CALEVE is a user-friendly meeting scheduler which is a responsive web application. This keeps track of all the meetings.
One can run the app locally on their system at localhost:2000 using the following commands on their CLI:
- Clone our project on your PC.
- Run ## npm i
- cd src
- Run ## node app.js
- Run ##mongod and ##mongo and connect to your moongoose compass.
- Then head back to your browser, open a new tab and type ## http://localhost:2000.
- This will direct you to login page.
- After you have signed in ,it will direct you to our day page.
- In the navbar there is a small icon on left. Clicking on it you will be able to see various options
- Clicking on create an event, you will see a form and after submitting the form event will be added subsequently in day week and month page.
- Since we have not done the linking of our pages, to view our week and month pages type http://localhost:2000/week and http://localhost:2000/month.