The aim of this project is to evaluate compliance in the delivery of SBT within healthcare settings. We have developed an algorithm that detects SBT events in Electronic Health Records (EHR) by identifying specific signatures. This algorithm allows for comparison of SAT occurrences with documented flowsheets to assess adherence to the SBT protocol.
Please refer to the online CLIF data dictionary, ETL tools, and specific table contacts for more information on constructing the required tables and fields. List all required tables for the project here, and provide a brief rationale for why they are required.
The following tables are required:
- patient:
- hospitalization:
- medication_admin_continuous:
= 'norepinephrine', 'epinephrine', 'phenylephrine', 'vasopressin','dopamine','dobutamine','milrinone','isoproterenol'
- respiratory_support:
- patient_assessments:
= 'sbt_delivery_pass_fail','sbt_screen_pass_fail'
- vitals:
Study period: January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021 (2 years) Inclusion criteria:
Patients with at least one ICU admission & IMV during the study period (2020-2021) Age >= 18 years at the time of initial hospital admission
Output: One table1 file and One stats file output/final
Example for Python:
if Mac/Linux:
python3 -m venv .satsbt
source .satsbt/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
if Windows:
python -m venv .satsbt_ATS24
call .satsbt_ATS24\Scripts\activate.bat
pip install -r requirements.txt
Follow instructions in the config/ file for detailed configuration steps.
Detailed instructions on the code workflow are provided in the code directory