iOS helper library that contains commonly used code in Uptech iOS projects.
🔧 Foundation Helpers
Array extensions
- safe subscript
- next, previous, remove Element methods
- subscript by indexPath
🖼️ UIKit Helpers
- Protocols
Protocol that helps with reusable cells.
If used on UITableViewCell subclasses provides handy methods for registering and dequeueing cells in UITableView's
Protocol that helps to initialize view with xib.
- Table & Collection View helpers
- dequeue and register methods for cells that confirm's to ReusableCell and optionally NibInitializable (for cell's created via xibs)
- UI-in-code helpers
- UIView extensions:
- subview adding, insertions with constrains
- corner radius
- NSLayoutConstraint:
- priority changing method
- constraint activation method for array of constrains
- UILayoutPriority:
- frequently used values
- UIView extensions:
🕊️ SwiftUI helpers
- ProportionalHStack and ProportionalVStack
- Layouts that resizes views with given proportions
- ProportionalHStack and ProportionalVStack
View extensions
- conditionalModifiers (if, if/else), regular modifier
- customOnChange
- size/frame/offset/safeAreaInsets readers
Note: Instructions below are for using SwiftPM without the Xcode UI. It's the easiest to go to your Project Settings -> Swift Packages and add Package from there using link
Package contains 4 libraries:
- UptechFoundationHelper
- UptechUIKitHelper
- UptechSwiftUIHelper
- Uptech-iOS-Helpers (first 3 combined)
To integrate using Apple's Swift package manager, without Xcode integration, add the following as a dependency to your Package.swift:
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.1"))
CocoaPods is deprecated starting with version 2.0.0