c370c05 )
shell: enhance shell command execution and refactor service #257 (4d8c9a6 )
sketch: add build tool info and improve UI styling #257 (f4780b8 )
sketch: add mermaid and plantuml support #257 (5b89cf8 )
sketch: add mermaid and plantuml support #257 (4420024 )
sketch: update diff stream diff block #257 (97159a6 )
snippet: add AutoInputService for DevIn language support #257 (b3a5b0c )
toolbar: add NewSketchAction for creating sketch panels #257 (8805d5a )
ui: add copy-to-clipboard functionality and cleanup logic #257 (a74d2da )
ui: conditionally add header for multiple file patches #257 (69fd27b )
vcs: add RevisionProvider interface and improve DiffSimplifier #257 (de54736 )
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