======= Is a collection of utils to make using Oracle Commerce ATG easier to develop. You can uses this as a pluggin module or just take the peices that you need and weave it into you own module
Can be used to safely get properties from a bean, map, repositoryItem Example:
String merchantName = (String)BeanUtils.getNestedProperty(commerceItem,"auxiliaryData.catalogRef.merchant.merchantName");
String shippingMethod =(String)BeanUtils.getNestedProperty(merchantGroup,"commerceItems[0].shippingGroupRelationships[0].shippingGroup.shippingMethod");
This will not throw a NullPointerException in any of the elements in the graph even if they are null. This saves you from writing all the conditional statments to ensure that each element is not null in order to avoid NullPointerException
Comparator to do in memory sorting. It works with complex object using dot notation example Note when working with ATG List,Sets and Maps when they are retrieved form the repository then they are ChangeAware this means that if you sort then you change the order in the DB!!!!
// To avoid checing the DB order disconnect the items form the List
List<RepositoryItem> result = new ArrayList<RepositoryItem>();
// now sort it
ComparableComparator comparableComparator = new ComparableComparator("a.b.c");
Collections.sort(result, comparableComparator);
Used to resolve components, will first try Request scoped then Global
Object myComponent = ComponentResolver.getComponent("/a/b/c/Component");
An imporved vesion of the OOTB InsertableServletImpl it adds a simple toggle isEnabled()
to switch to enable or pass straigh to the next servlet.
It also fix wrapping of the request and response see the code for more detailed explanation
An example of an InsertablePipelineServlet this is used to make a more efficent lookup of user profile locales, ATG default locale lookup is not very efficent and this get magnified if you are doing i18n tranlation and want to do it 1000 times in a page, that ensures that the locale is resolved and stored in a ThreadLocal variable make it much faster
The way ATG services work is a bit strange, there not wired directly to components. These classed fix this simple extend the class you need AbstractSchedulableService will run on all servers AbstractSingletonSchedulableService will run on only one server in a cluster.
It also adds a handy method for devlopment doScheduledTask()
that can be invoked from the dyn/admin
schedule=every 1 minute in 1 minute
jobDescription=This service to do MyService
Additional ATG related
For and implimantation of Java Generics in ATG see.
Also see the atgel project for a high performance expresion language implementation for ATG https://github.com/sparkred-insight/atgel
Feedback to [email protected]