This is the code repository for our paper "Causal Social Explanations for Stochastic Sequential Multi-Agent Decision-Making" by Gyevnar et al [1] published at AAMAS 2024 in Auckland, New Zealand. The following document describes the installation process and usage of the code to reproduce our results.
This software relies on the IGP2 package to simulate road interactions in scenarios with an autonomous vehicle.
If you use our code in your work then please cite our paper:
author = {Gyevnar, Balint and Wang, Cheng and Lucas, Christopher G. and Cohen, Shay B. and Albrecht, Stefano V.},
title = {Causal Explanations for Sequential Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems},
year = {2024},
publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
address = {Richland, SC},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
pages = {771-779},
numpages = {9},
location = {Auckland, New Zealand},
series = {AAMAS '24},
The recommended way to install CEMA is using uv
, which is a super-fast Python package manager which supports pip. You can download uv
from here. Once downloaded, you can run the following commands to download and use CEMA:
uv pip install git+
cd cema
uv run cema
If you wish to use the LLM-based functionallity of CEMA, you should run the following command:
uv pip install "cema[llm] @ git+"
cd cema
uv run cema
Alternatively, you can follow the standard pip installation method:
pip install git+
cd cema
python -m cema
To reproduce results from the paper you can use the already existing scripts.
Simply run the script python
to generate explanations by specifying various commandline arguments which you can get help with using the -h
commandline argument.
For example, to obtain explanations of the autonomous vehicle behaviour in scenario 1, you can run:
python 1
If you wish to plot the simulation, you can do so by specifying the --plot
commandline argument (currently we only use matplotlib so plotting is rather slow).
Plots of the explanations are generated automatically after executing each query.
To reproduce all our results you can just run the bash
script to generate all results and outputs.
To generate results for a particular scenario and query, first run the scenario and the corresponding queries (currently defined in final_queries.json
) and save the results using the following command:
python $scenario_id$ --query_path scenarios/queries/final_queries.json --save_causes
After saving the results, you can plot the causal attributions and generate the natural language explanations for a given scenario and query by running the following command:
python $scenario_id$ $query_index$
The road layout in each scenario is defined using the ASAM OpenDrive standard v1.6.
You can add your own maps for testing in the folder scenarios/maps
You can add new scenarios for testing by creating a new configuration file in the scenarios/configs
The file should be a well-formatted JSON file, that can be read using Python's built-in tools.
If the new scenario has ID N, then the filename should be scenarioN.json
For an example usage you can refer to scenarios/configs/scenario1.json
The configuration file has the following structure, fields, and types.
- Fields with an exclamation mark (!) must always be included.
- Angles should be in radians in the range [-pi,pi].
|____scenario: dict
| |____!map_path: str The path to the OpenDrive *.xodr file for the road layout
| |____max_speed: float The maximum speed allowed in the scenario
| |____fps: int Execution frequency of the simulation
| |____seed: int Random seed
| |____max_steps: int If given, stop executing simulation after this many steps
|____agents: list
| |____agent*: dict List of agents to spawn
| | |____!id: int The numerical identifier of the agent
| | |____!type: str The type of the agent. Currently, only MCTSAgent and TrafficAgent is supported
| | |____!spawn: dict
| | | |____!box: dict The area to spawn the vehicle in
| | | | |____!center: list[float] The center of the spawn area
| | | | |____!length: float The length of the spawn area
| | | | |____!width: float The width of the spawn area
| | | | |____!heading: float The heading of the spawn area
| | | |____velocity: list[float] The spawn velocity range for random sampling
| | |____!goal: dict
| | | |____!box: dict The area for the vehicle to reach
| | | | |____!center: list[float] The center of the goal area
| | | | |____!length: float The length of the goal area
| | | | |____!width: float The width of the goal area
| | | | |____!heading: float The heading of the goal area
------The following is for MCTSAgents (and subclasses) only------
| | |____cost_factors: dict The cost weighing factors for IGP2 goal recognition
| | | |____time: float Time to goal
| | | |____velocity: float Average velocity
| | | |____acceleration: float Average acceleration
| | | |____jerk: float Average jerk
| | | |____heading: float Average heading
| | | |____angular_velocity: float Average angular velocity
| | | |____angular_acceleration: float Average angular acceleration
| | | |____curvature: float Average curvature
| | | |____safety: float Safety of trajectory
| | |____mcts: dict MCTS parameters
| | | |____t_update: float Runtime period of MCTS in seconds
| | | |____n_simulations: int Number of rollouts in MCTS
| | | |____store_results: str Either 'all' or 'final'. If absent, results are not stored
| | | |____reward_factors: dict MCTS reward factors
| | | | |____time: float Time to goal
| | | | |____jerk: float Average jerk
| | | | |____angular_velocity: float Average angular velocity
| | | | |____curvature: float Average curvature
| | | | |____safety: float Safety term. Currently, not used.
| | |____view_radius: float Radius of circle centered on the vehicle, in which it can observe the environment
| | |____kinematic: bool Whether to use a bicycle-model vehicle for simulations or a trajectory state-following vehicle;
the latter must be used for CARLA.
------The following is for XAVIAgents only------
| | |____explainer: dict
| | | |____tau_limits: list[int] Lower and upper bounds on the distance of tau from t_action
| | | |____cf_n_trajectories: int Number of trajectories to generate for non-ego agents with A*
| | | |____cf_n_simulations: int Number of simulations for counterfactual MCTS simulation
| | | |____cf_max_depth: int Maximum search depth for counterfactual MCTS simulation
| | | |____tau_limits: list[float] A list of two floats that specify tau_min and tau_max
| | | |____time_limits: list[float] Limits on how far back to the past and into the future we look for explanations
| | | |____alpha: float Additive smoothing weight parameter
For a given scenario you can define a set of queries that you wish to be explained during the simulation of the scenario.
A list of queries is given as a well-formed JSON file.
If your scenario has ID N, then you can place your query file into the folder scenarios/queries
with the filename query_scenarioN.json
and our script will automatically use the queries in that file.
Alternatively, you can specify the query path using the --query_path
commandline argument.
A query file should have the following format:
|____query_list: list A list of queries
| |____query: dict A query defined as dictionary
| | |____type: str The query type: either why, whynot, whatif, or what
| | |____agent_id: int The ID of the vehicle to explain. Usually 0 for the ego.
| | |____action: list[str]|str The list of actions to explain. Or a single action to explain.
| | |____tense: str The grammatical tense of the user question. Either, past, present, or future.
| | |____factual: list[str]|str The factual list of actions used for non-negative whatif and whynot queries.
| | |____t_query: int The timestep to execute the query on.
| | |____t_action: int The start timestep of the actions in question. Only needed for what type query.
| | |____negative: bool Whether the sentence is negated or not.
[1] B. Gyevnar, C. Wang, C.G. Lucas, S.B. Cohen, S.V. Albrecht; Causal Explanations for Sequential Decision-Making in Multi-Agent System, Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS '24), Auckland, New Zealand, 2024