- Please note that this script is still in development and has not yet been thoroughly tested. Use at your own risk. Don't hesitate to report bugs, this script is activley being maintained.
- Please read carefully before using the script.
- Stacks and containers need to be defined in definitions.yml (examples have been provided).
- Volume backup options include: 'bind' and 'volume', creating a backup of a bind or volume mount respectively(directory bind mounts can also be backed up as volumes).
- docker-autocompose by Red5d(credit to red5d for the awesome work - https://github.com/Red5d/docker-autocompose) is used to generate yamls, sections can be excluded as well(examples in definitions.yml).
- Image backups are not necessary for generic images(i.e Portainer, NGINX etc.) and won't restore correctly.
- Image backups use the 'docker commit' and 'docker save' commands, this may not work in some cases. Be sure to configure definitions.yml correctly.
Development Progress:
- Add exclude option for output yaml
- Fix restore function to read defined options
- Add option to backup all defined containers
- Clean output
- Catch more errors
Description: Configurable bash script used to backup and restore Docker containers and volumes/mounts.
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