This plugin allows higher educational institutions who use Digital Measures' Activity Insight to pull data using the web API (Web Services). Then use that to populate faculty publication citations, educational acheivements (degrees), and presentation citations, in MLA and APA citation standards using shortcodes.
General Public License version 2.
Install files to the /wp-content/plugins/digitalmeasures/
Add the following to your wp-config.php
, or copy or move to wp-content/digitalmeasures/
Then edit that file to reflect your Digital Measures' Web Services Account credentials.
$dm_configs = array
'default' => array
'username' => 'digital measures webservices account username goes here',
'password' => 'password goes here',
'key' => 'University key'
Enable the plugin in the plugin page of the admin section.
[digitalmeasures username="epanther" published_only="true" profile_only="false" limit="5" instance="default" format="apa"]
- username should be the username in Digital Measures for the faculty member.
- type is optional. The default is "publication".
- published_only is optional. The default is "no", and will limit publications listed to those with a status of published.
- profile_only is optional. The default is "yes", and will limit publications listed to those where "show on faculty profile page" in Digital Measures is set to "yes".
- limit is optional. The default is "0" which lists all matching publications, otherwise this is the maximum number of publications to list.
- instance is optional. This will choose which instance of Digital Meausres to pull from. These are setup in the file.
- format is optional. This decides which citation standard to use. Options are "mla" for MLA style or "apa" for APA style. The default style is MLA.
- authors is optional. If present this will limit the authors in the following way:
- If the number of authors on the publication is less than this value, all authors are shown.
- If the number of authors on the publication is one more than all authors, all authors are shown.
- If the number of authors on the publication is two or more larger than authors, this number of authors will be shown followed by "and others" in MLA or "et. al" in APA.
- cache is optional. If supplied, it will override the "Cache Length" value entered in on the Digital Measures Settings page for the data retrieved by this instance of the shortcode.
- unpublished_text is optional. If supplied, it will override the "Alternate Text for Unpublished Works" value entered in on the Digital Measures Settings page for the data retrieved by this instance of the shortcode.
[digitalmeasures type="education" username="epanther" show_location="true" show_dates="range"]
[digitalmeasures type="education" username="epanther" show_dates="true"]
- username should be the username in Digital Measures for the faculty member.
- type should be "education" to show the education of a faculty member.
- show_location is optional. This controls showing or not showing the locations (city and state) of the university the degree was earned at. The default is "false".
- show_dates is optional. This controls if and how the dates of the degree are shown. The default is "false".
- true shows the completion date only.
- range shows the start and end dates for the degrees.
- false doesn't show the dates at all.
[digitalmeasures type="presentations" username="epanther" profile_only="false" limit="5" instance="default" format="apa"]
- username should be the username in Digital Measures for the faculty member.
- type should be "presentations" to show presentations.
- profile_only is optional. The default is "yes", and will limit presentations listed to those where "show on faculty profile page" in Digital Measures is set to "yes".
- limit is optional. The default is "0" which lists all matching presentations, otherwise this is the maximum number of presentations to list.
- instance is optional. This will choose which instance of Digital Measures to pull from. These are setup in the file.
- format is optional. This decides which citation standard to use. Options are "mla" for MLA style or "apa" for APA style, default is MLA.
- authors is optional. If present this will limit the authors in the following way:
- If the number of authors on the presentation is less than this value, all authors are shown.
- If the number of authors on the presentation is one more than all authors, all authors are shown.
- If the number of authors on the presentation is two or more larger than authors, this number of authors will be shown followed by "and others" in MLA or "et. al" in APA.
[digitalmeasures type="awards" username="epanther"]
- username should be the username in Digital Measures for the faculty member.
- type should be "awards" to show awards.
- limit is optional. The default is "0" which lists all awards, otherwise this is the maximum number of awards to list.
[digitalmeasures type="current_research" username="epanther"]
- username should be the username in Digital Measures for the faculty member.
- type should be "current_research" to show current research.
- limit is optional. The default is "0" which lists all research, otherwise this is the maximum number of items to list.
[digitalmeasures type="grants" username="epanther"]
- username should be the username in Digital Measures for the faculty member.
- type should be "grants" to show grants.
- limit is optional. The default is "0" which lists all grants, otherwise this is the maximum number of grants to list.