There are so many common logics in many projects I maintain in daily development. Sometimes, you will need some kits to ship features. For example, debounce, throttle in optimizing frequent user clicking. Sending http packages by axios with custom interceptors, etc. I need a series of kits to improve my efficiency. So the I publish it to npm called @ustinian-wang/kit
You can use it in your CSR project. These kits mainly face to browser.
yarn add @ustinian-wang/kit
import { cloneDeep } from "@ustinian-wang/kit";
let oldObj = {
a: 66
console.log( cloneDeep( oldObj ) );//"{ 'a': 66}"
console.log(cloneDeep(oldObj) === oldObj);//false
the documentations are generated by jsdoc. See Documentation in more details.
if you want me to support more common functions to kit, leave your feedbacks in the issue. Thanks for your patient reading