this is the code from which you can control a differential robot from your laptop running ros.the esp32 will receive commands over udp.
first open a terminal in your laptop can run roscore command then open another terminal and run rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard, this will be used to control your robot.
1: create a new folder named as teleop_ws. inside create a new folder src.
2: open terminal and cd into teleop_ws and write catkin_make
3: cd into src
4: catkin_create_pkg my_package std_msgs rospy. (this will make a folder name my_package in src)
5: go into that folder(my_package) and open src, you should paste your laptop code here which should be named as (inside src folder).
5.1: open terminal cd to where u paste file and run this command : chmod +x
6: next go back into my_package and open CMakeLists.txt
7: inside CMakeLists.txt paste this at the end of the file :
8: cd back into teleop_ws and run this command in terminal : catkin_make
9: then write this command : source devel/setup.bash
10: then write this command : rosrun my_package
and you are done. now from step 6 you will send commands to and will send commands to esp32 over udp. ENJOY!
i am working on esp32 code to implement pid control by using encoders.and also to send encoder values back to pc for odometry and visualize my robot in rviz. i dont own a lidar so i will use sharp ir sensor to map a room in rviz.