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Added and removed classes based on the class diagram #4

Added and removed classes based on the class diagram

Added and removed classes based on the class diagram #4

Workflow file for this run

# Derived from an example provided by
name: Deploy
on: [push]
name: "Deploy to server"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: configure SSH
run: |
mkdir -p ~/.ssh/
echo "$SSH_KEY" > ~/.ssh/production.key
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/production.key
cat >>~/.ssh/config <<END
Host production
HostName $SSH_HOST
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/production.key
StrictHostKeyChecking no
SSH_USER: ${{ secrets.SSH_USER }}
SSH_KEY: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
SSH_HOST: ${{ secrets.SSH_HOST }}
- name: get source code and compile
run: |
ssh production "rm -rf ./TicTacToe"
ssh production "git clone"
ssh production "cd TicTacToe;mvn clean compile package"
- name: create systemd unit file
run: |
# without enable-linger, you must be logged in??
ssh production "loginctl enable-linger"
ssh production "mkdir --parents /home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user"
ssh production "rm -f /home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service"
ssh production 'echo "[Unit]" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "Description=tictactoe" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "[Service]" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "Type=simple" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "Restart=always" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "RestartSec=5" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "ExecStart=mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=uta.cse3310.App" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "WorkingDirectory=/home/sp24_group1/TicTacToe" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "[Install]" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
ssh production 'echo "" >>/home/sp24_group1/.config/systemd/user/tictactoe.service'
- name: systemd reload
run: |
ssh production "systemctl --user daemon-reload"
- name: restart daemon
run: |
ssh production "systemctl --user enable tictactoe.service"
ssh production "systemctl --user restart tictactoe.service"
ssh production "systemctl --user status tictactoe.service"