- Create application for authorization (Login and Register).
- Create profile page.
- Create weather functional for profile page.
- Create automation scripts for Login and Register.
- Create automation scripts for profile page.
- Create API automation scripts.
- Generate report for automation scripts.
- Use any object-oriented language (Java or Kotlin).
- Use Espresso.
- Use any Http client for API requests. (Retrofit 2)
- Use automation patterns like PageObject, ScreenObject, data-driven tests, etc.
- Use any testing frameworks (JUnit).
- Use Gradle.
- provide code and clear instructions how to run it.
Note: please put your code in public repository.
Note: Please send link to this repo when you are done.
Note: Before launching the application, you need to create an account on the site https://www.back4app.com/ After it needs to add app_id and app_key
You will need the following technologies available to try it out:
- Git
- Espresso
- Retrofit 2
- Gradle 3+
- JDK 8
- Android Studio
- Web browser Chrome
You need to write in console:
you can
open index.html file from report folder