FOREVER is a full-stack e-commerce platform built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) and integrated with Stripe and Razorpay for secure and flexible payment options. The platform offers a seamless user experience, with features that allow users to browse, search, and filter products, add items to the cart, and manage their orders. For site administrators, a custom admin panel enables easy management of products and order statuses.
- Latest Collection: Displays recently added products with transition effects, showcasing product titles and prices.
- Best Sellers: Highlights the best-selling products to capture user interest.
- Policy Section: Informative section outlining user-friendly policies such as:
- Easy Exchange Policy
- 7-Day Return Policy
- Dedicated Customer Support
- Subscription Section: Allows users to sign up for updates and promotions.
- Footer: Contains essential links, social media handles, and contact information.
- Product Display: Shows all products available on the website.
- Filter Options:
- Categories: Filter by Men, Women, Kids.
- Product Types: Filter by Topwear, Bottomwear, Winterwear.
- Sort Order: Sort products by price (Low to High, High to Low).
- Search Bar: Search products by keywords for quick access to desired items.
- Product Showcase: Highlights a specific product with its detailed description to give users insight into product quality and brand vision.
- Store Locations: Provides information on store locations.
- Job Exploration: Lists open job positions for potential applicants.
- Sign-In and Sign-Up Pages: Secure and easy-to-use authentication system for users to create accounts and manage orders.
- Product Gallery: Located on the left side, displaying high-quality images of the product.
- Product Details: Right side details including:
- Product Title
- User Reviews
- Price
- Product Description
- Available Sizes
- Add-to-Cart Option
- Related Products: Displays similar products to enhance the shopping experience.
- Cart Management:
- Increase/Decrease Quantity
- Remove Products
- View Cart Totals
- Checkout Process: On proceeding, the user is taken to a checkout page where:
- Delivery details can be added.
- Payment method selection (Stripe, Razorpay, Cash on Delivery) is available.
- Order Placement: After placing an order, users can view their order summary.
- Order Tracking: Users can view their orders, with details such as:
- Product Title
- Price
- Quantity
- Size
- Order Date
- Payment Status
- Order Status: Track the status of each order as it progresses from order placed to delivery.
- Admin Login: Secured login page with email and password authentication.
- Dashboard Features:
- Add Items: Allows admin to upload new products, with fields for title, description, price, category, and image upload.
- List Items: Displays all products currently available on the platform, with editing options.
- Orders Management: Track and update the order status through stages:
- Order Placed
- Packing
- Shipped
- Out for Delivery
- Delivered
- Front-end: React
- Back-end: Express.js, Node.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Payment Gateways: Stripe, Razorpay
This robust e-commerce solution caters to both users and administrators, providing a complete shopping experience and backend management system. The project demonstrates the power of the MERN stack in building a full-featured online store.