Ames is a city in Iowa, United States.The dataset provides information about the various factors that influence the sale price of house in ames city. Most of the variables are exactly the type of information that a typical home buyer would want to know about a potential property. This project will study the various features which affects the sale price of the house and create a regression model based on the Ames Housing Dataset, which can be used to predict the sale price of a house based on those influential features.
1.Reading train Data
2.Display data
3.Data types
4.Data description
5.Null values
6.Overview of dataset
7.Dropping Unnecessary Rows
8.Filling Missing values
9.Complete Dataset
1.Summary Statistics
2.Exploratory Visualizations
1.Categorical columns
2.Ordinal Columns
3.Nominal Columns
4.Numerical Columns
5.Label Encoding
6.One Hot Encoding
1.Creating features matrix (
) and target vector (y
2.Train/test split
4.Instantiating Models
5.Model Fitting and Evaluation
6.Final Model
1.Reading test Data
2.Display Data
3.Data types
4.Number of null Values
5.Filling Null values
6.Summary Statistics
7.Label Encoding
8.One Hot Encoding
11.Creating .csv file
This involves importing the train dataset and process of detecting and correcting inaccurate records of the data and then replacing, modifying and deleting the coarse data.The datset has numerous null values which are imputed based on statistics and dropping outliers to attain a ccomplete dataset without any null values.
train data
The data has 81 columns which include 22 nominal, 21 ordinal, 38 numeric variables
Feature | Description |
ID (Discrete) | Identification number |
PID (Nominal) | Parcel identification number - can be used with city web site for parcel review. |
MS SubClass (Nominal) | Identifies the type of dwelling involved in the sale. |
MS Zoning (Nominal) | Identifies the general zoning classification of the sale. |
Lot Frontage (Continuous) | Linear feet of street connected to property |
Lot Area (Continuous) | Lot size in square feet |
Street (Nominal) | Type of road access to property |
Alley (Nominal) | Type of alley access to property |
Lot Shape (Ordinal) | General shape of property |
Land Contour (Nominal) | Flatness of the property |
Utilities (Ordinal) | Type of utilities available |
Lot Config (Nominal) | Lot configuration |
Land Slope (Ordinal) | Slope of property |
Neighborhood (Nominal) | Physical locations within Ames city limits (map available) |
Condition 1 (Nominal) | Proximity to various conditions |
Condition 2 (Nominal) | Proximity to various conditions (if more than one is present) |
Bldg Type (Nominal) | Type of dwelling |
House Style (Nominal) | Style of dwelling |
Overall Qual (Ordinal) | Rates the overall material and finish of the house |
Overall Cond (Ordinal) | Rates the overall condition of the house |
Year Built (Discrete) | Original construction date |
Year Remod/Add (Discrete) | Remodel date (same as construction date if no remodeling or additions) |
Roof Style (Nominal) | Type of roof |
Roof Matl (Nominal) | Roof material |
Exterior 1 (Nominal) | Exterior covering on house |
Exterior 2 (Nominal) | Exterior covering on house (if more than one material) |
Mas Vnr Type (Nominal) | Masonry veneer type |
Mas Vnr Area (Continuous) | Masonry veneer area in square feet |
Exter Qual (Ordinal) | Evaluates the quality of the material on the exterior |
Exter Cond (Ordinal) | Evaluates the present condition of the material on the exterior |
Foundation (Nominal) | Type of foundation |
Bsmt Qual (Ordinal) | Evaluates the height of the basement |
Bsmt Cond (Ordinal) | Evaluates the general condition of the basement |
Bsmt Exposure (Ordinal) | Refers to walkout or garden level walls |
BsmtFin Type 1 (Ordinal) | Rating of basement finished area |
BsmtFin SF 1 (Continuous) | Type 1 finished square feet |
BsmtFinType 2 (Ordinal) | Rating of basement finished area (if multiple types) |
BsmtFin SF 2 (Continuous) | Type 2 finished square feet |
Bsmt Unf SF (Continuous) | Unfinished square feet of basement area |
Total Bsmt SF (Continuous) | Total square feet of basement area |
Heating (Nominal) | Type of heating |
HeatingQC (Ordinal) | Heating quality and condition |
Central Air (Nominal) | Central air conditioning |
Electrical (Ordinal) | Electrical system |
1st Flr SF (Continuous) | First Floor square feet |
2nd Flr SF (Continuous) | Second floor square feet |
Low Qual Fin SF (Continuous) | Low quality finished square feet (all floors) |
Gr Liv Area (Continuous) | Above grade (ground) living area square feet |
Bsmt Full Bath (Discrete) | Basement full bathrooms |
Bsmt Half Bath (Discrete) | Basement half bathrooms |
