Sequential and Parallel(using Open MP and Pthreads) Implementations(c++) of the K Means Clustering Algorithm and visualizing the results for a comparative study of the Speedup and Efficiency achieved in 2 different implementations
- cd into Sequential folder
g++ main_sequential.c lab1_io.c Kmeans-Sequential.cpp -fopenmp -o seq.out
./seq.out 4 sample_dataset_50000_4.txt b.txt c.txt
- 4 is for the number of clusters. Can be changed.
- To Visualize the results :-
python b.txt
- cd into OpenMP folder
g++ main_omp.c lab1_io.c Kmeans-OpenMP.cpp -fopenmp -o omp.out
./omp.out 4 2 sample_dataset_5000_3.txt b.txt c.txt
- 4 is for the number of clusters and 2 is for the number of threads. Both can be changed.
- To Visualize the results :-
python b.txt