Simple Wrapper Library over DB clients. Currently Supports PostgreSQL, MYSQL. Other DBMS support coming soon.
Using npm:
$ npm install ts-db-client
import { PGClient } from 'ts-db-client'
Default test DB Config
import { PGClient } from 'ts-db-client'
// initialize a default PG DB client
* host: "localhost"
* userName: "postgres"
* password: "admin"
* port: 5432
* database: "postgres"
const pgClient = PGClient.defaultConfig()
// Create a User DTO to map users table columns
// (if not mapped than default values will be used)
class User {
id: number = 0
handle: string = ""
// fetch<T> return single row
pgClient.fetch<User>('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1', new User(), [2])
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
Fetch multiple Rows from DB(map Rows to a DTO)
// Create a DTO for Data mapping
class User {
id: number = 0
handle: string = ""
// fetchAll will return multiple rows
// The data will be mapped to User DTO as User[]
pgClient.fetchAll<User>('SELECT * FROM users', new User())
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
Fetch All Using 1 fieldName
NOTE: If you want to return multiple rows only one row name, then we can use this method You donot need to create a DTO
// Create a DTO for Data mapping
class User {
id: number = 0
handle: string = ""
// fetchAllUsingField will return multiple fields
// but we can query using a fieldName.
// Below we are returning data using 'handle'
pgClient.fetchAllUsingField<string>('select handle from users', "handle")
.then((res: number[]) => {
.catch((err) => {
Fetch All Using 2 fieldName
NOTE: If you want to return multiple rows using only two row fieldName, then we can use this method You donot need to create a DTO
// Create a DTO for Data mapping
class User {
id: number = 0
handle: string = ""
// fetchAll will return multiple rows
// The data will be mapped to User DTO as User[]
pgClient.fetchAllUsingTwoFields<number, string>('select id, handle from users', "id", "handle")
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {