liberiaCoverage: A Shiny web application to support the implementation of health and nutrition coverage surveys in Liberia
This is a Shiny web application designed and developed during the Coverage Assessment of Direct Nutrition Interventions implemented in September 2018 by the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services with technical support from UNICEF Liberia and Valid International. This web application aims to support the implementation of health and nutrition coverage surveys in Liberia from sampling to data collection to analysis.
This web application is not yet launched online and can only be accessed locally using a computer with R installed. To install R, see instructions here.
Once R is installed in your computer, download a copy of the liberiaCoverage
web app by cloning or downloading from this GitHub repository.
To run the liberiaCoverage
Open R.
Install the required R package called
. This can be done by issuing the following commands in R:
- In R, change the working directory to the directory in your computer where you saved / that contains the
clone/download. This can be done through the following command in R:
- Once the working directory has been set to where the
app is, the web app can now be run by issuing the following command in R:
A web browser page will come up and the web application will be shown.