This package is a "copy-then-modify" version of @types/wordpress__customize-browser. These definitions were written by Marek Dědič
This package contains typings for the WordPress Customizer JavaScript API. The typings were recreated by reading the source code, which is very complicated and so the typings may contain mistakes. Additionally, there are some TODOs - usually places where any
was used because of a lack of understanding of the API. Feel free to propose a PR fixing any of those.
The package adds type-checking to the built-in functions, so you can just use something like
completeCallback: () => {
wp.customize.section('colors').activate(); // show after nav hides completely
However, if you want to use the types directly, they are exported under the wordpress__customize
namespace, so, rewriting the same to use a function:
function fun(section: wordpress__customize.Section): void {
completeCallback: () => {
wp.customize.section('colors').activate(); // show after nav hides completely
wp.customize.section('nav', fun);