- The project is divided into 3 parts: AR-Tag detection, superimposition of an image onto to the tag, and drawing a cuboid onto the tag.
- OpenCV methods such as find-homography and warp-perspective have not been used to develop any part of the project.
- The input and output of the project are video files.
- Ideally, all video formats that are supported by the OpenCV library should be supported by the project. We have only tested the code with the MP4 format.
- Output of the project is a video, in AVI format, that combines all the 3 parts of the project.
- OpenCV methods such as findContours, contourArea, and approxPolyDP have been used to detect contours within an image.
- Among the various contours found from the image, ar-tags were found by restricting our search to contours with closed regions of 4 points.
- The output can be seen below in Figure 1 for single as well as multiple tags.
Figure 1 - Stages of tag detection
- Methods to find homography and warp images were developed to warp the image in Figure 2 into the video frame.
- The final output can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 2 - Image for superimposition
Figure 3 - Superimposition of image on single and multiple AR Tags
- Reference 3D points were taken, then new points were found using projectionPoints method of OpenCV and finally drawContours was used to draw the cube on the video frame.
- 3D projection can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4 - 3D-Projection of cuboid on single and multiple AR Tags
- The project is developed under the BSD 3-Clause license to comply with the standard license of the OpenCV library.
- Umang Rastogi - Robotics graduate student at UMD interested in working in the autonomous vehicle industry
- Sayani Roy - UMD Robotics Graduate student interested in medical robotics
- Prateek Bhargava - UMD Robotics Graduate student interested in space robotics
- Python3
- Python3-tk
- Python3 Libraries: Opencv-python and Numpy
- Install Python3, Python3-tk, and the necessary libraries: (if not already installed)
sudo apt install python3 python3-tk
pip3 install opencv-python numpy
- Check if your system successfully installed all the dependencies
- Open terminal using
and enterpython3
- The terminal should now present a new area represented by
to enter python commands - Now use the following commands to check libraries: (Exit python window using
if an error pops up while running the below commands)
import tkinter
import cv2
import numpy
- Extract the compressed folder onto your system
- Go into the project directory
- Open a terminal window by right-clicking on empty space within the folder and then click
Open in Terminal
and run the following commands:
cd Code/
python3 main.py path/input-file-name.mp4 path/output-file-name.avi
- For instance:
python3 main.py videos/Tag0.mp4 videos/output_tag0.avi
- Note that the program takes 2 input arguments to run: location of the input video file and destination to store the output video
- Checkout this link to go to the google drive folder with all our final video outputs.
- Please note that each video contains output for all three parts of the project, i.e., tag detection, image superimposition, and draw 3D cube on the tag.
- Output has been generated for each provided file, i.e., from Tag0.mp4 to multipleTags.mp4.
- A sample of the final output can be seen in Figure 5.