A python library for neuroimaging transforms
If you've landed here, you're probably interested in the Multi-Echo DIstortion Correction (MEDIC) algorithm, which this library implements.
You can find the pre-print for MEDIC here: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.11.28.568744v1.
See below for usage details.
requires julia
installed on your system. Before proceeding, please ensure that you have the julia
on your path, and that the julia
libraries are correctly setup in your ld.so.conf
(or relevant library path variable).
See the below instructions for both Linux and macOS.
Alternatively, you can install warpkit
through the provided conda
installer (need testers + feedback, if you choose this
method, please create an issue if you encounter issues). This obviates the need to install julia
since conda is setup
to install it for you automatically.
If you installed julia
via a package manager, library configuration should be done for you (most of the time) already.
However, if you installed julia
manually, you may need to tell ldconfig
where the julia
libraries are. For example,
on debian based systems you can do this with:
# /path to julia installation (the lib folder will have libjulia.so)
echo /path/to/julia/lib > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/julia.conf
If you have done this correctly, you should see libjulia.so
in your ldconfig:
ldconfig -p | grep julia
libjulia.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/libjulia.so.1
libjulia.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/libjulia.so
Hoever, the above may require root privileges, so the alternative to the above is to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
variable to the path of the julia
# /path to julia installation (the lib folder will have libjulia.so)
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/julia/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Note however, that you must type the above each time you open a new terminal. To make this permanent, you can add the
above line to your shell's profile file (e.g. .bashrc
or .zshrc
If you installed julia
through brew
, this should be done for you already.
However, if you get an error saying that libjulia
cannot be found, you may need to add the julia libraries via your
environment variable. For example, if you installed julia to /Applications/Julia-1.6.app
, you
would add the following to your shell's profile file:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Applications/Julia-1.6.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
Assuming you have julia
installed and configured correctly, you can install warpkit
through pip
pip install warpkit
If you encounter any errors during the installation process, please report them to the issue tracker with the logs
reported from pip install warpkit -v
Another way to install warpkit
is through a conda
environment. Currently, warpkit
is not uploaded to any
channels, so you will need to build it from source (Looking for help on this
For advanced users only
A meta.yaml
file is present in the conda
folder in the root of the repo. If you are familiar with conda-build
you should be able to build this with your existing conda
Fortunately, there is an automated script that will download micromamba
(a conda
variant), create a new
environment, and build/install warpkit
for you automagically. To do this, clone this repo and run the following:
# switch to conda directory in repo
cd conda
# run the install script (use -p or --path to specify an install prefix)
# by default this is set to ~/micromamba
# in your shell profile add the following lines
# or just execute them in your current shell
# but it won't be permanent
export MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX=/whatever/path/you/installed/micromamba/prefix/above
eval "$(/whatever/path/you/installed/micromamba/prefix/above/bin/micromamba shell hook -s posix)"
# if you added the above to your profile
# restart your shell then activate the environment
# unless you have already executed the above in your current shell
# then you don't need to restart it and can just activate the environment
micromamba activate base
# you should now be able to import/use warpkit
python -c "import warpkit" # should return no errors
medic --help # should return help
After installing and configuring everything, you must type micromamba activate base
each time you open a new terminal
to get back into the conda
environment to use warpkit
. To make this permanent, you can add the above line to your
shell's profile file.
If you are familiar with docker
, you can also install warpkit
through a docker
docker run -it --rm ghcr.io/vanandrew/warpkit:latest
Note that the default entrypoint is the medic
CLI script, so you can run medic --help
to get the help message.
To build and install from source, clone this repo and run the following in the repo directory. I highly recommend installing it in editable mode (with the strict option, see here):
pip install -e ./[dev] -v --config-settings editable_mode=strict
# or for zsh (you need to escape the brackets)
pip install -e ./\[dev\] -v --config-settings editable_mode=strict
You will need a C++ compiler with C++17 support, as well as Julia pre-installed on your system. See the Julia section for more details.
The build process uses CMake to build the C++/Python Extension. If you encounter an error during the build process,
please report the full logs of the build process using the -v
flag to the pip
command above.
MEDIC takes your ME-EPI phase data from this:
to this:
for each frame of your data. You can then use these field maps to distortion correct your data.
The warpkit
library is meant for integration into a larger neuroimaging pipeline/software package.
An example of how to call MEDIC from python is provided below:
import nibabel as nib
from warpkit.distortion import medic
from warpkit.utilities import displacement_map_to_field
# load phase and magnitude images into lists
# each element in list is a different echo
phases = [nib.load(p) for p in phases_paths]
magnitudes = [nib.load(p) for p in magnitude_paths]
TEs = [TE1, TE2, ...] # in milliseconds
total_readout_time = ... # in seconds
phase_encoding_direction = either i, j, k, i-, j-, k-, x , y, z, x-, y-, z-
# call the medic function
field_maps_native, displacement_maps, field_maps = medic(
phases, magnitudes, TEs, total_readout_time, phase_encoding_direction)
# field_maps_native are returned in the distorted space (Hz) (mainly for reference/debugging purposes)
# you shouldn't need to use these probably???
# displacement_maps are returned in the undistorted space (mm) (see below for usage)
# field_maps are returned in the undistorted space (Hz) (same field map output as topup/fugue, but framewise)
# returns are nibabel Nifti1Image objects, so they can be saved to file by:
# displacement_maps to file
# these should be converted to displacement fields
# by the displacement_map_to_field function
# and specifying the appropriate type (i.e. itk, ants, afni, fsl)
displacement_field = displacement_map_to_field(displacement_maps, axis="y", format="itk", frame=0)
# where axis specifies the phase encoding direction, format is the desired output format, and frame is the index of
# displacement map to convert to a displacement field
# the displacement field can then be saved to file by the to_filename method
# Each file can be applied with the respective software's displacement field application tool:
# itk: the internal format warpkit uses. See utilities.resample_image
# ants: antsApplyTransforms (note that even though ants also uses itk, warpkit's itk warp format is NOT equivalent)
# afni: 3dNwarpApply
# fsl: applywarp
# if you are using fsl and instead want to use fugue to distortion correction, you can use the field_maps outputs
# (these are the equivalent field maps of that you would get from fugue, but with multiple frames)
You can also use the provided CLI script medic
to run MEDIC from the command line. The script is installed to your
when you install the package. medic
takes the following arguments:
usage: medic [-h] --magnitude MAGNITUDE [MAGNITUDE ...] --phase PHASE
[PHASE ...] --metadata METADATA [METADATA ...]
[--out_prefix OUT_PREFIX] [-f NOISEFRAMES] [-n N_CPUS]
[--debug] [--wrap_limit]
Multi-Echo DIstortion Correction
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--magnitude MAGNITUDE [MAGNITUDE ...]
Magnitude data
--phase PHASE [PHASE ...]
Phase data
--metadata METADATA [METADATA ...]
JSON sidecar for each echo
--out_prefix OUT_PREFIX
Prefix to output field maps and displacment maps.
Number of noise frames
-n N_CPUS, --n_cpus N_CPUS
Number of CPUs to use.
--debug Debug mode
--wrap_limit Turns off some heuristics for phase unwrapping
Vahdeta Suljic <[email protected]>, Andrew Van <[email protected]>