WifiJammer works on python3. It use the different library of python like threading, subprocess, time, tkinter etc. It also use Aircrack-ng tool.
Aircrack-ng is a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security. We can use it for scanning and sending different type of packets wirelessly. https://www.aircrack-ng.org/
- Wifi Adapter (Support Monitor Mode)
- python3
- Library of python: os, sys, subprocess, time, threading, random, csv, tkinter, time
- python3 WifiJammer.py (For automatic Command Line script)
- python3 WifiJammerGUI.py (For Graphical User Interface)
For Command Line INterface:
- run the above code and then enter the interface name. It will automatically start disconnecting near by devices.
For GRaphical User Interface:
- First enter your wifi adapter name and click on start scan button. It will use airodump-ng tool to scan near by router and near by devices.
- It will show near by router and nearby devices in tabular form and in every row there is a button. If you click on that button it will disconnect that device using aireplay-ng tool.
- You can again click on start scan button for rescanning near by router and devices.