- Buttons, Sticks, Analog Triggers
- Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- Touchpad
- Haptic Feedback
- Battery State
- Pairing
- Up to 2 controllers
- Limitations:
- Compatible with ESP32 only
- WIFI is blocked during bluetooth transmission
Update your mos.yml
- ["ds4.enable", true]
- origin: https://github.com/v-kiniv/ds4
If you want to start DS4 bluetooth service manually, leave ds4.enable
by default), and call mgos_ds4_start()
and mgos_ds4_stop()
Check out full source code of the example project at: https://github.com/v-kiniv/ds4-example
// ...
static void ds4_input_cb(int ev, void *evd, void *userdata)
bool res = false;
struct mgos_ds4_input_arg *event = (struct mgos_ds4_input_arg *) evd;
struct mgos_ds4_3axis *s = NULL;
// Share button: print battery status
if(event->button_down.share) {
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Controller #%u battery: %d%%(%s)",
event->state.battery.status == DS4_PS_CHARGING ? "charging" : "discharging"
// PS button: disconnect controller
if(event->button_down.ps) {
mgos_ds4_led_set(event->index, 0, 0, 0);
res = mgos_ds4_disconnect(event->index);
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Disconnect controller #%u: %s",
event->index, res ? "success" : "fail"));
// Cross button: button_down event
if(event->button_down.cross) {
if(event->button_up.cross) {
// Sticks: stick_move event update LED color and brightness
if(event->stick_move[0] || event->stick_move[1])
uint8_t l = 255 - (127 - event->state.stick[1].y);
uint8_t r = (127 - event->state.stick[0].y) * l / 255;
uint8_t g = (127 - event->state.stick[0].x) * l / 255;
uint8_t b = (127 - event->state.stick[1].x) * l / 255;
mgos_ds4_led_set(event->index, r, g, b);
// Triggers: trigger_move event set rumble and LED blink
if(event->trigger_move[0] || event->trigger_move[1]) {
mgos_ds4_rumble_set(event->index, event->state.trigger[1],
// Hold Circle: print gyroscope data
if(event->state.button.circle && event->gyro_move) {
s = &event->state.gyro;
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Gyroscope PITCH: %05d, YAW: %05d, ROLL: %05d",
s->x, s->y, s->z));
// Hold Triangle: print accelerometer data
if(event->state.button.triangle && event->accel_move) {
s = &event->state.accel;
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Accelerometer X: %05d, Y: %05d, Z: %05d", s->x, s->y, s->z));
// Touchpad: print coords for each finger
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
s = &event->state.touchpad[i];
if(s->z) {
LOG(LL_INFO, ("Finger #%d X:%04d, Y: %04d", i + 1, s->x, s->y));
// ...
Input event triggered everytime new data received from a controller, the state
of all buttons and sensors stored in event->state
To track when stick, trigger, gyroscope or accelerometer data is actually
changed(stick moved, trigger pressed), use one of the available event->*_move
Note that event->*_move
flags for analog values rely on throttle, so when it is disabled, the flags will always be true
due to
- Call
- Hold PS button + Share on the controller until the LED blinks white
- First found DS4 controller will be paired
- The paired controller will be disconnected after 1 second and bluetooth service will switch back to listening mode
- Press PS button to connect paired controller
If no device discovered after 12.8 seconds, discovery will stop and bluetooth service will switch back to listening mode. You can adjust that timeout in the config - ds4.discovery_timeout
Note: calling mgos_ds4_discover_and_pair()
will disconnect all currently connected controllers.
To reduce jitter in analog values stream, the library have a basic throttle mechanism. Throttle thresholds can be adjusted in the config:
- ["ds4.stick_threshold", "i", 1]
- ["ds4.trigger_threshold", "i", 2]
- ["ds4.gyro_threshold", "i", 50]
- ["ds4.accel_threshold", "i", 300]
Sometimes after releasing stick or trigger, it may not return to the rest position, in which case, controller report values greater than zero. The library uses deadzone configuration, values lower than deadzone threshold will be replaced by zero.
- ["ds4.stick_deadzone", "i", 15}]
- ["ds4.trigger_deadzone", "i", 5}]
See mgos_ds4.h
for more information regarding data structure and available methods.
Thanks to these projects and their authors for finding a way to connect to HID device over Classic Bluetooth(ESP-IDF implements high-level API for HID over BLE, but lack for Classic BT).
Thanks to the authors of the Sony HID driver for Linux: