Varun Neal Srivastava
Project structure:
- the entire python program.
It can be run as-is, so long as the "lib/"
directory is populated and the "out/" directory exists.
Relevant classes and methods:
+ Mosaic class: stores images sequentially. Relevant methods:
-> select_correspondences(): manually select the correspondences
between all adjascent images.
-> find_correspondences(): detects the correspondences between
all adjascent images.
-> stitch(): stitches all images in the mosaic with respect to the
perspective of the center image
+ computeH(): given correspondences between im0 and im1, return the
homography matrix between them.
+ warp(im, corr): warps the given image im according to the correspondence
matrix provided.
+ stitch(im0, im1, corr): stitches im0, im1 according to the give correspondence
+ interp2(): naive (nearest-neighbor) interpolation method
+ ANMS(): implementation of ANMS using a binary search of get_harris_corners.
+ extract_features(): returns 64-dim feature vectors of a series of points on an image.
+ match_features(): matches two feature vectors using Nearest Neighbors and Lowe
+ RANSAC(): implementation of 4-RANSAC to robust corresponences.
+ find_correspondences(im1, im2): combines above methods to automatically find correspondences
between two images.
- the methods to generate Part A images
- the methods to generate Part B images
- the methods to generate bells and whistles images
- image tools I've made like kernals and normalizing.
- provided python file; get_harris corners slightly modified
lib/: contains some of the original images (just the jpegs).
out/: this is where output images go. Make sure to initialize this so that your code will run
- this file
- index.html: website