Full Bath (Discrete) | Full bathrooms above grade |
Half Bath (Discrete) | Half baths above grade |
Bedroom (Discrete) | Bedrooms above grade (does NOT include basement bedrooms) |
Kitchen (Discrete) | Kitchens above grade |
KitchenQual (Ordinal) | Kitchen quality |
TotRmsAbvGrd (Discrete) | Total rooms above grade (does not include bathrooms) |
Functional (Ordinal) | Home functionality (Assume typical unless deductions are warranted) |
Fireplaces (Discrete) | Number of fireplaces |
FireplaceQu (Ordinal) | Fireplace quality |
Garage Type (Nominal) | Garage location |
Garage Yr Blt (Discrete) | Year garage was built |
Garage Finish (Ordinal) | Interior finish of the garage |
Garage Cars (Discrete) | Size of garage in car capacity |
Garage Area (Continuous) | Size of garage in square feet |
Garage Qual (Ordinal) | Garage quality |
Garage Cond (Ordinal) | Garage condition |
Paved Drive (Ordinal) | Paved driveway |
Wood Deck SF (Continuous) | Wood deck area in square feet |
Open Porch SF (Continuous) | Open porch area in square feet |
Enclosed Porch (Continuous) | Enclosed porch area in square feet |
3-Ssn Porch (Continuous) | Three season porch area in square feet |
Screen Porch (Continuous) | Screen porch area in square feet |
Pool Area (Continuous) | Pool area in square feet |
Pool QC (Ordinal) | Pool quality |
Fence (Ordinal) | Fence quality |
Misc Feature (Nominal) | Miscellaneous feature not covered in other categories |
Misc Val (Continuous) | Value of miscellaneous feature |
Mo Sold (Discrete) | Month Sold (MM) |
Yr Sold (Discrete) | Year Sold (YYYY) |
Sale Type (Nominal) | Type of sale |
Sale Condition (Nominal) | Condition of sale |
SalePrice (Continuous) | Sale price $ |
Click here to view complete data description(
This explores the descriptive and inferential statistics.
The following relationship has been graphically visualised:
Histogram-the spread of Sale Price
Scatter plot -to understand the relationship between Sale Price and Living Area and the relationship between Sale price and Year Sold
Pair plot- to understand the relationship between Sale Price and Garage area,Living Area and Basement Area
This involves seperating the columns into nominal,ordinal and numerical values.Using Label encoding to impute values into ordinal columns based on the rating of the category and One hot Encoding to impute values on nominal columns.
This involves creating features matrix (X
) and target vector (y
),Spliting the data into train and test set,scaling the features and instatiating the models.This table shows the models with corresponding r2 value.
Regression Type | R2 Values |
Linear Regression | -1.56852 |
Lasso Regression | 0.79699423 |
Ridge Regression | 0.839138 |
Elastic Net Regression | 0.84045 |
Based on r2 value,Elastic Net is choosen as final model to fit and evaluate.Highly coefficient features are selected based on this model which is again trained and tested.
This shows graphical representation of features that highly influence sale Price and Elastic Net residual plot.
The top feature that highly influence the sale price at a coefficient of 16790.143356 is Overall Quality which represents the overall material and finish of the house.The other top features include size of Living Area, followed by Garage and Basement area.This is obvious as the potential buyer will look forward for all these qualities in his/her dream home.Fireplace is also one of the most influencing feature, as the temperature in winter drops to average 12 degree Farenhiet.
Another top feature that highly influences the price is properties located at Stone Brooks neighbourhood.It is clearly evident as Stone Brooke is a residential community in Ames, Iowa.Conveniently located on the north side of the city, it is within a few minutes drive or public transport ride to the Iowa State University campus and the Ames Shopping Mall.
However it is interesting to note that Exterior qulaity and kitchen quality is negatively related to Sale price.
All these features will enable property developers to better target buyers, or educate home owners on the Sale price of the houses.
This project is developed based on Ames housing dataset,It can be generalized to other cities by removing certain columns like neighbourhood which is specific to Ames city and also by gaining additional data like population, educational institutions near the property and pollution index etc.
Test data is imported and cleaned similar to train dataset.Only the features which have been slected from train data is retained in test dataset.This is trained and scaled to predict y values which is stored in .csv file along with id of the property and submitted to kaggle competititon.