This python BOT will attend your online
Google Meet classes on your behalf.
No need of taking any extra stress
for your online meetings
Chromedriver v87 has been used here in this project.
If your Chromedriver is not v87 then download it from here.
Download it in accordance with your Chrome Browser Version.
Delete chromedriver.exe
before pushing it to heroku. (IMPORTANT)
If git is not installed then install git from here:
Click here to Download Git
Then run this command given below:
$ git clone
Make sure your have python3
and chrome browser
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now run command to get Cookies
To start BOT Only use this command if you intend to use it on localhost.
abc-defg-hij <-- it is your meeting code.
1. Download any code editor i prefer vscode.
2. Open with vscode or any other editor or you can use notepad.
3. Go to line 69 and replace meet code with your meet code and save.
Go to line 75
full_name_with_roll = "Utsanjan Maity CSE/18/27"
now repalce `Utsanjan Maity CSE/18/27` with your name and roll.
Why do we need it to deploy on heroku ?
If we run it on localhost we have to always manually start it.
(And if we do that then why we should call it a BOT) -
It will consume our cpu usage, data usage and our time.
Heroku provides free server hosting and 500hrs monthly
usage which will be more than enough for us.
0. Clone the repo.
1. Install requirements `$ pip install -r requirements.txt`.
2. Run command `$ python` and login to your google account.
3. Now set your meet code and your name and roll.
5. go to heroku and create a new app and enter a unique name for your app.
6. Choose region united states.
7. Now go to settings.
8. Click on add buildpack and add the following one by one and save changes.
$ python
9. Click on reveal configs vars
10. Add following vars one by one
CHROMEDRIVER_PATH /app/.chromedriver/bin/chromedriver
GOOGLE_CHROME_BIN /app/.apt/usr/bin/google-chrome
TZ Asia/Kolkata
11. Now go to Deploy Option Heroku.
12. Install heroku CLI and enter following commands one by one. <-- Heroku CLI
$ git checkout -b master
$ heroku login
13. Open command prompt or any terminal in your current directory where all files are located.
$ git init
$ heroku git:remote -a your-app-name
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "make it better"
$ git push heroku master
14. Then go to resource option and turn on the bot.
If you havent created account on Heroku create one from here.
Turn off BOT after class is completed / when you are awake.(to save heroku dyno hours).
Turn on BOT Before Sleeping so it can attend your class while your are asleep.
If you have turned off BOT after class is completed then only turn it on after 12PM.
(If you turn on it before 12PM it will again start your meeting so be careful.)
Do some changes in the python file if required.
It should then work for you as well.
Turn Off two step verification if enabled in your gmail account.
Dont use your primary gmail account.
First run and get your gmail account cookies. ( NECESSARY i repeat it is NECESSARY )
Dont share these cookies with anyone.
This BOT is created for educational purposes only.
The usage of this BOT is at the own risk of the User.
The Creator shall not be held responsible for any misconduct on your behalf.
If by any chance your google account gets banned or suspended the creator shall not be accountable.
You are agreeing to all these conditions before downloading / cloning / forking this repository.
Attend all classes sincerely.
For Queries: My Instagram Profile
Check Out My YouTube Channel