clone the repo
Run the server
php -S localhost:8000 -t httpdocs/
You need to have the following installed
Node In Terminal type:
npm -v
Bower In Terminal type:
bower -v
Composer In Terminal type:
composer -v
To install:curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
Grunt In Terminal type:
grunt -v
To Install:npm install -g grunt-cli
php 5.4.x In Terminal type:
php -v
php mcrypt extension In Terminal type:
php -i | grep mcrypt
You should seemcrypt support => enabled
in the output. You may need to alias your version of php to point to the version in MAMP. -
Fix mcrypt In Terminal:
open ~/.bash_profile
If this file does not exist you need to create it.touch ~/.bash_profile
Find out what version of php you are running in MAMP. Click on MAMP, then the gear icon (preferences), then the PHP tab copy the version you see ie:
Add the following line to the bottom of the
file.alias php='/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.6.7/bin/php'
Reload your bash profile
. ~/.bash_profile
php -i | grep mcrypt
and see if you fixed it.
Open Terminal:
Clone Github App
cd "A director that you want to install the app ie: ~/Sites"
git clone [email protected]:vanderlin/halp.git
Setup MAMP
- doc root:
(app location)/halp/httpdocs
- Click Start Server
- doc root:
Setup Local Database
- Open sequelpro
- Host: localhost
- Click: Connect via socket
- User: root
- Password: root
- Top left - click choose database...Then add database, enter
install bower components
bower install
Setup Grunt
npm install
- To have grunt running in the background, open another terminal window and cd to the app
cd ~/Sites/halp
now just rungrunt
Leave this window open, it will listen for any changes made to files.
Run composer (this may take sometime)
composer install
Run Site Setup
php artisan site:setup
Open Chrome
$("#class").addCSSAnimation('pulse', function() {
console.log("Done with pulse");
Leaderboard Page http://localhost:8888/leaderboard
Profile Page http://localhost:8888/users/{id-or-username}
Projects List http://localhost:8888/projects
Debug Info http://localhost:8888/env http://localhost:8888/php
Auto fill the form http://localhost:8888/?title={title-of-task}&project={project}&duration={how-long-will-it-taks}
Launch a edit task http://localhost:8888/?edit_task={task_id}