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vNugglets.Utility PowerShell Module

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This is the PowerShell module created from the nugglets from This repo is the place where the code can reside, separate from the blog, for easier/central consumption and collaboration.

Some of the functionality provided by the cmdlets in this module:

  • VIRole management (copying/duplicating)
  • Finding VMs in inventory by attributes other than "name", like by the guest IP address, by the RDMs it may have, by the virtual portgroup to which it is connected
  • Mining VMHost information, like host and peripheral firmware information, HBA WWNs, logical drive information, information about "broken" vmnics
  • Establishing VM network to virtual portgroup physical uplink relationship information (which of the active uplinks is VM0 actually currently using?)
  • Mining VM information, like standard and RDM disks, EVC setting
  • vCenter connection information (in title of PowerShell window)
  • Datastore evacuation, template evacuation from VMHosts
  • Mining virtual portgroup information (cluster-locations)
  • Determining parent/base vSphere object types for use in parameter type-ing in subsequent function development


Chomping at the bit to get going with using this module? Of course you are! Go like this: Find and install the module from the PowerShell Gallery, installing for the Current User only (as specified by -Scope)

Find-Module vNugglets.Utility | Install-Module -Scope CurrentUser


There are examples of some of the usages of the cmdlets in this PowerShell module at the module's GitHub Pages page

Getting Help

The cmdlets in this module all have proper help, so you can learn and discover just as you would and do with any other legitimate PowerShell module:

  • Get-Command -Module <moduleName>
  • Get-Help -Full <cmdlet-name>


The ChangeLog for this module is, of course, a log of the major changes through the module's hitory. Enjoy the story.

Other Notes

Manual install if one were so inclined:

  • download the module, either from the latest release's .zip file on the vNugglets.Utility Releases page, or by cloning the project to some local folder with Git via: PS C:\> git clone C:\temp\MyVNuggsRepoCopy
  • put the actual PowerShell module directory in some place that you like to keep your modules, say, like this, which copies the module to your personal Modules directory: PS C:\> Copy-Item -Recurse -Path C:\temp\MyVNuggsRepoCopy\vNugglets.Utility\ -Destination ~\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\vNugglets.Utility
  • import the PowerShell module into the current PowerShell session: PS C:\> Import-Module -Name vNugglets.Utility or, if the vNugglets.Utility module folder is not in your Env:\PSModulePath, specify the whole path to the module folder, like: PS C:\> Import-Module -Name \\\PSModules\vNugglets.Utility

A few notes on updates to this repo:

Dec 2016

  • initial public release

Nov 2016

  • started whole hog on creating PowerShell module to try to contain all of this goodness

Sep 2016

  • created repository, populated with first nugglet